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TNA iMPACT! video game


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I think the writing has been on the wall for a while that this will be a poor game, now reviews are corroborating these views.

I'll rent it to see what I think of it - but will likely complete it during the rental and not want to buy it.

Maybe I'll buy it preowned for a fiver, which I don't think will be too far away.

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Yea, the review actually says the story mode can be completed in about 8 hours or so. I was thinkin about picking it up..still might in a month or so when its used

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To be perfectly honest, when I first heard about a TNA game, I thought I'd definitely be picking it up. Not now. I don't even have any desire to play it. Maybe I'm being slightly harsh, but it just doesn't interest me at all, especially after reading that IGN review, but to be quite honest my mind was pretty much made up before that.

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The game looked pretty slick, moves-wise. If it is as easy to pick up as they say, it might be good mindless fun. Price depending, i'm planning to pick it up when I buy my PS3 next week so that I can use the DVD offer - and it'll get me through to SDvR 09.

Edited by Plubby
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Whilst I'm not going to pick it up, it sounds like at least on a basic level, they are getting some things right. With this looking to be a yearly franchise, if they add to it, tweak some things over the next year or so, the sequels could be well worth a look.

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I Will be Picking It Up, For a New Wrestling Game on the Market it shall be interesting how the game plays out. Yeah It doesn't have the same features of SDvsRAW but in some aspects good, if this was a blatant ripoff of the SD Franchise just with TNA wrestlers it wouldn't be a unique game.

We all know there aren't that many features in the first ever game of the franchise. This is a game which had been built from the bottom up. Not many games could create something like this in their first outing. For IGN to basically compare the game nonstop against the SD Series is completely unfair with SD being around since the PS1 and the engine being created before that for Japanese Wrestling Games obviously TNA Impact! isn't going to be the same standard for another couple of years while Midway creates their own game adding features along the way and building up on their now Code which they have created for the game.

in the Xbox360 Review which I shall be picking up, they gave it a 6.7, which doesn't sound too good but when you look at the other scores for it, with everything getting 7.0's, 7.5's and 8.5's why after all of that they give it an overall 6.7? The Lasting appeal was given 6.5 but i think with the Storymode only being short yeah that is a downfall but at least it has a structured Story Mode. Online play shall be fun especially if the TNA Superstars keep to their word of playing it online alot. But if you add all the raitings on the xbox360 review and then give it an average it scores a 7.3.

Anyway Give What Judgement you want, but with a Niche Market in the Video Games Industry and just having SDvsRAW especially for the UK having a new game enter shall be breath of fresh air for gamers. DLC of Wrestlers with Petey Williams and Curry Man will be an added bonus and you could argue it is a exclusive feature that SDvsRAw doesn't have. I'll be gettting mine on Friday and as an avid Gamer/Journalist for Gaming I shall be leaving my own opinions to be decided once I play it.

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...a journalist for gaming? Where do you write? Just on forums. :shifty:

But seriously, we've been over the entire "first game in a series so it's allowed to have less features" thing. With the Smackdown! series evolving it wasn't really a matter of "can we do it" it was a matter of "we don't know how to do it yet". The ideas that grew along in the Smackdown franchise came along as a case of thinking things over after releases. It's like a bible now for what wrestling games should be, and the people who developed TNA Impact had it at their disposal.

And Also What the Hell?

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For IGN to basically compare the game nonstop against the SD Series is completely unfair

Why? A new First-Person Shooter comes out, it doesn't get compared to Wolfenstein 3D, it gets compared to Halo 3. I don't buy games based on whether or not the developer tried real hard, I buy based on if it's worth my money. If it's not, then I find something else that is... they had three years to work on this game, I can't really shed too many tears when their game turns out to be shit.

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I'm buying the game for my nephew, so I was kinda hoping it'd have some form of depth in order to play through the story with him, but oh well. He doesn't care about CAWs or story, as long as the core game mechanic is good enough, he'll be happy enough playign as Joe and stuff. 6.7 is hardly a bad review, I've had so much fun with games that weren't received well critically, if the core gameplay is worth it then I'll have a go at it.

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The score they gave the game seems a tad contradictory seeing the hype they've given it, after obviously playing it throughout. I haven't read the review, except for skimming the first page, which seems to say the actual gameplay is good, which in my eyes is the main appeal. I'd rather have good gameplay than "zOMG MILLIONS OF FEATURES!", half of which are played once. It's just the CAW which lets the side down.

I don't see how people can complain that story mode takes 8-10 hours, when one cycle of career on SD! takes the same amount, if that. They "have more storylines" apparently, but you always get the same ones anyway. so it's not different.

As I've said, if I had a PS3, i'd be getting it, but I don't and it'd be pointless getting it for PS2 if someday I'm going get a PS3, and won't be able to play it (thanks Sony and you're no playback on non-60GB models <_< ).

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The gameplay is the reason the game scored as high as it did. It's the one bright shining spot that the game has.

They gave it such a low score because while the gameplay may be good, it won't be enough to keep people playing when every character feels the same as every other character. The small roster size wouldn't be an issue either, if the characters were individuals. As it stands, it's essentially 25 different character models, who share moves with everyone else and the only bit of individuality comes from the finisher.

They have a really good base to build from... but what they released is not worth $60. $5 for a weekend with the game and some beers, maybe... but $60 sure as shit is far too expensive for the finished product.

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So... I went to 'The Store' (you know, the one we were discussing in the Spore topic) and purchased this game for PS2.

The Graphics:

So far it's been... a decent way to kill an hour or two. The graphics aren't really up to scratch, even for PS2. I was expecting atleast SVR07 level but instead I got slightly better than HCTP. No biggy, graphics have always been a nice feature for me but not the most important. Moving on... No CAW? for a story mode... based around CAW? Well, that's ridiculous but again, I can live with it.

The Story Mode:

Yeah. Not great. From what I've played thus far it seems like it tries to give the feeling that your working your way up from the Indies (though, for some reason you start in mexico.) which in theory could be great, but isn't really all that amazing. The lack of CAW and the ready made character is quite annoying, but I didn't mind so much as I already knew about that. But the big kick in the balls was when earlier on, I saw quite a few unlockable characters. After playing through the first gauntlet match in the game, it turns out 3 out of like... 7 unlockables are the pre-created characters used for this first gauntlet. Not cool.

Hopefully the story will pick up, though it doesn't seem likley.

The Game Play:

Here's the games biggest fault (to me, anyway) thus far. For something that is lacking features, matches, wrestlers and more, it could have all been saved by the gameplay. But unfortunetly, it seems to be slower than the online videos made it appear. No fast paced match-ups here, which could of been saved by the actual gameplay element, but no. Basically, you have 2 sets of moves; Regular moves (all of the wrestlers seem to have the same ones) and Power Moves (used by holding L1 with your Triangle combination.) and to top it off, a finisher. For me, after having played Smackdown vs. Raw, there is no excuse for this. Maybe it is the base game and will be built on in future games (if there are any) but it doesn't make up for the fact that what should have been the saving grace of this game, turned out to be repetitive and un-interesting.

I've been playing for about an hour or two (the first hour being getting to grips with the game and figuring out how to do a finisher) and I've already gotten bored.

Dissapointing. ):

Hopefully SvR 2009 will proove to be a better game.

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I've played a few exhibition matches so far, a couple of singles matches and a couple of Ultimate X matches. It's fun but the lack of variation in movesets and the limited amount of matches available could make it get old quite quick. There's a bunch of wrestlers you have to unlock though so maybe those will extend the life of it a little.

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So... I went to 'The Store' (you know, the one we were discussing in the Spore topic) and purchased this game for PS2.

The Graphics:

So far it's been... a decent way to kill an hour or two. The graphics aren't really up to scratch, even for PS2. I was expecting atleast SVR07 level but instead I got slightly better than HCTP. No biggy, graphics have always been a nice feature for me but not the most important. Moving on... No CAW? for a story mode... based around CAW? Well, that's ridiculous but again, I can live with it.

The Story Mode:

Yeah. Not great. From what I've played thus far it seems like it tries to give the feeling that your working your way up from the Indies (though, for some reason you start in mexico.) which in theory could be great, but isn't really all that amazing. The lack of CAW and the ready made character is quite annoying, but I didn't mind so much as I already knew about that. But the big kick in the balls was when earlier on, I saw quite a few unlockable characters. After playing through the first gauntlet match in the game, it turns out 3 out of like... 7 unlockables are the pre-created characters used for this first gauntlet. Not cool.

Hopefully the story will pick up, though it doesn't seem likley.

The Game Play:

Here's the games biggest fault (to me, anyway) thus far. For something that is lacking features, matches, wrestlers and more, it could have all been saved by the gameplay. But unfortunetly, it seems to be slower than the online videos made it appear. No fast paced match-ups here, which could of been saved by the actual gameplay element, but no. Basically, you have 2 sets of moves; Regular moves (all of the wrestlers seem to have the same ones) and Power Moves (used by holding L1 with your Triangle combination.) and to top it off, a finisher. For me, after having played Smackdown vs. Raw, there is no excuse for this. Maybe it is the base game and will be built on in future games (if there are any) but it doesn't make up for the fact that what should have been the saving grace of this game, turned out to be repetitive and un-interesting.

I've been playing for about an hour or two (the first hour being getting to grips with the game and figuring out how to do a finisher) and I've already gotten bored.

Dissapointing. ):

Hopefully SvR 2009 will proove to be a better game.

I obviously haven't been the biggest supporter of this game, but I don't think it should be judged by the PS2 version, bought from the store.

As I'm positive both graphics, and gameplay speed are greatly enhanced by the 360.

Edited by Media 2.0
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