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YI And His Special Music Corner


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So many fucking great gigs coming up. I can't wait until I get my student loan/hopefully start working again. :shifty:

Your student loan is supposed to be used for helping your education. :P Plus you don't get it all at once. It's paid in instalments.

......I like you...so I'm not going to call you a cunt. :shifty: But yeah....'this' close.

Edited by YI
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So many fucking great gigs coming up. I can't wait until I get my student loan/hopefully start working again. :shifty:

Your student loan is supposed to be used for helping your education. :P Plus you don't get it all at once. It's paid in instalments.

......I like you...so I'm not going to call you a cunt. :shifty: But yeah....'this' close.

I'll do it. YOU CUNT! :P

As long as YI doesn't go out on the piss every night for the first month, he'll have enough money to last him until his next loan payment in January. And then again until late March.

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As long as YI doesn't go out on the piss every night for the first month, he'll have enough money to last him until his next loan payment in January. And then again until late March.

SHIIIT...we may have a problem. :shifty:

To be fair, on my Ignite/Weakerthans trip, 4 days in London, with gig tickets/coach tickets, cost me less than £100 and I was HAMMERED most the time I was down there. Basically as I just stayed at my brothers, got ratarsed there. Most travelling I do to gigs will be the same way, stay at my brothers, yadda yadda.

Also, once I get my uni schedule, I'm back job hunting. But with 3 weeks until I start, it's pointless job hunting, getting something and then finding out I can't fit it in around my schedule.

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Work for a bookies. They are always looking for people, you get paid to watch TV for the most part, and can fit it around any schedule, since the shops are open from 8.30am till 9.30 pm.


I'll probably just pick up pub work again though. Pub, not bar, I fucking hate bars.

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Just got around to listening to the new Bloc Party and...

SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZE. Seriously... its just a boring mess. The first time I heard Silent Alarm, it was a cool experience hearing something a bit fresh. This is just bad and been done before.

On the flip side, I found a torrent that has every Ed Banger release ever and I'm just a bit obsessed.

Edited by PunkRockPete
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I like the Waterfront one as well.

That song made me interested in FFAF again. I was put off when they released too many singles from their first album and exposed the fact that they had little ideas.


She Drove Me to Daytime Television

Escape Artists Never Die

Three singles. All amazing, and none of them the best track on the album. In fact, my top 5 off that album would probably go Rookie of the Year, Bullet Theory, Escape Artists Never Die, Red is the New Black and Bend Your Arms to Look Like Wings. I can't think of any track off the top of my head that screams filler to me, every album has its weaker tracks, naturally, like I don't listen to Novella or Storytelling all that much, but they fit the album, it's not like they were chucked on to make up numbers.

Unless you're actually referring to Hours, which still only had four singles, which is hardly excessive. I mean most rock acts tend to do two or three, but if you look at pop acts, they can release 5 or 6 off a 10 track album, it's ridiculous. The Kilelrs ar ea prime example, 11 tracks on Hot Fuss, 5 singles (which were alright) and 5 shitty tracks (Jenny... being the only non-shitty non-single).

Also, continuing Gaslight Press Coverage Awareness week, one of their tracks has cropped up on the latest Rock Sound magazine CD. I think it's either The '59 Sound or Old White Lincoln, I forgot because I couldn't afford to buy it :(

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Drags, I'd say "On Top" and "Glamarous Indie Rock & Roll" were good non-singles too.

And no bad word can be said about Casually 'Stressed'...what an album. And I fucking love "Novella" and "Storytelling", "Storytelling" especially. Not a bad tune on there. It's between "Casually Dressed...", "Neon Handshake" by Hell Is For Heroes and "Discovering The Waterfront" by Silverstein, as to what my favourite 'emo-rock' album is.

I still remember the days of stumbling across this on TV, and just being completely hooked from then on;

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New Gaslight dates, from their Myspace blog.

For those of you who live in the UK, we're planning on coming back in early December for a handful of shows. More details will be forthcoming but for now we just wanted to let our friends (old and new) there that we will be returning! Here are the dates/venues/cities:

December 3 @ The Garage in Glasgow, Scotland

December 4 @ The Academy in Manchester

December 5 @ Astoria 2 in London

More soon...

I'll definitely be going to one, I'm just not sure which right now.

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Hollywood Undead's first full length album 'Swan Songs' was released yesterday, anyone gave it a listen?

I've been trying to whore the band out onto to my mates for a while, but only a couple ever gave them a listen.

They've re-done some of they're old Myspace classics 'No.5' being the most likely one anybody will know, but they have also re-done 'Sell Your Soul', 'Black Dahlia' and 'Bottle and a Gun'.

All the Stand out songs seem to be rather dark, as the ones that sound the best for me are 'Paradise Lost', 'Youth', 'City', 'The Diary', although 'This Love, This Hate' does have seem a bit upbeat through the music.

However I don't really like 'No Other Place' as it just seems like they are trying to hard to be "gangsta".

But it's still a rather well done album, i recommend it.

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So if things go as planned, I'll get to go see the Ben Folds Five reunion show in Chapel Hill. They're playing all of 'Unauthorized Biography..." and my friend called me asking if I wanted to go saying he'd buy my ticket because it would be at the student price of $22.

I'm so fucking excited :w00t:

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New Fall Out Boy song...meeeeeehhhhhhh of epic proportions.


In better news, "Lost On Campus" has put together an awesome video for the tune "Oh No!". Basically, LOC is the closest thing to Get Cape Wear Cape Fly I've found...


It might be the most fucking awesome video I've ever seen.

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