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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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Oh god, I can already envisage the nightmare customers at work. "Yeah, I bought these points for GTA innit, and I find I need the fucking internets to work it! And then right, geez, it fuckin' tells me there's no space to download it? WHAT THE FUCK GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY BACK!"

"Firstly, no. Secondly, what kind of 360 you have?"


" :lol: .....get out."

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Is there any other way to get this other than DLC because i don't have xbox live

Clue is in the name, downloadable content. Christ.

And yeah, we're selling the branded 1600 point boxes, although they left us a little bemused earlier as they're age-rated 18+ (PEGI, but store policy is to treat PEGI and BBFC the same). But...if they can't prove their age for the 1600 points, we can quite easily sell them bog-standard 2100-point cards for a couple of poounds more. Pointless!

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OK so I bought the DLC, it downloaded and I cranked up GTA4, it saw I'd downloaded it and asked if I wanted to play it. So I watch the cutscene intro but the speech stops before the end (the scene carries on as normal though, you just can't hear anyone talking). Then it sits on a loading screen forever, I assume something's wrong so I go back to the dashboard and try again, only now it just loads my standard GTA4 save game as if the DLC isn't there. There's also a strip across the top of the screen that flickers in the GTA4 intro (with the slideshow of pictures) but stops after that.

Gonna Google for help now but was just wondering if anyone else has had this?

EDIT: Nevermind it's working now. It only asks you the first time if you want to play it, otherwise you have to pause, go to game and start a new L&D game. And this time it's working without the sound and loading messing up. Although loading still takes a while for something that's streaming off the HDD...

EDIT 2: Turns out the loading didn't freeze, it just did the same as last time and look like it's loading for ages. Bloody hell, trying again.

EDIT 3: And it's working now, skipped the intro, not sure if that helped or not.

Edited by Scott McFly
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Goddam, I've only done like 3 missions on the L&D DLC but the thing keeps freezing on me. GTA4 never froze and I don't recall any other game ever freezing either except for Halo 3 when the thing red ringed. It froze once last night and twice this morning, the second time the route planner wasn't lighting up any roads on the radar so I went to pause it to check the map to see where the hell I was supposed to be going and it just froze on a black screen. Grr!

It's not so bad if you've just finished a mission and autosaved but I was right fucking in the middle of one the last time. And it's a shame too because the story is really good and I was just getting into it. And it's nice to ride around on proper hog motorcylces rather than the ridiculous nippy things from the main game.

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Yeah I'm guessing it's the same as the main game - if you plough through the missions it won't take you too long, but there's plenty other stuff too like the races.

Well there's not nearly as many missions as regular GTA IV

I think there's about a third of the number of missions from the main game, which is understandable because it's like an add on pack. But if you just plough through the missions in either without doing any of the side stuff then it obviously won't last very long. They expect people to take their time, do a few races, play some arm wrestling or high/low cards in the clubhouse, stuff like that in between missions.

But I've done a few missions now and I'm enjoying it. Besides the technical problems. And the music in the clubhouse makes me not want to spend much time there. :P

EDIT: After yet more freezing (it had turned into "I'll just play til it freezes") I decided to try clearing the HD cache to try and fix it, no dice. So I deleted and redownloaded all 1.8 gigs and it so far hasn't frozen again. Hopefully it was just a glitch in the download or something.

Edited by Scott McFly
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Had the game in November, along with my PS3 and thus other games in the meantime and I haven't completed it yet. It says I'm about 60% complete, but there are literaly NO missions available on the map. NOTHING. All I can do is phone people and go to a club/darts/race etc.

I know I haven't completed the storyline though. The last missions I did were for Florian/Bernie and the Assassin side-missions. Did them, now nothing. I did at one point have a "J" (Jimmy Peggorino?) symbol up on my map near the top of the third island, but I never actually went to it, and now it's gone :S.

IIRC the last major mission I did was where Niko and Packie go to get some diamonds, but they end up losing them when they're thrown into the back of dump truck.

What do I do from here to actually get some missions on the go?

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