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Awesomeness, thy name is Cloverfield.

Loved it. Loved every single minute of it.

And I'm so glad they left the movie open ended. Not because it necessarily needs a sequel, but because it works so well being just as confused as the friends. The movie makes you feel like you're in the middle of this bizarre incident and you're all going to die. That's how you create suspense and tension - not by sticking a creepy little girl in an empty hallway saying "come plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay," that shit is old and hackneyed at this point. If it would have been a straight-forward monster movie, it would have just been fucking Godzilla Part 143198312975187402. The way the movie was filmed made it work and if they do a sequel, I hope they don't Blair Witch 2 it by making it just a standard film.
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That totally goes against the multiple websites claiming that "Cloverfield" was mutated from the sea because of Slusho! dumping materials in the water.

Or something.

Again though, I haven't seen it yet.

Also, websites claim things all the time. They're especially fond of tearing into large corporations and blaming things on them.

What's Slusho?

Slusho's a fictional drink in the Alias universe that's also present in Cloverfield. A website for it popped up a few months ago that, when you registered, would show you a satellite image of the monster coming from the sea.

Also (dunno whether to spoiler this or not, gonna just incase)

On the Slusho website it says that the main ingredient for Slusho was found deep in the ocean floor in extreme cold and under a lot of pressure. Slusho's parent company is a Japanese drilling company. Also, the scientist who discovered the ingredient has a dream after it's discovered where he goes from being a tiny little dude to ballooning up to the size of a whale.

What I get from it is that this ingredient may have made the monster.


It's in English, despite the .jp suffix.

Edited by Miss Cloudina
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DMN - I'm with ya. If I wasn't such a mark for the theater experience, I would never go just so I could avoid fanboys, fangirls, teenagers, bitter old people and your typical stupid-as-fuck-American. I used to have good theater experiences, no one ever causing trouble - until I saw Halloween this year. I was stuck next to three teenage girls that time screaming things like "DON'T GO IN DER HE BEHIND DA DOOR!" (seriously, I'm not quoting Scrubs, that was a quote) and that was in between various text messages and phone calls.

My next bad experience this year was at No Country for Old Men when the movie ended and some dumb old fuck stands up as soon as the credits roll and literally screams "DUMBEST MOVIE EVER!! WHY IS EVERYONE STILL SITTING, THE MOVIE IS OVER!!!"

Then at Cloverfield, three idiot teenagers sit directly in front of me in a wide open theater - I went at 2 pm on a Friday afternoon to deliberately avoid stupid teenagers. They were good through the movie, but as soon as it ends, "that was a waste of seven dollars" and spoilers below:

"You don't even get to see the monster die." That's the whole point you dumb fuck, you don't know if the monster dies because you're watching it through a handheld video camera. If you were expecting "RAWR I'M THE CLOVERFIELD, I'M GONNA EAT YOU!" then you, like everything else with people your age - missed the entire fucking point. I know I sound like the bitter old man, but I seriously fucking hate teenagers. And I hated them when I was a teenager, so there ya go.

Oh and I forgot when I saw Transformers, before the movie starts, the guy behind me is on his cell phone - "yeah I'm with my uncle. Well, he's not really my uncle, but he's like my uncle ya know? Like an uncle, but not really." I then promptly changed seats.

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Honestly, I don't mind the people that are like 'DON'T GO IN DER!' and shit. They don't bother me, because at least they're into the movie. Its the people that, immediately after seeing a GOOD movie, have to trash it, like it makes them superior or something. Cloverfield was a damn good movie, and I LOVED the way it was shot. If you thought it was going to be Godzilla, then its your own damn fault you didn't like it, not mine, so take your small minded gripes somewhere else.

On a more movie related note, though, can anyone explain to me why the movie was called Cloverfield? If they explained that, or its obvious, I'm just missing it. It seems like a random title.

Edited by DMN
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Honestly, I don't mind the people that are like 'DON'T GO IN DER!' and shit. They don't bother me, because at least they're into the movie. Its the people that, immediately after seeing a GOOD movie, have to trash it, like it makes them superior or something. Cloverfield was a damn good movie, and I LOVED the way it was shot. If you thought it was going to be Godzilla, then its your own damn fault you didn't like it, not mine, so take your small minded gripes somewhere else.

On a more movie related note, though, can anyone explain to me why the movie was called Cloverfield? If they explained that, or its obvious, I'm just missing it. It seems like a random title.

That's the government codename for the situation with the monster in Manhattan - at least that's how I understood it

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Abrams apparently confirmed in an interview that what fell into the ocean is a satellite. Speculation is that the team sent to recover it may have accidentally woke up the monster.

From what I've read, Manhattan was carpet bombed, not nuked.

I am debating whether or not to go see the movie, since I've already seen what the monster looks like and pretty much know the plot of the entire movie.

Whoever asked about Slusho shirts, check eBay; I know they actually did make some and gave them out or sold them at San Diego Comic-Con last year.

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Animated .gif of the monster - I got it from another board that had a really slow loading time (and I have cable) and uploaded it to my Photobucket account:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v62/Ghos...mallslowhu0.gif - DON'T CLICK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE WHAT THE MONSTER LOOKS LIKE!

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I don't think it's actually possible to 'spoil' the film from a scene or two. Yeah, I suppose already knowing when a major character may die may lessen the surprise a bit (like you expected anything else?), but this is just one of those films you need to experience, not just hear about.

Edited by Gongsun Zan
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just got back from seeing it... i will say that it was a fantastic movie... i loved it. the only thing that bothered me was the camera work... not because i didnt like the concept, but because it made me sick lol. i love that it was from the point of view of those involved and not shot like an actual movie..but dammit. blair witch made me sick and so did this. haha.

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I went and saw the movie last night and I have to agree with everyone here when they say it was awesome. It was frustrating being in that damn theatre when the movie was over and everyone was all like "Thats it?". Yes that's it. Some kids today think they need to have the whole story laid to bare before them. People missed the whole point. This was easily one of the most original movies I have even seen. And for people with questions about where the monster came from and such, if you follow all of the viral advertising for the movie, you can pretty much piece together the world that Cloverfield took place in.

The most entertaining thing for me is telling people that haven't seen it that Cloverfield is a love story...

I forgot to mention my only complaint. You see the monster too much.

Edited by Brimstone13
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