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Bought my first real Animation the other day, Black Cat Volume One. I really enjoyed all four episodes and have ordered the second episode. I liked everything about it and hope that transfers over to Volume Two.

Also, when purchasing Volume Two I was given the choice to get another anime free so I decided to choose Elemental Guilade, mostly because it had a good review and sounded good.

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I do like Black Cat, though I haven't watched any of it in a while. I remember that it sort of hit its peak a few episodes early so that the last 3 or 4 seemed a little bit of a let down. No reason not to get and thoroughly enjoy it, though. Both Sven and Creed are awesome in different ways.

At first I thought I hadn't heard of Elemental Gelade, but then I looked it up and decided I'd probably had a look at it and decided it wasn't worth the bother of downloading. Although, knowing me, my decision was probably based solely on whether I liked the picture or not.

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I would not suggest talking about specific download sites in this thread. Although the legality of anime fansubs has become generally settled in recent years (both the Japanese and US licensing companies have realised that the circulation of English language fansubs creates a fanbase for said shows and, through canvassing such people, the US companies can work out which are the good/popular ones for them to buy and the Japanese companies get their shows sold to foreigners who may not otherwise have bought them - but after a show has been licensed fansubs of it should technically cease), I'm not going to tread that thin line. Therefore discuss specifics via PM, please. I'd point you in the direction of some sites, but it's 11:41 and I'm sleepy. :shifty:

Bebop is very, very good. It's not so much a plot-driven anime like most are, as the vast majority of episodes can be taken as one-offs and each character's 'plot' only surfaces two or three times ever. It was for that reason that I spent a long time ranting about the series, because I hated the ending for all manner of reasons and several major aspects - if looked at from a plot perspective - are just meaningless (does Ed do ANYTHING of note in the entire series?!). However, do not let this distract from the fact that there is some brilliant directing in this series, with the decidedly-freaky 'Pierrot le Fou' episode as well as 'Cowboy Funk' (because it's the episode with Cowboy Andy, and Andy is HILARIOUS) being personal favourites. Plus it almost goes without saying these days how much style the show oozes with its jazz/noir-ness. Definitely recommended.

Typing about Bebop makes me want to rewatch Samurai Champloo (another series by the same director, Shinichiro Watanabe - only instead of Bounty Hunters in Space set to a jazz soundtrack it has Feudal Samurai set to a hip-hop soundtrack). Although with that said, maybe I just need to rewatch episode 14. Episode 14 of Samurai Champloo goes on my Top Five list of favourite individual anime episodes of all time. I've not actually constructed this list yet, per say, but damn it I think that's what I may do tomorrow! What else are Bank Holidays for? :shifty:

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Bebop is very good. However, I highly recommend (and I know stoker and others will strongly disagree) watching the dubbed version, not the subbed. The voice acting is top notch, and there's one episode I don't think will have as much impact if you watch the subbed version. All I am going to say is that it involves Faye's past and a video cassette.

The only downside to Bebop is that the ending of the last episode is a bit ambiguous, though obvious. Can't explain it, but you'll understand what I mean if you see it.

Black Cat is a series I definitely plan on checking out at some point, but I'm saving the money I'm not spending on Sims 2 expansion packs for a comics convention here in June and none of the video stores around here have a decent anime section, unfortunately.

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Episode 14 of Samurai Champloo goes on my Top Five list of favourite individual anime episodes of all time. I've not actually constructed this list yet, per say, but damn it I think that's what I may do tomorrow! What else are Bank Holidays for?

I was always partial to the "Baseball Blues" episode and "Gamblers & Gallantry", myself.

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I love Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, they are the awesome. Bebop helped really get me into anime, me and my friends watched the entire series in one day. I loved it!

Also, I am finally getting around to watching Ouran, not a bad, cutesy romantic-comedy. Although Azumanga > Ouran

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Azumanga isn't really the same type of show, so I'm not sure why you brought it up. But then, there's hardly anything that tries to pull off the same kind of deal as Azumanga, except maybe for the likes of Lucky Star or Hidamari Sketch.

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I think I've given my first impressions-ish opinion of Lucky Star in this thread before; the first episode is incredibly boring but the second one's alright. The Lucky Channel segments in particular are pretty funny. I just... haven't cared about it enough to watch beyond that since I'm also watching One Piece, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, and various things on Netflix.

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It's petty, but the character design in Lucky Star puts me off. Frankly, fans of the show should stop comparing it to Azumanga Daioh because that only sets it up for a fall from which it cannot recover. :shifty:

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I just got volume 9 of the Genshiken manga through the post and...it's the last volume.


Quoted because I'm having a similar reaction right now despite the fact that I knew it was ending at nine. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a slice of life series as much as I loved Genshiken. Out of curiosity, is the anime any good?

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I just got volume 9 of the Genshiken manga through the post and...it's the last volume.


Quoted because I'm having a similar reaction right now despite the fact that I knew it was ending at nine. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a slice of life series as much as I loved Genshiken. Out of curiosity, is the anime any good?

It's one of those anime series that are alright, but a) invariably miss out some bits, b) copy everything else from the manga scene for scene, and c) don't pull off some of the timing quite as well as you'd imagine it in the manga.

You know the sort. Can't necessarily criticise it but the manga's everything you need, so not much point.

Horrifyingly contrived and ultra trainwreck material that it might have been, Madarame and Kasukabe should have got together. :shifty:

Edited by stokeriño
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I know I'm still a newbie to Anime, but I have to say I really enjoyed Elemental Gelade. I just thought it was really well made. But the main character from Arch Ale, the three that are following Ren and Kou, really needs to ditch the outfit, she's look like much more of a serious threat she she has that stupid costume off.

Anyway, I'll be ordering volume two of that. I'm waiting for volume two of Black Cat.

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Damn it, where is my new Avatar, this shit is maddening :(

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