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I think it was next month. Possibly. I might not be remembering that correctly. ¬_¬

And that'll be referring to the serialised magazine publications, of course, with the Japanese and then English manga volumes following on later.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I'm pretty far in Geass now thanks to EWB going down for two days, I think I'm on episode 23-24....the one with the giant pizza.

Love the series. But two things:

1. How much did Pizza Hut pay to get in every other episode? :shifty:

2. Was Nina (Is that her name? The chick with the glasses and pigtails) masturbating?

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Yay! Ruki's almost all caught up. Also, FWIW, some sites are claiming that R2 will be the last season of Geass - which I'm happy about, myself. I don't know that I could see it lasting three proper seasons without getting horribly retarded. However, this does mean there's only about 12-13 episodes left in R2 to answer everything. This'll be fun.

So.. if every episode is on target for its release date I think this mean that we'll see the series end come the 3rd week of September. From the short plot summaries I've read it seems like they're getting ready to wrap things up, I just hope that these last dozen episodes or so are good and we get a decent ending.

UPCOMING EPISODE PLOT SUMMARIES - they don't give away much at all, but better safe than sorry. Oh and

if you haven't seen episode 13 of R2, don't click the spoiler. Major ep 13 R2 spoiler. :V

Episode 14 "Geass Hunt"

In retaliation for Shirley's death, which he indirectly blames on the existence of Geass, Lelouch mounts an assault on the Geass Directorate.

Episode 15 "The World of C"

Lelouch is transported by V.V. to the mysterious world of C, a realm where omniscient forces dwell.

Episode 16 "Super United Nations Resolution Number 1"

Lelouch rallies 47 countries under the banner of his United Nations, splitting the world between his new union and the Britannian Empire.

Episode 17 "The Taste of Soil/Dirt"

The battle for Japan is about to begin, but Lelouch must first confront Suzaku.

ep 17 sounds especially good, hopefully we'll get another good Suzaku/Lelouch conversation out of it. And by "decent ending" I mean "as much as I like Lelou, I want to see him die."

Edited by Cloudy Of The Rebellion
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Ep 16 sounds good as well. >_>

I don't want Lelou to die. :( I was upset enough when Light, who was a cock, died in Death Note. By comparison having Lelou die would be seriously unpleasant.

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Ep 16 sounds good as well. >_>

I don't want Lelou to die. :( I was upset enough when Light, who was a cock, died in Death Note. By comparison having Lelou die would be seriously unpleasant.

Well.. I should say I don't WANT him to die, but really, his death is the only way I can see the series ending on a high note. Honestly, he's like Light - I like him but he's way too much of a batty psycho to live. I don't wanna see some crappy feelgood BS where it's like "Lelouch, new Emperor of Britannia! Yaaaaay! Wooooo!" or anything terribly retarded.

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but it won't be in such a horrible "Oh well we didn't know how the end the series" manner like Light.

Given that the series could quite easily have ended on at least two separate occasions prior to the actual ending (had they not swerved away at the final moment), I'd like to hear how you call ascribe that to the real ending.

I mean, besides the obvious lack of a certain former protagonist whose name falls between K and M, the ending was what it should have been: Light completely and utterly caught out, with no tricks left to pull. I have criticisms for bits in the middle of the series (again: THE OBVIOUS), but the ending pulled it back round for me.

Edited by stokeriño
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but it won't be in such a horrible "Oh well we didn't know how the end the series" manner like Light.

Given that the series could quite easily have ended on at least two separate occasions prior to the actual ending (had they not swerved away at the final moment), I'd like to hear how you call ascribe that to the real ending.

I mean, besides the obvious lack of a certain former protagonist whose name falls between K and M, the ending was what it should have been: Light completely and utterly caught out, with no tricks left to pull. I have criticisms for bits in the middle of the series (again: THE OBVIOUS), but the ending pulled it back round for me.

Light had more tricks left to pull, it just felt like they had no ideas of where to go after a certain protagonist stopped playing a part in the series. So they just went with more of the same, and then instead of pulling out an interesting ending did what I was expecting for 30 episodes. I guess I should've said the ending was predictable more than anything.

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For what it's worth, the source of the report that Geass ends with R2 is.. a Japanese magazine, so I can't really read it. >_>


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I am filled with rage right now. I was just about to start episode 24/25, but then I realized "Oh shit! The subs are too low! I can barely read it!"

Now I have to find another copy of it somewhere, RAWR! IT IS GETTING SO GOOD!

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I must catch up on Soul Eater... Lorina and I haven't seen a thing since Tsubaki's altercation with Masamune. It sucks, but we've been so busy we haven't had much time to watch D:

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Get on it! Now!



.......Nina is a crazy bitch.

And evil place to end the season. Good thing I don't have to wait :shifty:...I'll get the season two episodes tomorrow, and then I should be caught up within the week.

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Both Karen and Kallen are real names, though - and there wouldn't be any distinction in the original kanji. :P

(Although with that said, the fact that Kallen is an Irish name meaning 'warrior' kind of gives it away >_>)

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My friend got around to watching all of Geass R1 and was "very disappointed". She's been kept up to date on everything by her friends while she watches the dub on Adult Swim, and then last night she was saying something about how when you "see something from far away and like it but 9 times out of 10 you don't want to see it close up" or some shit.

I think she's just disappointed that Suzaku and Lelou didn't hook up by R1's end. ¬_¬ She's not only a faghag, she eats slash fiction and that sort of roleplaying up. She's my friend and all but that shit irritates me to no end. Fan fiction, slash fiction, "zOMG let's have RP gaysex" etc :P

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