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Really, what were you guys expecting. ZOMG I can play Civ IV in the Civilization's stage? It takes the better parts of certain genres (such as Civilization in the Civilization stage, MMO in Creature, and really fun Space mode that you can spend hours on even if the missions start to get repetative after a while.), adds in a huge amount of user generated content, and happens to be barrels of fun most of the time. If you want to play a game that is based off one of the stages your creature experiences, then go play Civiliazations or some MMO or a much better RTC (as I'll agree that Tribal really is the worst stage of the 5).

I think it was totally worth the 50 bucks, but thats just me.

I want a game that doesn't make me feel like I've got every ounce of fun out of it in only one play-through(which for the record was roughly 6 hours). They do what they do very well, but at the end of the day, for me at least, I have no desire to play through another species' life cycle because it just isn't fun again. Why not compare Spores Civ elements to Civ 4? That is the games competition at the end of the day and if you take all of the different stages and compare them to the genre in which they aim to portray you will find dozens of games that do it better and so, are worth the money more.

I'm being very critical of the game when really I don't care, I didn't pay a penny. My only point is, if I had paid money for this game I'd feel let-down by the lack of gameplay(in terms of both quantity and quality) it offers. If you can borrow it from somebody, do it, it is a fun experience for the 6 hours that you'll play it...just don't expect a deep gameplay experience.

Actually I think both comparing it to civ 4 and other RTS games, and excusing it because it's not those games is unfair. Let's be honest....with 5 different levels it's not going to reach the depth that you'd find in a game where they put all their time into one phase. With that being said, this doesn't excuse how shallow the game play is. They could have noticably padded any phase (except maybe space or cell) with more to do, and the gameplay would have been enriched. As it stands, the best part is the creation, and in my opinion, the most fun phase (oddly enough) is the cell phase. In that phase, things work they way they should throughout the game (IE the parts stack, and where they are placed is often important to how they work). Hopefully they'll release an expansion pack or something that adds serious depth to the game. That said, with the amount of people who apparently pirated the game, combined with poor reviews/word-of-mouth, I think the sales might not justify it.

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Really, what were you guys expecting. ZOMG I can play Civ IV in the Civilization's stage? It takes the better parts of certain genres (such as Civilization in the Civilization stage, MMO in Creature, and really fun Space mode that you can spend hours on even if the missions start to get repetative after a while.), adds in a huge amount of user generated content, and happens to be barrels of fun most of the time. If you want to play a game that is based off one of the stages your creature experiences, then go play Civiliazations or some MMO or a much better RTC (as I'll agree that Tribal really is the worst stage of the 5).

I think it was totally worth the 50 bucks, but thats just me.

I want a game that doesn't make me feel like I've got every ounce of fun out of it in only one play-through(which for the record was roughly 6 hours). They do what they do very well, but at the end of the day, for me at least, I have no desire to play through another species' life cycle because it just isn't fun again. Why not compare Spores Civ elements to Civ 4? That is the games competition at the end of the day and if you take all of the different stages and compare them to the genre in which they aim to portray you will find dozens of games that do it better and so, are worth the money more.

I'm being very critical of the game when really I don't care, I didn't pay a penny. My only point is, if I had paid money for this game I'd feel let-down by the lack of gameplay(in terms of both quantity and quality) it offers. If you can borrow it from somebody, do it, it is a fun experience for the 6 hours that you'll play it...just don't expect a deep gameplay experience.

Actually I think both comparing it to civ 4 and other RTS games, and excusing it because it's not those games is unfair. Let's be honest....with 5 different levels it's not going to reach the depth that you'd find in a game where they put all their time into one phase. With that being said, this doesn't excuse how shallow the game play is. They could have noticably padded any phase (except maybe space or cell) with more to do, and the gameplay would have been enriched. As it stands, the best part is the creation, and in my opinion, the most fun phase (oddly enough) is the cell phase. In that phase, things work they way they should throughout the game (IE the parts stack, and where they are placed is often important to how they work). Hopefully they'll release an expansion pack or something that adds serious depth to the game. That said, with the amount of people who apparently pirated the game, combined with poor reviews/word-of-mouth, I think the sales might not justify it.

I never understand this statement. As a consumer, I shouldn't nor do I need to know anything about the development side of things or any issues they have. When comparing cereals I don't say well Kellogg's Corn Flakes have a better texture and taste to them than Brand X's but...Brand X isn't as large a company so I'm going to pretend that it doesn't taste like cardboard and give them a thumbs-up. I'm a student who has zero income, if I'm buying a game it being "fun" just doesn't cut it, it also has to have a value to it. To estimate a games value you have to compare it to what else is on the market.

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Really, what were you guys expecting. ZOMG I can play Civ IV in the Civilization's stage? It takes the better parts of certain genres (such as Civilization in the Civilization stage, MMO in Creature, and really fun Space mode that you can spend hours on even if the missions start to get repetative after a while.), adds in a huge amount of user generated content, and happens to be barrels of fun most of the time. If you want to play a game that is based off one of the stages your creature experiences, then go play Civiliazations or some MMO or a much better RTC (as I'll agree that Tribal really is the worst stage of the 5).

I think it was totally worth the 50 bucks, but thats just me.

I want a game that doesn't make me feel like I've got every ounce of fun out of it in only one play-through(which for the record was roughly 6 hours). They do what they do very well, but at the end of the day, for me at least, I have no desire to play through another species' life cycle because it just isn't fun again. Why not compare Spores Civ elements to Civ 4? That is the games competition at the end of the day and if you take all of the different stages and compare them to the genre in which they aim to portray you will find dozens of games that do it better and so, are worth the money more.

I'm being very critical of the game when really I don't care, I didn't pay a penny. My only point is, if I had paid money for this game I'd feel let-down by the lack of gameplay(in terms of both quantity and quality) it offers. If you can borrow it from somebody, do it, it is a fun experience for the 6 hours that you'll play it...just don't expect a deep gameplay experience.

Actually I think both comparing it to civ 4 and other RTS games, and excusing it because it's not those games is unfair. Let's be honest....with 5 different levels it's not going to reach the depth that you'd find in a game where they put all their time into one phase. With that being said, this doesn't excuse how shallow the game play is. They could have noticably padded any phase (except maybe space or cell) with more to do, and the gameplay would have been enriched. As it stands, the best part is the creation, and in my opinion, the most fun phase (oddly enough) is the cell phase. In that phase, things work they way they should throughout the game (IE the parts stack, and where they are placed is often important to how they work). Hopefully they'll release an expansion pack or something that adds serious depth to the game. That said, with the amount of people who apparently pirated the game, combined with poor reviews/word-of-mouth, I think the sales might not justify it.

I never understand this statement. As a consumer, I shouldn't nor do I need to know anything about the development side of things or any issues they have. When comparing cereals I don't say well Kellogg's Corn Flakes have a better texture and taste to them than Brand X's but...Brand X isn't as large a company so I'm going to pretend that it doesn't taste like cardboard and give them a thumbs-up. I'm a student who has zero income, if I'm buying a game it being "fun" just doesn't cut it, it also has to have a value to it. To estimate a games value you have to compare it to what else is on the market.

That's true. However, it's not a real time strategy game. It's more than that. If you only compare real time strategy elements, then you're not being totally fair to Spore, because there's more to it than the real time strategy component, which is my point. I'm not forgiving development troubles or whatever...and as far as company's go, it's put out by EA and Maxis....you won't find much larger in the gaming industry. But you have to know going in that a game that contains 5 different types of gameplay isn't going to be as deep in any of them as a game that only contains 1. There's just no way it can be.

Keeping with your Corn Flakes analogy. Let's say Brand X offers 5 types of cereal in one 19 oz box. Kelloggs offers a 19 oz. box with just the Corn Flakes. You can't honestly expect as much corn flakes in the Brand X box, because there's 4 other types of cereal taking up space. And there's a good chance you may prefer pure corn flakes instead of the mix.

This doesn't excuse how shallow the game play actually is though. While no stage is going to be as good as a standalone counterpart, they could have added more depth, especially to the tribal stage.

By the way, comparing the Civilization stage to Civ 4 is in no way apt anyways. The civ stage is still just an RTS, but with vehicles. There's no technology development, or turnbased gameplay. There is some light diplomacy, but as far as I can tell, that's the only thing that you could even argue it was in the same genre as the Civilization Games.

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Really, what were you guys expecting. ZOMG I can play Civ IV in the Civilization's stage? It takes the better parts of certain genres (such as Civilization in the Civilization stage, MMO in Creature, and really fun Space mode that you can spend hours on even if the missions start to get repetative after a while.), adds in a huge amount of user generated content, and happens to be barrels of fun most of the time. If you want to play a game that is based off one of the stages your creature experiences, then go play Civiliazations or some MMO or a much better RTC (as I'll agree that Tribal really is the worst stage of the 5).

I think it was totally worth the 50 bucks, but thats just me.

I want a game that doesn't make me feel like I've got every ounce of fun out of it in only one play-through(which for the record was roughly 6 hours). They do what they do very well, but at the end of the day, for me at least, I have no desire to play through another species' life cycle because it just isn't fun again. Why not compare Spores Civ elements to Civ 4? That is the games competition at the end of the day and if you take all of the different stages and compare them to the genre in which they aim to portray you will find dozens of games that do it better and so, are worth the money more.

I'm being very critical of the game when really I don't care, I didn't pay a penny. My only point is, if I had paid money for this game I'd feel let-down by the lack of gameplay(in terms of both quantity and quality) it offers. If you can borrow it from somebody, do it, it is a fun experience for the 6 hours that you'll play it...just don't expect a deep gameplay experience.

Actually I think both comparing it to civ 4 and other RTS games, and excusing it because it's not those games is unfair. Let's be honest....with 5 different levels it's not going to reach the depth that you'd find in a game where they put all their time into one phase. With that being said, this doesn't excuse how shallow the game play is. They could have noticably padded any phase (except maybe space or cell) with more to do, and the gameplay would have been enriched. As it stands, the best part is the creation, and in my opinion, the most fun phase (oddly enough) is the cell phase. In that phase, things work they way they should throughout the game (IE the parts stack, and where they are placed is often important to how they work). Hopefully they'll release an expansion pack or something that adds serious depth to the game. That said, with the amount of people who apparently pirated the game, combined with poor reviews/word-of-mouth, I think the sales might not justify it.

I never understand this statement. As a consumer, I shouldn't nor do I need to know anything about the development side of things or any issues they have. When comparing cereals I don't say well Kellogg's Corn Flakes have a better texture and taste to them than Brand X's but...Brand X isn't as large a company so I'm going to pretend that it doesn't taste like cardboard and give them a thumbs-up. I'm a student who has zero income, if I'm buying a game it being "fun" just doesn't cut it, it also has to have a value to it. To estimate a games value you have to compare it to what else is on the market.

That's true. However, it's not a real time strategy game. It's more than that. If you only compare real time strategy elements, then you're not being totally fair to Spore, because there's more to it than the real time strategy component, which is my point. I'm not forgiving development troubles or whatever...and as far as company's go, it's put out by EA and Maxis....you won't find much larger in the gaming industry. But you have to know going in that a game that contains 5 different types of gameplay isn't going to be as deep in any of them as a game that only contains 1. There's just no way it can be.

Keeping with your Corn Flakes analogy. Let's say Brand X offers 5 types of cereal in one 19 oz box. Kelloggs offers a 19 oz. box with just the Corn Flakes. You can't honestly expect as much corn flakes in the Brand X box, because there's 4 other types of cereal taking up space. And there's a good chance you may prefer pure corn flakes instead of the mix.

This doesn't excuse how shallow the game play actually is though. While no stage is going to be as good as a standalone counterpart, they could have added more depth, especially to the tribal stage.

By the way, comparing the Civilization stage to Civ 4 is in no way apt anyways. The civ stage is still just an RTS, but with vehicles. There's no technology development, or turnbased gameplay. There is some light diplomacy, but as far as I can tell, that's the only thing that you could even argue it was in the same genre as the Civilization Games.

I don't even play Civilisation, but it just seemed like the easiest game to compare to one of the Spore stages. At the end of the day I think we're saying the same thing, the game is fun but lacks depth. I'm just also adding the fact that I don't see why it isn't fair to compare the several game modes with what they were taking their inspiration from. And as for the Corn Flakes analogy, I wouldn't complain about a lack of corn flakes in a 5 cereal box, I'd just complain if the quality of the 5 cereals were bland and left me wanting more.

I don't want as much depth as the games that are all dedicated to one game mechanic, I just feel we could have gotten closer to it than they did. I'm merely disappointed because Spore could have been amazing and instead it's just alright.

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Well, I was stoked for Spore, got it on Saturday, it's been OK. Nothing amazing, slightly disappointed, reminded me way too much of The Sims...which I hate, due to the repetitive boring chores they've decided to include (like feeding your characters because they're too dumb to do it themselves).

Also, the camera angle is so angering. The fact it changes for each stage also annoys the shit out of me.

Probably the coolest thing is the random creatures that co-habit the world with you, which other players have designed. Except I had a rather racist one that looked like a naked African chief called 'Bro'. And later in the game, I killed an 'Epic Bro', which is like a 50-storey high version. It was like King Kong, but more racist. Cool creations I allow to live and make friends with, shitty creations I extinctify!

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Fuck you all this game is awesome. :(

I was massively stoked for the Space stage, since I've always had an interest in astronomy, but while the rest of the game may lack depth, I reckon it was definitely worth the price I paid for it (and I bought the Galactic Edition). I love the idea of being able to push a single-celled organism to a space-faring race that could conceivably conquer the galaxy. What I love most about this game, though, is if I have a random idea for a possible creature (and I've been getting lots of them since the Creature Creator Demo was released), I can make it, and play with it, or interact with it in a Cell-to-Space game. I love having an outlet for my runaway imagination, and another creative outlet as well.

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Guest strongarm85
Fuck you all this game is awesome. :(

I was massively stoked for the Space stage, since I've always had an interest in astronomy, but while the rest of the game may lack depth, I reckon it was definitely worth the price I paid for it (and I bought the Galactic Edition). I love the idea of being able to push a single-celled organism to a space-faring race that could conceivably conquer the galaxy. What I love most about this game, though, is if I have a random idea for a possible creature (and I've been getting lots of them since the Creature Creator Demo was released), I can make it, and play with it, or interact with it in a Cell-to-Space game. I love having an outlet for my runaway imagination, and another creative outlet as well.

Most of the hate this game is picking up is due to the DRM, which can be easily cracked when that eventually becomes an issue by the way.

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Space stage is so broken.

I was minding my own business doing missions when a bunch of aliens demanded a bribe, so I told them to fuck off. The proceed to rape my homeplanet every single fucking turn, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I get an alert telling me my planet is under attack. I go to my star system and there's ufo's shooting at me and there's sweet fuck all I can do since my weapons "only work on planets". So they've taken a chunk of my health before i even land on my homeworld. I go to my planet, and there's like, twenty alien ships destroying my cities. I can maybe take out one of them before the swarm kills me, and I have to sit through an animation of a new ship appearing and telling me not to break it this time. After hundreds of respawns, the planet is finally safe, and I'm a city down. I leave orbit, fly to the star map screen...and I get a message telling me the planet is under attack again.

This has happened five times in a row now, every time I clear it they come back IMMEDIATELY. So I say fuck this, and fly to the attacking aliens homeworld. I offer to pay their bribe, and it gives me a bunch of options how much to pay. I only have 400k+ so I offer them the flat 400k. They tell me to fuck off, it's an insult and the war must go on. BUT THEY STILL TAKE ALL MY FUCKING MONEY.

Fuck Spore.

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Did anybody else's creature look really convoluted in the Tribal stage? All the Creature stuff + clothes from Tribal just leaves my little guy a mess. I should've made him fatter or something.

I had a few that ended up weird, but I also have some bizarre body shapes for my creatures, so it's to be expected.

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