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Just a note, it's 13/14 regenerations I believe, as we found out in the old series when The Master lost his. Keys of something or other with Peter Davison and Tegan.

Keys Of Traken, I believe. Peter Davison's first story.

However, if we're treating the film as canon (which we kind of have to, considering Paul McGann is considered to be one of the past Doctors), and I believe a couple of serials mention it too, The Master is trying to gain more regenerations - so they could circumvent the limited number of regenerations.

As for being able to kill a Time Lord before they can regenerate - it's kind of been hinted at before; the act of Regeneration isn't supposed to be a resurrection, it's taking on a younger body to prolong life; it's a way of keeping a Time Lord alive as long as possible, just like the two hearts - the Doctor has never actually "died", he just goes through intense trauma, which triggers the regeneration. Also, when John Simm's Master first died, wasn't the Doctor practically begging him to regenerate, and the Master refused?

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Yes. That is exactly what happened. I think the problem is, is that they have created a large grey area over the re-generations to a point where no one knows anymore what's going on. I feel one episode where The Doctor quickly explains how it all works (Maybe with a new companion to introduce him/her) would suffice. Just something that give a clear explanation.

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Now there is another problem when the 10th Doctor stopped his regeneration halfway through during "The Stolen Earth" did that use up one of his regenerations.

If they wish to carry on after his last (12th) regeneration they could say a few things like The Time Lords were in charge of the actual amount as they are no longer there he gets a unknown amount or during the Time War to keep all of them alive for as long as possible The Time Lords changed the number to a unknown or infinite amount.

They could even say that is another reason he was so worried about regenerating as now without any Time Lords to keep it in check he's not so sure he will anymore

Edited by Frederick Jameson
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The official website says something to the effect of "Time Lords used to have thirteen lives, but now that they're gone, who knows?" So, yeah.

The whole, being killed before he can regenerate, wasn't that the whole point of Turn Left? Time Lords can cheat death by regenerating, but they have to do it before they're, um, dead.

Edited by The Dragon
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Just a note, it's 13/14 regenerations I believe, as we found out in the old series when The Master lost his. Keys of something or other with Peter Davison and Tegan.

Keys Of Traken, I believe. Peter Davison's first story.

The regeneration limit is first mentioned in the Tom Baker story The Deadly Assassin, where it's explained how the Master had used up all of his. Peter Davison's first story was called Castrovalva, and there's no such story as 'Keys of Traken,' methinks you're getting The Keys of Marinus (William Hartnell) and The Keeper of Traken (Tom Baker) mixed up. Sorry, being a bit of a DW Nazi there.

I find the idea of the Doctor being immortal like Jack quite unappealing. It's alright for comers-and-goers like Jack who can serve as a plot device, but having an immortal lead kinda rapes any story of its dramatic potential. Plus, I for one would love to see, in ten or so years' time, the Thirteenth Doctor facing the inevitability of his final death, and having to explain to his companion that there's no regeneration this time. He would, of course, regenerate in the end, giving us a nice mystery to pursue in the following series.

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At this point nobody knows exactly what it is going to be. There was talk that Captain Jack could show up, there was talk of it being in Who canon and out, it's all a very new announcement. Who (pun intended) knows if it will even get on air.

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  • 1 month later...

American Torchwood? I don't think I want that. Most British shows simply don't translate well into American versions. I'm also wary of Fox being mentioned as in on this, even if RTD and Julie Gardner are too. Been burned too many times by Fox already. Plus it'll likely end up heavily sanitized.

Of course, if it does get off the ground, I have a small request: NO GWEN COOPER, PLEASE.

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but BBC America is advertising the new season with a premiere date of April 17th.

Edited by RavenBlack
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BBC Official Site (New Trailer + Shizz)

Vague Review/Interview with Smith/Smidgen of New Footage

If you want to go in blind to the new series - I'd advise you don't click on either. If you're not bothered, go for it.

I'm really not sure about Matt Smith yet - sometimes he seems great, others not so much hmm.gif. It definitely looks like it'll take a while to get used to him.

Edited by badotori
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  • 2 weeks later...

Did I pine for David Tennant at any point during that episode?

Fuck no I didn't.

(Y) Big thumbs up from me.

But :o

...Did I just see a clip of The Doctor firing a gun?!

That's always been an ultra-massive no-no, hasn't it?

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