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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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I think it was Bomb da Base anyway, is that the one where you have to get to the helicopter then fly to the boat? It always shits itself when you reach the boat, putting you back to the main game. And was this before a patch? It was supposed to work prior to that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the funniest thing ever just happened.

Me and Jacob had just finished a drinking session at the pub, we stumble around for a bit until we see a car hit a pedestrian. The guy gets out of his car so I think it's a good idea to just steal his car and drop Jacob home... wrong. I get in and start doing a donut around the owner, but he rips me out, and somehow really quickly gets in and begins to drive away..... with Jacob inside. I stand up without the drunk walk and begin to give chase, but he's slowly pulling away. I open fire and he begins speeding away. Then a car comes out of an adjacent intersection and runs me over. I get up and get a message saying I've left my friend behind.

(N) from Jacob.

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So the funniest thing ever just happened.

Me and Jacob had just finished a drinking session at the pub, we stumble around for a bit until we see a car hit a pedestrian. The guy gets out of his car so I think it's a good idea to just steal his car and drop Jacob home... wrong. I get in and start doing a donut around the owner, but he rips me out, and somehow really quickly gets in and begins to drive away..... with Jacob inside. I stand up without the drunk walk and begin to give chase, but he's slowly pulling away. I open fire and he begins speeding away. Then a car comes out of an adjacent intersection and runs me over. I get up and get a message saying I've left my friend behind.

(N) from Jacob.

great game cant wait for the next gta on 360 or ps3
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I personally hope for the next one they go the route of GTA3-VC-SA again, only because if a recreation of Vice City in PS3 turns out as great as it does in my head, it'll be fantastawesome. GTA4 is overall a little too drab, gimme vibrant neon colours to awesome '80s music in current graphical abilities and it may dethrone Vice City as my favourite game.

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Rockstar today announced that The Ballad of Gay Tony, the next episodic content release for Grand Theft Auto IV, will launch worldwide on October 29 according to developer Rockstar.

The downloadable content will sell for $20. A retail disc that compiles both episodes, dubbed "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Episodes," will sell for $40, and will not require the original Grand Theft Auto IV to play.

GTA IV took itself too seriously for me. There was a lot of tongue in cheek humor, but not to the excess of previous installments.

Maybe "The Ballad" will bring some of that back.

I doubt it. LATD had the same mood and style of humor as GTA IV, so The Ballad will no doubt be the same.

Edited by abundant
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  • 3 weeks later...

That mission where you have to kill Jimmy Pegorino is getting me down. I can get to the helicopter bit without any major problems but once I'm in helicopter I either fly it into the river or get hit with a missile that I have no idea how to avoid. Except once I flew the helicopter into Pegorino's boat and I was still fine. Shouldn't that count? >_>

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When I did that mission I kept failing the 'jump off the bike into a certain spot to reach the chopper' bit. Once I was there I did it first time-I got hit by the missle that was fired but managed to keep it in the air long enough to reach the cut scene on Happiness Island, maybe it depends how close you are or something.

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That mission where you have to kill Jimmy Pegorino is getting me down. I can get to the helicopter bit without any major problems but once I'm in helicopter I either fly it into the river or get hit with a missile that I have no idea how to avoid. Except once I flew the helicopter into Pegorino's boat and I was still fine. Shouldn't that count? >_>

You can't miss the missile, it's supposed to hit you so that you end up crashing on Happiness Island.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So a while back I lent GTA IV off a mate, but the disc wasn't in good condition (turns out his 360 is messed up) so it crashed a lot, and I'd just turn the machine off and on when it crashed. Thing is, I've since bought GTA IV for myself, with a disc that is now in perfect condition, but the game is still crashing like it did with the scratched disc. Is this because it's the same save game and it's corrupted from all the times i crashed whilst it was loading/saving etc? I don't think there's anything wrong with my machine because no other games crash or anything.

Anyone got any ideas?

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I can't tell if you're getting the "dirty disk error" or if your save file is corrupted from what you said. It was a tad confusing.

If the game is freezing, skipping, or just gives you an incredibly long loading time or just doesn't load at all it's probably an issue with your laser in your drive.

The easiest way to find out if it's the save file or your system is to just install the new copy you bought to the harddrive and see if you encounter the same problems.

If you still run into random crashes after that it's your save file which unfortuantely aside from starting back at square one in the game there's nothing to my knowledge you can do.

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Sorry that my explanation was confusing. I'll try to break it down:

Basically, it keeps freezing in-game, and sometimes a loading screen will just stay loading for a long time. It did this with my old scratched disc, which is expected, but now it's doing it n a brand new disc. I'm thinking it's because its the same save game I had, and it's corrupted because I had to keep turning the machine off whenever it crashed, and because no other games ever freeze, meaning I don't think it's the machine.

Unfortunately I don't have a hard-drive, my XBOX is a core system so I use memory cards.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I got round to seeing if it was a corrupted save and now I'm totally confused. I started a new game and once again it froze. But there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my machine as none of my other games ever freeze/crash, and there's no scratches or anything on any disc. I'm totally confused as to what to do now, the only other option is deleting my entire GTA from the memory card and starting again.

Anyone got any ideas?

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