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The sonic screwdriver was introduced during the Second Doctor era, and was exactly that: a screwdriver. Though I believe either the Second or Third also used it as a welding torch on one occasion. The original prop was actually a non-descript, ordinary looking penlight.

It did do a few other things during the original series, but not until the Colin Baker era, I believe. And even then it wasn't a do-everything device that gets used it every frickin' episode.

Its obvious its used a lot in the new series for merchandising reasons. They not only have toy versions out, but even have a real screwdriver set with the screwdriver looking like 11's sonic screwdriver. No clue if they made one that looked like 9 and 10's...

P.S. And yes, the telepathic thing is new. Just another addition to making it a hand held deus ex machina.

Well it was used to remotely detonate mines in the 3rd Doctor Era, and was gotten rid of under the 5th Doctor as it was over used and didn't return until the 8th Doctor (it may have been used when McCoy was the Doctor though)

So most of what you said there simply isn't true. It was used when the Doctor needed to get out of a situation during the classic series, but it has become over used recently.

I forgot all about the 3rd using it to detonate mines, but you're right about it not being back until the tv movie. What I was thinking of when I said Colin Baker was the Sonic Lance from Attack of the Cybermen.

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My theory about the Doctor's real name:

The Doctor took a trip to Earth with his parents, and made the horrible mistake of introducing himself to someone who wrote children's songs. Ever since he's never been able to live with the shame of being named.....Johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt.


Yes, I realize that was an extremely lame joke/

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Ok i may be slow but..who was that monster thing in the pocket universe? I didn't understand the ending

It wasn't anything particular, I don't think, just a monster. The "twist" at the end was just that there was one in each universe, not just the one trying to get through - in classic "New Who" style, it wasn't a "monster" trying to break into our universe to wreak havoc, it was a misunderstood creature, reaching out to its partner across time and space.

Anyway, I thought it was a bloody good episode. Nice atmosphere, brilliantly lit and directed, and moving very subtly forwards with hints to the relationship between the Doctor and Clara, not least of all the question of why the TARDIS doesn't like Clara. I also think that the TARDIS opting to use Clara's own image as a hologram to talk to her doesn't mean that the TARDIS considers Clara self-centred, but holds some clue as to who Clara actually is.

Also, I bloody love the Cloister Bell!

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Wait, people other than me actually liked the episode? Crazy! :shifty:

Next weeks episode looks fantastic.

In fairness, you're still in "it's all new to me!" mode, where you're sucking up every new bit of the thing with the insatiable hunger of new fandom.

Ok i may be slow but..who was that monster thing in the pocket universe? I didn't understand the ending

It wasn't anything particular, I don't think, just a monster. The "twist" at the end was just that there was one in each universe, not just the one trying to get through - in classic "New Who" style, it wasn't a "monster" trying to break into our universe to wreak havoc, it was a misunderstood creature, reaching out to its partner across time and space.

Anyway, I thought it was a bloody good episode. Nice atmosphere, brilliantly lit and directed, and moving very subtly forwards with hints to the relationship between the Doctor and Clara, not least of all the question of why the TARDIS doesn't like Clara. I also think that the TARDIS opting to use Clara's own image as a hologram to talk to her doesn't mean that the TARDIS considers Clara self-centred, but holds some clue as to who Clara actually is.

Also, I bloody love the Cloister Bell!

Someone raised an interesting note about TARDIS/Clara elsewhere...

What if she's the one who's flying the TARDIS when it "crashes"? We've never had the pilot of the crash revealed, and maybe the TARDIS knows who it is and is trying to fight against fate by not letting Clara inside her when The Doctor isn't around? If it crashes when Clara's inside, maybe she gets spread out across time and space, explaining why there's multiple versions of her.

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I, uncontrollablely, enjoyed that episode. Thought they were gonna spoil the "Doctor's name reveal" right at the end, but saved for another day. But, I am excited to see where this takes us and especially with the "next time" trailer at the end showing the potental for the human flesh ooze to make a comeback.

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I've liked all the other episodes this series, there's been some cracking stuff. That, on the other hand, was just dull filler. There wasn't any tension in for me at all. There were bits I liked, the eye of harmony reference was nice, the voices were nice and the library was cool but that's all there were for me, and everything else was just a bit lifeless. It reminded me of some of the worst bit of series six where the actual episode itself seemed like it'd been sacrificed in order to do some story arc bits.

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