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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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Well its helped confirm that Terry Bradshaw has gone senile.

He just said: "Wade Phillips will coach em up at half time, thats for sure"

Hang it up TB, its now abundantly clear you have no idea what you're watching.

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Matt Cassel just punted, for 57 yards!
What? Please explain.

It was 3rd and 7 on the NE 42 in the 4th and they had the huge wind with them, so Cassel took the snap in the shotgun, quickly punted it, dead centre, the Pats guys got to it first, surrounded it and left the wind take it to the 1 yard line before grounding it.

It was awesome.

Wow that DOES sound awesome, Atleast he knows he has a job when Brady comes back. :P

It's already on youtube - http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=HPHKZORtBmo

Edited by Merry Slogmas
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I hope Jones keeps Wade, Romo, T.O. and Williams longterm, 'cause next year will be their year for sure.

Just like 2007. I mean 2008. I mean E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!

Seriously, keep Romo around, I like watching him figure out new and creative ways to choke in meaningful games.

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The Cowboys are now 0-9 in their regular season finale since 2000, 0-6 against Andy Reid in December and Romo still hasn't won a postseason game. It's like Christmas all over again. At least this time their guys will be nice and rested for the Pro Bowl :shifty:

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We need to get a new fucking QB. Romo is not the franchise quarterback, he never will be. Its not a matter of "can't win the big one" no that'd be okay, he can't even fucking show up in the big one. He's absolute garbage in big games. He's got no heart, he's too fucking nice and mistakes get to him way too much. He hasn't developed at all since Parcells left, he's still making stupid mistakes like he was making two years ago.

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Romo's the type of guy who looks a lot better than he is because he plays on an All-Star level offense and occasionally scrambles out of pressure and makes a big play happen. However, when things go bad he's one of the worst "elite" QBs ever. They've got a Pro Bowl caliber RB and TE, a Hall of Fame level WR and two other guys at the position (Crayton and Williams) who would be in the mix to be #1's on most teams and yet they were 16th in scoring and can drop to 17 if Denver scores at least 14 tonight. If you just look at the "back of his playing card" you'll see great numbers every year, but they're largely hollow. Romo WILL throw the backbreaking pick or fumble away any game that really matters and things will only get worse as T.O and Witten get older/less effective.

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It must suck to be a Cowboy fan right now.

Time for a Titans/Dolphins AFC Championship game.

Sounds good in theory, until the Titans' starters come out flat as a week-old soda from having TWO weeks off and get bounced in their first playoff game.

I'd take Indy OR Baltimore over the Titans at this moment.

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Also, I'm a bit bummed that the Bears didn't get in, but I have a friend who's rabid for the Eagles, so it's good to see them make it, however much they may or may not have TRULY deserved it. (Seriously, there had to be, like, three people who know anything about football who didn't know that games could end in ties.)

Plus, I won not one, but TWO fantasy league championships today. Shweet. (Y) Including over the guy who thought Byron Leftwich was gonna fuck me in the ass and make me humble [/ironSheik]...he ended up dumping Lefty and picking up that noted scoring machine...Tarvaris Jackson. I was up by 40 and still had Nate Kaeding to throw a little gravy on that biscuit.

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Tony Romo after the game essentially said: "All we can do it go back to work next season, try to make the playoffs, try to get to the Super Bowl. If we don't OK. If we do, OK. Thats all you can say."

No Tony, its not OK if you don't win, its fucking terrible. What the fuck is wrong with him? Its like he has no competitive spirit whatsoever. I'm fucking sick of this oh its just a game attitude he has. No Tony, its your job and you're pretty fucking bad at it.

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I'm sure Eagles fans would concur with said statement.

So this year wasn't all bad for the 49ers. They finished in the area that I thought they would in terms of record and now that it's all but official that we'll have Singletary for awhile, things are definitely looking positive.

Edited by Livid
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