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I finally got around to watching Tales from Earthsea... It was noticably different to other Ghibli movies, more-so for the build then anything. I was royally confused with what was going on and who was who until about half way through the movie. There was very little character development to begin with, and it was like... okay this makes no sense. Why is he doing this, that makes no sense. BAH! Then the whole dark side and light side which only came up to the final part of the movie, was just so unimportant it was not funny.

Confusing. Still Ghibli, so it is an obligation to love it... but I do so begrugingly.

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Needless to say, Miyazaki's son is not exactly up to scratch when compared to his father. At least, not yet.

I'd also say that Tales from Earthsea wasn't the best choice for adaptation, but that's another matter.

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It's not that much worse than the midnight timeslot it received in Japan, is it?

That's actually the timeslot they have it on right now on Cartoon Network. :o Midnight. Right after Bleach. I think they switched it this weekend, because I'm pretty sure Bleach was on at midnight last weekend.

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zOMG Code Geass R2 (why 'R'? I don't know) episode 1 released, downloading now.

[/fanboy flail]

And I was about to go to bed as well. Now I have to find things to amuse myself until it's completed. <_<

Alternatively, it could just continue to download at only 4kbps and not be done till tomorrow lunchtime. :@

Edited by stokeriño
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- WTF Villetta pick one personality and stick with it, please.

- So Rollo is indeed Lulu's brother, apparently. Like seven siblings or something down, ten to go!

- Chess again, huh? Same as it ever was.

- ... oh. No, this is like epically sleazier than chess. Way to up the douchebag factor, Britannia!

- And NOW chess.

- TAMAKI! OUGI! ... FEMALE MEMBER OF TOUDOU'S POSSE! TOUDOU! And now for something completely different.

- ... wow, Chinese Ambassador. Just. Wow. I can already tell that Xingke is going to be awesome, though.

- Oh, Kallen, you shameless fanservice character. I don't have any properly specific comment to make, just... wow.

- The Student Council wastes ten seconds of our time! Thank you, Student Council.

- And now, the Great Will of the Macrocosm. Thank god Actual Lelouch is back.

- Deja vu, the feeling you are experiencing something you have already experienced before.

- And now, mass forced suicide. Deja vu, the feeling you are experiencing something you have already experienced before.

- Kururugi Suzaku is here and he's really mad! Kururugi Suzaku is here and he's really an-gry!

So the remains of the Order of the Black Knights know that Lelouch is Zero somehow, but just them, as Ougi, Tamaki, Toudou, and What Was Her Name Again clearly don't. Rollo seems to be a stand-in for Nunnally, so god only knows what happened to her at the end of the first season. Villetta is. God, who knows. Quite possibly placed at Ashford with the intention of spying on Lulu but god is her multiple personality disorder WTF inducing. And the Student Council may or may not remember who Nunnally is, I'm starting to think that memories of her may have been erased because she wasn't mentioned at all, not even during amnesiac!Lelouch's daily schedule. She is, though, still in the end credits... along with Rollo. Hmmm. Suzaku has seemingly become a huge tool (like, in season one I just felt he was a justicetard, but man), but we'll need to see more to tell.

... also, fuck, I take it Cornelia's dead considering that What's His Face is Governor-General, Guilford's there, and the end credits with her and Euphie. Lame.

In any case, great, great way to kick things off. The callbacks to the first episode of the first season grew slightly tiresome after a while, but all in all it left a lot of interesting questions that I presume they'll answer and further explore. Good stuff.

EDIT: Oh, right, Kallen saw Lulu at the end of season one, I guess, so that's how they know he's Zero. It's been too long since I watched the finale, clearly.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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Clearly I'm going to have to go searching for new codecs for the first time in many months. I was able to watch the CG episode, but the picture would skip at various points (on WMP/Media Player Classic anyway. VLC Player wouldn't play the subs at all! :@).

In addition to what GoGo mentioned, some other little tidbits that piqued my curiosity:

- There's got to be a whole mass of memory fuckery going on. Shirley, for instance, had figured out who Lelouch was at the end of season 1 (for the second time - leave the poor girl's mind alone!). Frankly the student council have always irked me as a hiccup in the story's logic centre, like they prefer to just ignore all the tricky conflictions involving Lelouch/Zero/Shirley/whatever it is this week and instead continue to go "la, lalala, lalala", rather than actually put two and two together like any braindead person could. So, nothing new there then.

- I actually find myself interested as to where Nina has got to. Huh. Presumably she's with Lloyd working on nuclear weapons somewhere. There's even the possibility that, provided she is no longer batshit insane when she reappears, I may not want to gouge her eyes out. Who knows.

- Diethard and Lakshata are, quote-unquote, 'missing'. They'll be making quite a big impact at some point, it would seem.

- Suzaku IS a tool. He was ALWAYS a tool. It's just when he had Euphemia to distract us from his toolness, it seemed less obvious. He continues to be a walking, talking, neon sign just to say "JUST THINK - IN TIMES PAST THIS GUY WOULD BE YOUR PROTAGONIST. AREN'T YOU FUCKING GRATEFUL HE ISN'T?".

- I find it amusing how Lelouch becomes 1,000% camper as soon as he remembers that he has Geass power.

Oh, and while looking at the wikipedia character page to double-check some names, I discovered that a) Xingke first appeared in episode 23, apparently, and b) Nina's surname is Einstein. Oh God.

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Heh, rewatching the Pokémon anime, I love the moment Magmar is trying to put rocks to stop the volcano exploding in Blaine's gym, then Charizard appears beside him, the look between the two is cool, I don't care what you say, when it wants to be, the Pokémon anime can be badass when it wants to be :shifty:

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So, finally finished Ouran. Not a bad ending, I am happy with it. Now to find a new anime to watch....I have like....3-4 series downloaded/burnt to watch, and a few more I wouldn't mind downloading (Code Geass). That is all...

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Why does no one else have a whole heap of generic torrent sites they can search in for such things? :shifty:

Oh, and on an additional Geass note:

If Rollo, with his sudden and unexplained existance, ends up doing the whole Dawn kind of thing from Buffy, I shall fucking well tear my hair out.
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So, yeah, the only series I have downloaded right now is Chrono Crusade, and the three FMP's.

So, that lead me to start downloading Code Geass and GL (will take awhile...shitty ratio), and Cardcaptors and Animaniacs (stfu) are in line.

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1) It had better be Cardcaptor Sakura (original Japanese version) rather than Cardcaptors, unless you want a great deal of suffering.

2) Nothing wrong with Animaniacs...though I'd buy the DVDs or just watch on Youtube, personally. >_>

3) Watch all of the FMPs. Immediately.

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So FMP is the next series I'm watching? Ok.

And yeah, I hope it is Cardcaptors Sakura....I'll check when I get home tonight to make sure. I heard the dub takes a lot of the stuff out of it, and taking stuff out is bad!

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