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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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If I read the guide correctly, you need to engage in each available activity (bowling, darts, strip club, etc.) once with each person to attain 100%, as well. Seemed quite odd.

Edited by Lord Starrquaad
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I just got it myself today, and so far it's alright. I kind of got it on a whim, and like I said, it's alright. It hasn't been anything too impressive as of now, and I'm really not liking the driving mechanics at all. It seems that turning while driving at a quicker speed is a bitch compared to the previous installments.

I'll keep going with it though, the combat system is very good, and I haven't had any gun play yet.

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If I read the guide correctly, you need to engage in each available activity (bowling, darts, strip club, etc.) once with each person to attain 100%, as well. Seemed quite odd.

With one person, I just took them to the diner over and over.

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aaaaaaaaaaaand Snow Storm can go fuck itself, much is the general feeling. Managed to get out and into a car once, only to get rammed to hell, caught fire so I dove out and got run over. Woop-de-do.

I'm at exactly the same point.

Then everyone an their mother started calling me when I was dying, so I had to run around after their arses while the frustration built up. Fucking Michelle and her cock addiction. Why can't she just leave me alone...

Anyways, I know I haven't said much yet, so I'll try now.

Overall, I love it. Especially the realistic way people fly after being hit by the car. And when you burst through the windshield sometimes Eddie Guerrero style, it's fucking awesome, bad for you, but awesome to see. I love the characters as well, in previous games I generally didn't like the characters you met (Rosenberg, etc).

Anyone got any funny stories? I have two that are worthy of posting:

I got drunk with Roman once, and we staggered about looking for my car, and then my face got stuck on the bottom of a ladder. No problem right, just walk back? Then Roman walked up behind me, so I was stuck with my face in the ladder, then I tried to duck my way out of it, and KILLED MYSELF because of it. Biggest 'what the fuck' moment so far in my game. I still don't know what that death comes under as, suicide?

Another time I was chasing a car (can't remember which mission, too many similar missions) and my car hit a boarding at the side of the road, flipped up, bounced off a treetruck, proceeded to flip twice more and landed PERFECTLY in front of the guy I was chasing, facing him, and stopping him. It made me wish GTA had the replay function like Halo 3. :(

Random comments:

Michelle is one easy bitch.

Mini-games kick insane amounts of ass.

I love the new driving system. But hate it when it rains, I sometimes just don't drive when it rains.

Thumbs down for the things that still don't pop up until after you've crashed into them.

The strip club is way, way better than the Pole Position. I actually got vaguely aroused (shock horror).

Apparently no one can pronounce Russian and Slavic surnames in America? Even when it's their own names, and they're not American?

Police are fucking touchy fuckers, I was running through a street, pushed someone I was running past (melee button) and three police officers proceeding to chase me down a back alley into a dead end and execute me. I'm not even black!

Having to pay extra to skip taxi rides is lame. It's only so entertaining for a while Rockstar!

I've still to play multiplayer, sorry to everyone who keeps inviting me. It's either because I can't talk when you've been inviting me or I'm going soon. I'll play with you soon.

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Fuck this game :@

No Way On The Subway spoilah

So i'm chasing the two bikers and I manage to shoot one to bits. I get to the subway system and i'm shooting the other guy dead in the middle of his back and he REFUSES to die. I figure I just need to stick with him and he isn't gonna die yet as it's gonna be some set piece. We cut off the rail road and do a big jump down to street level. He stays intact and races off but I crash. The game then spawns me upside down on the bike so half my body is underground. By the time I right myself I get a nice 'The biker got away.' Fuck off, I killed him, cheating bastard.
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No Way Out on the Subway:

You aren't supposed to make the jump, you're supposed to slow down and go down the ramp like the biker does. I tried making the jump and my bike slammed into the wall and I flew about 300 feet.
Final Interview:

I tried with a gun, and I tried with a bat, but either way I got the set piece of a secretary coming in and yelling and having to fight my way out.
Fun asides:

Prostitutes do three different things for three different values, and they uh, really do it.

At one point you have to take a picture of a hostage. When you go into the room where the hostage is, take a look at what the guard's watching on TV :lol:

I'm about to do the last mission. I had to suicide because I was about to save when I stupidly took the phone call to start it.

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So for those that have completed it, how many missions are there altogether? 92 is it?

I pretty much strictly stuck to the story missions (so very little of anything extra, stunt jumps, pigeons, etc.) and I have exactly 68% with 94 missions passed.

Nice one, cheers. Think I'm on about 40 missions or so. Long way to go then.

And I found a pigeon on the ruins of the old hospital on Snow Storm if that helps anyone. Possibly the only good thing about that mission for me so far. <_<

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I just had the most frustrating attempt at a mission, ending with the coolest death.

I'm still doing Snow Storm:

I killed all the gangsters, killed all the police that came in after me, drive all the way to Algonquin, then back to Broker, pretty across the entire game, switching cars, and finally I had a police jeep, it was on fire on the highway, so I screeched to a halt (to stop my guy from leaping out into oncoming traffic), tried to get out, the car ejected me as if I was still speeding along at 100mph, I landed weakly in the flames my jeep was spewing, and instead of being able to run for my life, I just stood there screaming because I was on fire, and finally when it looked like I'd be able to control Niko again, BOOM!!! I flew awesomely through the air just like in the movies, clean over a police car and into the opposite lane. Very much dead.

So yeah. Fire makes you a retard. And now I'm going to have to start all over again. :(

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So, not really a "holy shit" moment, more of a "huh, nice" moment from "Search and Delete":

The guy I'm chasing hauls ass onto the expressway. He cuts off a taxi, who must have gotten quite pissed, because the cab's keeping up with the guy better than my PMP. I'm still able to get a nice amount of shots into him, and finally, the car starts to flame. He dives out...and the pissed-off taxi driver does the rest, crunching him all over the road.

And am I the only one who loves to have Niko do the Captain Morgan pose on the back of some dead guy's neck? And if so, does this make me a sociopath? :shifty:

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