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Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles

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When I first heard about the show, it was rumoured that was going to be made and the next thing I hear, it's almost ready to debut.

I love the Terminator movie series and it seems odd that so much of this show's development escaped my notice.

I suppose it could be they thought it'd only fly in America and they just hyped it there.

Whatever the case, I'll definitely give this a watch.

Edited by The Ego II
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I've watched all three episodes so far and have really enjoyed it. I was expecting an action packed show that ties into the terminator story, and that is what I got.

I thought that she was sleeping with a teacher or something, I thought that was what was drawn onto the window, plus they hung a bra there too.
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  • 9 months later...

I know I have bumped an old thread, but I did not want to make a new one since there was already one on the board.

Watched the Premier of the second series tonight on Virgin 1. I have to say that I have missed the show, it was a welcome return. The story is coming along very well and they always seem to wrap up any loose ends that they have.

Contains Spoilers for S2 EP1

It's been said that they don't show emotion, but what was with all the saying "I love you John, I know you love me."

It kind of struck me as they never show emotion, was it there to throw John off. I hope they explain this in the future episodes.

I liked how John came into his own and took up the leadership a little when he defied what they had told him to do.

Lastly, Summer Glau is just pure hotness.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Figured I'd give this a bump and see if anyone else is watching it. This has definitely become my favorite show on TV, hands down. The relationship between John and Cameron is fucking fantastic.

A lot of people are clamoring for a John/Cameron romance and I am soooooo not on that bandwagon, but fuck, this last episode did wonders for their relationship. I was afraid that they'd start having Cameron turn human and be all emotional all the time. But when she dropped her jacket, entered John's room in a tank top, short skirt and boots halfway up her leg I loved it. Not just because I'm a perv, but because she knew what she had to do to manipulate John into doing what she wanted him to do. (Even though he didn't actually follow through on it)

It's almost like you don't know what to believe and what not to believe. We know that Cameron, in the future (her past) is John's #1 confidant. But then stuff like this happens, where she tries to show him some machine tit to influence his actions. John is obviously confused about his feelings towards Cameron, as he's held a gun pointed at his own mother when she's threatened Cameron.

And then on top of all that, throw in Sarah's opinion on it all. She thinks that Cameron had sex with John. She had a couple of lines in the last episode saying pretty much that. "I don't like the way he responds to you." "He's still in bed? How late did you keep him up last night?" It's fucking crazy. I love it. I'm just hoping we don't see some lovey dovey ending to this fucked up shit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, after a missing a few episodes in season one and catching up online, I'm watching the season two episodes that my father had Sky+'d and just watched episode four. "Allison from Palmdale"? It keeps getting better so far. About to watch episode five.

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I've been watching this season and have loved it. Its quickly becoming one of my favorite shows. The relationships between Cameron and John is great, and theres a good balance between action and drama.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got caught up on this - the show has gone from decent to absolutely stellar since its return and the addition of Shirley Manson certainly helps when it comes to one viewer in particular :shifty:

Sucks that FOX has pretty much given it the kiss of death by shipping it off to Fridays in February with Dollhouse. Damn shame, but it's FOX, so I can't say I'm actually surprised. But Terminator got a full season order, so the only question is will Dollhouse manage to last through the season with it? I'm guessing no since the only Friday night show to ever survive on FOX was The X-Files and that was well over a decade ago when people actually watched TV.

Edited by Zero
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Finally got caught up on this - the show has gone from decent to absolutely stellar since its return and the addition of Shirley Manson certainly helps when it comes to one viewer in particular :shifty:

I have got to admit that Shirley Manson plays a really good part in the show, I'm glad that they aren't giving that much away about what happend to the original Catherine Weaver in the plane crash. (It might have mentioned it in the series, but UK are a little behind at the moment.)

Garret Dillahunt is another reason to watch the show, I laugh like mad when he tries to pull off a simple smile.

The show has turned into one of the must watch things at the moment for me, it's Thursday nights when it comes on Virgin 1.

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  • 4 months later...

Okay, so the season just ended, which is kinda' weird - they apparently ran out of ideas that could take them through May Sweeps - and I gotta' say...

WHAT THE HELL? Methinks that continuity just took a HUGE twist. We're talking gigantic! They firmly established that this continuity REALLY isn't from the movies, and it is quite possible that the show's version of John is the one that sent the movie version of Kyle Reese back to the movie continuity. Of course, there is the photo, so I'm not entirely sure about that. And how weird was it to see Summer Glau playing Allison instead of Cameron? Like, she was stoic, but not stoic as in, "I feel nothing," rather stoic as in, "I'm trying to not give myself away because I have no idea who this is." Oh, and they totally cast the part of Kyle perfectly. Either way, I hope they do what USA does with Monk, and just bring back the show when they have five or so episodes in the can filmed.
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Okay, so the season just ended, which is kinda' weird - they apparently ran out of ideas that could take them through May Sweeps - and I gotta' say...

Nothing weird about it, that was the full 22 episode season, FOX has control over when episodes go on the air.

Either way, after sagging a bit midseason, the final few episodes of this season immediately made this show an instant Sci-Fi classic. I really hope FOX brings it back, but that would end their longstanding tradition of canceling great shows before they get a proper resolution. Even if it's just a couple more episodes or a direct-to-DVD movie or something, this series deserves a proper conclusion.

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Well, The Halcyon Company owns all things Terminator, so I assume they'd be free to move the show wherever they want if someone else were willing to pick it up, but the show was tanking in the ratings and I'm sure it's not cheap to produce, so I don't know where they could take it. I suppose it could be a nice flagship show for the rebranded SyFy network, but that may just be wishful thinking.

Edited by Zero
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Entertainment Weekly is reporting that multiple sources have revealed to them that Fox will not be renewing "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" TV show for a third season.

"It's done," said a source close to the show. "Everyone has pretty much known for a couple of weeks." A network insider added: "Consider it canceled."

Despite the show's terrible ratings, Fox is not yet ready to announce their plans for the series. "No decision has been made yet," insists a network rep. "We will be announcing our fall schedule on May 18th."

In other words: No more "Sarah Connor Chronicles."

credit: worstpreviews.com

Show's over, folks.

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In an interview with the prodicer at Newsarama he stated that he chose to end the show on a cliffhanger as he is a positive thinking kind of guy. He was wrong apparently.

Also, very few cancelled shows ever wind up on another network. It is a very rare exception when it happens.

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