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Grrr...I wish my tickets for Finch would arrive. I knew I should have just got them in person (although the uni box office is a cunt and has shit opening hours). Only 10 days until the gig and seetickets still don't even have tickets to dispatch.

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Double post...but;

November 27th - White Rooms, Sunderland

FORMER CELL MATES (w/'The Magnificent' and 'Wooderson')

According to The Magnificent's myspace page. I'm so there. 3 fucking great bands. Hopefully Magnificent/Wooderson have some form of CD's for sale.

I mightn't be able to get down for Gaslight Anthem/King Blues/Former Cell Mates...but at least I'll see FCM, and apparently Gaslight are planning to tour again around February/March, like a proper tour. As these 3-dates in December were only made because of their shock about popularity from Leeds/Reading and the side shows.

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Wooderson have a demo from when they were 3 of them (rather than the four of them as it is now), its quite nice for what it is. Weird seeing as my late teen years were seeing two of them in a local band in Grimsby. Good lads, good times!

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February 3rd - "Prototypes & Painkillers" by Strung Out

:o :o :o :o :o


Awww....:( I should have paid more attention;


Outtakes, demos & compilation tracks including some previously unreleased.

More Info Coming Soon…

Still..."previously unreleased" stuff...:D Apparently it's 24 tracks, so hopefully there's going to be swank stuff we haven't heard before. :D Okay, 100% confirmed to be stuff that even those 'losers' like me who have a bunch of demo's and alternate versions and the 'unfinished' song from the EOSD sessions, haven't heard before. NIIIIICE!!! :D

Also, Death By Stereo have apparently finished "Death Is My Only Friend" and are looking for a label to put it out on, after leaving Epitaph.

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Spot on. Surprised I'd never noticed it the amount they're playing that 'Visit New Zealand' advert on the telly...

Its still dogshit too. If Bandages got the airplay that Mr Brightside did Hot Hot Heat would be (hyperbole) the biggest band in the world, simply on grounds their two follow up albums weren't a pile of crap.

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The more I listen to the Mountain Goats the more I fucking love this band.

King Saul fell on his sword when it all went wrong

And Joseph's brother sold him down the river for a song

And Sonny Liston rubbed some tiger balm in his glove

Some things you do for money

And some things you do for love, love, love

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So, the latest in my list of albums I've bought on a whim because I thought they looked nice is "Love Tattoo" by Imelda May, and I'm loving it. Had a bit of a bop around the bedroom to it earlier. It is, as I had really hoped, a lovely little feisty rockabilly album - it's nothing especially exciting, but just good fun, smokey female vocals and upbeat rockabilly stuff;

"Take your cigarettes, take your jokes, I'll find someone else who smokes."


Also, was incredibly happy to find the local HMV had the new Bohren & Der Club Of Gore album in stock. Haven't had chance to listen to it yet, but am really looking forward to it, they're a phenomenal band, and I'm going to see them at ATP next month and can't bloody wait. Squee.

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So for work, I more or less caught up on some music. I found Ben Folds's Way to Normal and I can't lie...I fucking hate most of it. "You Don't Know Me" and "Effington" are pretty solid, but wow, there's not much I enjoy on it. And that disappoints me to say that as someone who loves the BF5 stuff and etc.

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Finch have postponed their gig until Monday. :( All the hassle I've had surrounding this gig, they better fucking BRING IT and make it worth it.

And "Way To Normal" is a grower. I only liked a few songs on it at first. As a whole entity, I probably prefer it to "Songs Of Silverman".

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Here are some of the shit I've been loving at the minute, which I got a hold of recently;

"Miracle Kicker" by Dark Captain Light Captain

"Here, Not There" by Heathers

"Art College" by Quitzow

"Motion To Rejoin" by Brightblack Morning Light

"Automatic Loveletter" by Automatic Loveletter

"Civil War" by Dillinger Four

"Magazine Addictions" by goFASTER >>

"Boo!Human!" by Joan Of Arc

"Uphill City" by I Am Robot And Proud

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I'm seriously considering posting a link to the "Pedals On Our Pirate Ships" new EP. It could potentially give me a banning, but the EP only received 200 pressings, and it's seriously one of the best releases I've heard all this year......and the band are so far under the radar, it's just not fair.

I'm really starting to dig their first EP stuff too..."YO! HO! HO! We're taking back the streets, there's Pedals On Our Pirate Ships, there's fire in our feet"...and "This One Time In A Cemetery" which sounds like an acoustic Alkaline Trio song.


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