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I have one more episode left of Terror of the Autons and unless the finale is a dud - something that I really can't see happening - then I'll heartily endorse it's recommendations on here. There's some nice 70's family TV cheese (the hypnosis, the shrinking weapon), but the script by Robert Holmes (Spearhesd from Space, Deadly Assassin, Weng-Chiang, Androzaani) is very good; witty and perfectly paced with no wasted moments. Jon Pertwee and Roger Delgado are superb and Nicholas Courney is good value as ever.

It's also got numerous 'first appearances.' First time we see The Master (only criticism so far is his motivations aren't expalained. He's just turns up and the Doctor is like, 'MY NEMESIS!' and that's it), the first time we see Mike Yates and the first appearance of Jo Grant (The Doctor's reaction on meeting her for the first time is simply priceless).

Finally, like Spearhead from Space, there are a few bits which you can see being genuinely terrifying to a child in the 1970's.

Quality stuff.

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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The Third Doctor is the most "action heroish" Doctor as far as the original series goes. He knew Venusian Akido and wasn't afraid to mix it up when he had to. Plus Jon Pertwee had a badass dragon tattoo that they didn't cover up. Speculation amongst fans is that its a Gallifreyan prisoner/criminal mark or something since that's the only incarnation that had it and the Doctor had been exiled to Earth.

He did have a few rather lousy outfits, but the Third Doctor was fairly stylish.

Incidentally, if Roger Delgado hadn't died in a car accident, the Third Doctor would have been the only Doctor to fight the Master, because the original plan was to kill the Master off in a season finale by having the Master sacrifice himself to save the Doctor from being killed. Wrap your head around that!

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I've not been liking this series much so far but HOLY SHIT! That episode was excellent, seriously awesome.

Also how creepy was that final image of the:

skeleton hand clutching the sonic screwdriver

Also the episode title for the return episode - Let's Kill Hitler - has me intrigued.

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So, that was pretty much excellent, and the ending, while somewhat predictable was still epic. And the Sontaran had some great lines :D

I assume eye-patch woman is the big bad for the second half of the series though, because otherwise that was a bit of a lame duck way of bringing her story to an end.


Re: Regenerating girl from end of ep 2, and River having time-lord DNA. So, somewhere, the Doctor lets a small child get fatally wounded (pretty careless) who then regenerates into Alex Kingston....

Or do we think the girl was someone else entirely? Maybe a 'weapon' made by eye-patch woman while she has the real baby. Anyway

Also, loved the references to the darker side of the Doctor.... the people that have died for him, the line about thinking that he should sometimes give in, speculating on what the word Doctor might come to mean... Fucking loved that shit.

Oh, and Let's Kill Hitler... Brilliant title :D

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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In Silence of the Dead (or whatever the Weeping Angels one is)

Amy asked if River was the Doctor's wife, and he said yes.

So Amy is, or is going to be, The Doctor's Mother-in-law?

Edited by berober
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This doesn't make sense with how moody River got at the end of Episode 2 (or whenever she was bitching about the Doctor forgetting her), unless that was River from a completely different part of the timeline. Certainly, taking your wife skating on the Thames and having Stevie Wonder sing to her seems pretty romantic, so that River must be from the period where she was happy with him...

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Going to have to avoid spoilers, as I'm behind a bit thanks to BBC America.

I was watching some Doctor Who related videos on Youtube earlier, and have to make a few comments:

Worst versions of the theme: Jon Pertwee's 1st and Sylvester McCoy's. (Not sure which one I'd say is worse than the other) Colin Baker's is pretty bad, too, but those are worse.

Best versions of the theme: Eccelston/Tennant and Tom Baker's second/Peter Davison's

Best title sequence: (tie) Tom Baker's first (which is more or less Pertwee's second) and the Eccelston/Tennant one.

Best title logo: Pertwee's second/Tom Baker's first.

Worst title logo: Sylvester McCoy's.

Best dressed Doctor: Debatable depending on your taste, but I'd go with a tie between Jon Pertwee and David Tennant, myself. Anyone who picks Colin Baker is either color blind or legally blind. :P

Worst dressed Doctor: Colin Baker. His first outfit looked like he was dressed in the dark by the Batman villain Two-Face's tailor using some left over scraps.

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Best versions of the theme: Eccelston/Tennant

I'm still not sure which of those two I prefer. I mean, I sort of appreciate the more traditional (I guess) version of the opening bars in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRE1aOogdPI, but also like the way that

(or the one he finished with anyway) says "oh fuck it" and goes even more for the orchestral than it already was. These minor tweaks are significant, damn it! :shifty:

Probably still not my 'favourite', either of them, but it depends on my mood.

Mmm, nerding it up.

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Out of the two it's the Eccy theme for me. I prefer the traditional mixed with comtemporay feel. Tenny's theme feels like that without breaking out at all.

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Going to have to avoid spoilers, as I'm behind a bit thanks to BBC America.

I was watching some Doctor Who related videos on Youtube earlier, and have to make a few comments:

Best versions of the theme: Eccelston/Tennant and Tom Baker's second/Peter Davison's

Best title sequence: (tie) Tom Baker's first (which is more or less Pertwee's second) and the Eccelston/Tennant one.

Best dressed Doctor: Debatable depending on your taste, but I'd go with a tie between Jon Pertwee and David Tennant, myself. Anyone who picks Colin Baker is either color blind or legally blind. :P

Worst dressed Doctor: Colin Baker. His first outfit looked like he was dressed in the dark by the Batman villain Two-Face's tailor using some left over scraps.

Did you not bother seeing the black and white ones because i would say without a shadow of a doubt that Hartnell's is the best theme (Hartnell's Intro), i'd also include Troughton's intro for best title sequence ([Troughton's Intro).

On top of that i'd also add in Troughton for best dressed, seeing as he pretty much used the same outfit as Hartnell but it was more baggy it gave him a slighty different look over Hartnell making a bit more qwerky. I'd also easilly add in the first two main outfits Tom Baker wore to that list, the one with the light and dark were also very suiting.

Also in regards to Colin Bakers outfit, he only wore one, unless you also count the one time he wore the hawaian shirt in Attack of the Cybermen but on that same note you could also count many one off's, also i'd say that in his Necros mourning cloak in Revelation of the Daleks he did look alrighty for once.

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Going to have to avoid spoilers, as I'm behind a bit thanks to BBC America.

I was watching some Doctor Who related videos on Youtube earlier, and have to make a few comments:

Best versions of the theme: Eccelston/Tennant and Tom Baker's second/Peter Davison's

Best title sequence: (tie) Tom Baker's first (which is more or less Pertwee's second) and the Eccelston/Tennant one.

Best dressed Doctor: Debatable depending on your taste, but I'd go with a tie between Jon Pertwee and David Tennant, myself. Anyone who picks Colin Baker is either color blind or legally blind. :P

Worst dressed Doctor: Colin Baker. His first outfit looked like he was dressed in the dark by the Batman villain Two-Face's tailor using some left over scraps.

Did you not bother seeing the black and white ones because i would say without a shadow of a doubt that Hartnell's is the best theme (Hartnell's Intro), i'd also include Troughton's intro for best title sequence ([Troughton's Intro).

On top of that i'd also add in Troughton for best dressed, seeing as he pretty much used the same outfit as Hartnell but it was more baggy it gave him a slighty different look over Hartnell making a bit more qwerky. I'd also easilly add in the first two main outfits Tom Baker wore to that list, the one with the light and dark were also very suiting.

Also in regards to Colin Bakers outfit, he only wore one, unless you also count the one time he wore the hawaian shirt in Attack of the Cybermen but on that same note you could also count many one off's, also i'd say that in his Necros mourning cloak in Revelation of the Daleks he did look alrighty for once.

You're right about Colin Baker's outfit. I think what threw me off is that there were some promotional pictures at one time that had him in a different coat, which was colored similar to the 5th Doctor's (but not the same design) and had some blue on it as well. But I don't believe it was ever actually used. I know for some animation they did and for the Big Finish covers they've got the Sixth Doctor in blue now, and that outfit looks great. (Blue is my favorite color)

Disagree with you about Hartnell and Troughton's, but its a matter of taste. The world would be a weird place if everyone liked the same things.

And the First and Second Doctor didn't really wear the same outfit. The Second just shared the First Doctor's taste in plaid or checked pants and occasionally wore a similar style of tie. (And lets not forget the Second sometimes wore a fur coat, which showed up again when the Seventh was picking out his new wardrobe)

I really wish most of the Second Doctor's episodes hadn't been lost. I like him from what I've seen of him, and the descriptions of most of the episodes sound pretty good. (And "Fury From The Deep" = 1st appearance of a certain gadget the Doctor is rather fond of.)

Edited by GhostMachine
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Going to have to avoid spoilers, as I'm behind a bit thanks to BBC America.

I was watching some Doctor Who related videos on Youtube earlier, and have to make a few comments:

Best versions of the theme: Eccelston/Tennant and Tom Baker's second/Peter Davison's

Best title sequence: (tie) Tom Baker's first (which is more or less Pertwee's second) and the Eccelston/Tennant one.

Best dressed Doctor: Debatable depending on your taste, but I'd go with a tie between Jon Pertwee and David Tennant, myself. Anyone who picks Colin Baker is either color blind or legally blind. :P

Worst dressed Doctor: Colin Baker. His first outfit looked like he was dressed in the dark by the Batman villain Two-Face's tailor using some left over scraps.

Did you not bother seeing the black and white ones because i would say without a shadow of a doubt that Hartnell's is the best theme (

Hartnell's Intro), i'd also include Troughton's intro for best title sequence ([Troughton's Intro).

On top of that i'd also add in Troughton for best dressed, seeing as he pretty much used the same outfit as Hartnell but it was more baggy it gave him a slighty different look over Hartnell making a bit more qwerky. I'd also easilly add in the first two main outfits Tom Baker wore to that list, the one with the light and dark were also very suiting.

Also in regards to Colin Bakers outfit, he only wore one, unless you also count the one time he wore the hawaian shirt in Attack of the Cybermen but on that same note you could also count many one off's, also i'd say that in his Necros mourning cloak in Revelation of the Daleks he did look alrighty for once.

You're right about Colin Baker's outfit. I think what threw me off is that there were some promotional pictures at one time that had him in a different coat, which was colored similar to the 5th Doctor's (but not the same design) and had some blue on it as well. But I don't believe it was ever actually used. I know for some animation they did and for the Big Finish covers they've got the Sixth Doctor in blue now, and that outfit looks great. (Blue is my favorite color)

Disagree with you about Hartnell and Troughton's, but its a matter of taste. The world would be a weird place if everyone liked the same things.

And the First and Second Doctor didn't really wear the same outfit. The Second just shared the First Doctor's taste in plaid or checked pants and occasionally wore a similar style of tie. (And lets not forget the Second sometimes wore a fur coat, which showed up again when the Seventh was picking out his new wardrobe)

I really wish most of the Second Doctor's episodes hadn't been lost. I like him from what I've seen of him, and the descriptions of most of the episodes sound pretty good. (And "Fury From The Deep" = 1st appearance of a certain gadget the Doctor is rather fond of.)

Troughton did wear the same outfit, they made the point out in Power of the Daleks when he tripped up on his own clothes after the regeneration and with some small exceptions the outfits worn between Hartnell and Troughton are 90% the same, if anything Troughton added the stovepipe hat which didn't last beyond 2-3 stories, its one of my favourite look's of the Doctor as the "Cosmic Hobo".

Fury from the Deep may be the first story for the sonic screwdriver but to my knowledge was then used in 2 other stories (Dominators and War Games), also its wasn't much more than a pen light.

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So what episode were they referencing with that woman who joined the army?

Unless its an oldie, none, or possibly a future ep. Wouldn't be Doctor Who without a Blade Runner-esque reference to something cool that you wish you'd seen...

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So what episode were they referencing with that woman who joined the army?

Unless its an oldie, none, or possibly a future ep. Wouldn't be Doctor Who without a Blade Runner-esque reference to something cool that you wish you'd seen...

I'd actually assume its from an event yet to happen, might have something to do what Idris/Tardis said before she died.

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Star Wars meets Doctor Who! What a fucking episode. What a fucking cliffhanger.

Ghost, I'm in the USA and BBCA can fuck off. DL the episode, dont wait a week. Hell I can give you a link where you can watch it now.

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What a fucking episode!

Every time The Doctor gives one of his "I'm The Doctor, run... etc etc etc" it gives me the chills, but watching that backfire on him was pretty cool. I am seriously hyped up for the 2nd part of the season.

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Star Wars meets Doctor Who! What a fucking episode. What a fucking cliffhanger.

Ghost, I'm in the USA and BBCA can fuck off. DL the episode, dont wait a week. Hell I can give you a link where you can watch it now.

I used to watch Doctor Who via Veoh before it aired in the U.S. (That's how I saw "Utopia", "Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End", amongst others), but Veoh turned to crap over a year ago.

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