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See, that's an odd take to me. If anything I would have thought RTD's metaphors were like sledgehammers (The Master being Tony Blair, Christmas Invasion being about the Falklands, the Time War largely existing as a metaphor for conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq). I think his run was far more political (perhaps overly so) than Moffat's (space whales aside). 

Also, wasn't Moffat's very first arc about the end of time and the universe because the TARDIS exploded? If anything his arcs got more personal as he went along. 


As an aside, not related to the above or what Skummy said, I've quite enjoyed people on social media proclaiming that RTD is going t nsave the series when, if anything, I expect he'll offer more of what people sulk about with Chinnall. If you moan about Chibnall being "preachy" with his politics and world views you're really not going to like RTD. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

That trailer looks pretty fun tbh. Looking forward to the slightly different format too (6 episodes for a single arc). 

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On 04/11/2021 at 04:34, Your Mom said:

I kinda want to start watching again. I think I missed Season 12 though. Anyone know a good way to just catch up without having to watch all of it? Or was it like really good and worth watching?

They key episodes from 12 would be Spyfall, Fugitive of the Judoon, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Ascension of the Cybermen and The Timeless Children, to me it was mostly meh, those episodes cover the main seasons story points, the last three run into each other story wise, you may want to catch up before 13 since I've heard 13/Flux is going to expand upon the season 12 ending.

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On 21/11/2021 at 20:26, Subject Delta said:

I hate Weeping Angels episodes where you have two people and instead of having one person watch them whilst the other escapes in turns, they both back away together like morons.

Logic, my dear, 'merely enables one to be wrong with authority.

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Isn't Angel logic a bit mangled anyway, they always do the "walk away looking at it" trick, but surely the Angel would then immediately get them as soon as they went out of sight walking in the same direction? You could never get away in the end. Plus the looking at each other thing is a bit out of the window now.

Anyway in other news, having watched the first few episodes of the new series I watched Rose with my near six year old, and he can't grasp the concept of The Doctor being a man...


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This is the most I've enjoyed Doctor Who for years. Defo my favourite groups of episodes from the Jodie era, probs the best since the Capaldi nearly solo episode. 

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I wanted to like the Angels episode a lot more than I did - the previous episode was peak Chibnall, just unfiltered nonsense, whereas this one was a potentially great episode being consistently marred by Chibnall-isms and being too clever for its own good.

Leaning heavily into the potential of the Weeping Angels in a folk horror 1960s setting should be brilliant, and at times it threatened to be. The reason the Weeping Angels are so good is that, like The Silence but better, they lean into some absolute base fears - "what happens when you're not looking?" is a brilliant horror starting point, and distilling that to "don't blink" is a genuinely inspired bit of writing, and that they're also creepy statues just adds to that.

Unfortunately, while they've had a better hit rate than most New Who monsters, the more they try and add to the concept, the further they move away from that root idea. I could have happily never heard a Weeping Angel talk (I don't even want to know that they are capable of communication), I hate the idea of the Angels managing to inhabit human minds, and all the psychobabble that went with it - the Doctor entering someone's subconscious is a daft superpower and lazy writing, and if "that which contains an image of an Angel is an Angel" extends to people thinking about them, why isn't there one inside of everyone that's ever met one? As for Angels working for The Division, hate it. The idea of them working for anyone, rather than just being single-minded predators, doesn't work for me at all.

A lost kid stranded in another time, a village becoming deserted, Weeping Angels - it should all be like a brilliant Doctor Who take on an M.R. James story, but it felt like they had to crowbar in elements of the overarching Flux story. It kills the mood to cut away from the horror atmosphere they're building up to a sci-fi mess with characters we barely know. Such a shame.

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I think the Doctor's been able to read minds since 10 (when they randomly decided to have him act like Spock) so I don't really feel like irs much of a stretch to have her enter people's subconscious. And I don't think that's much of a stretch from the mind control the Master has always used. 

The Weeping Angels were pretty much ruined from their second ever story when they decided to show them moving. Didn't help that Blink hinted that they could look like any statue but they've mostly stuck with the same design. The Division using them feels like a continuation of a dangling plot threat from the RTD era when shamed Time Lords would pose like them. Not sure its necessary but you could say that about a lot of Chibnall's stuff.

I've actually quite enjoyed this series. I'm not really sure why when it shares quite a lot of similarities with the Moffat series that I couldn't get on with. There's a lot of questions asked that haven't been answered yet (and I'm not sure how they're going to answer them all with one episode left to go) but because it feels like one contained story it's less irritating than with Moffat when you felt he was constantly making you sit through episodes that don't really matter as much as his bigger overall story. 

I do long for something a little more back to basics though. They won't do it but I kinda wish that we didn't catch up with the next Doctor until several years into their regeneration. 


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So tomorrow's/this week's episode is the final this season before the New Years special, with all the build up and slow burn I would have accepted 1-2 more episodes on top because there is so much that just got dumped on us this season, oh well, I guess typical Chibs, just dump it all in the final episode and then leave us scratching our heads till you have to explain it all next season.

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I felt the six parts had a lot of good ideas but failed to bring them into any real sense of coherence. I dug Swarm, Azure, Jericho, Dan, Grand Serpent, basically all the new characters, but honestly the plot just felt like noise. It felt like it was plotted by a 5 year old "and then this happens, and then this happens, and then a dragon came..." and never had time to breathe nor explain what was actually happening with any sense of coherence. I assume it's because they got cut from 8 episodes to 6 because of Covid but if that's the case they probably should have just wiped out some of the non-essential plot. Overall, not the worst of Chibnall, but I'm still glad it will soon be over. God help whoever has to make sense of it all though.

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