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The Place Where Fallout Purists Whine

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That's definitely a collector's edition I will be wasting my money on.

Yes, this.

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Man, fuck that. A graphic novel written by MCA. I'd kill a small child to get me one of those.

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AFAIK, it'll basically be like Fallout 1-2 in that you need to eat and drink or suffer stat penalties, and ammo is no longer free (it has weight, so you won't be able to lug around 15 tactical nuclear warheads at a time anymore).

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It went with bottle caps as currency because it's far more useful than ammo. Bottle caps are small amounts of thin metal that can easily be melted and reshaped into numerous applications, which can include ammunition or shell casings. Whereas ammunition is normally too dense to be practically malleable in a post apocolyptic industrial process.

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And there's nothing to say that you couldn't use ammunition as currency. If you played Fallout 2 you surely remember a point late game where you switched your primary weapon to guass/energy, and had a shitload of 9mm bullets you weren't ever going to use.

It just makes sense, for the game system, to have a currency in place that isn't also an inventory item of it's own accord.

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Hell, you can do that in Fallout 3 too, to a lesser extent.

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Yeah, but Fallout 3 is broken because ammo having no weight makes it utterly imbalanced.

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Roll your eyes as you will, it's completely unrealistic to walk around with 35 howitzer shells and 80 tanks of flamethrower fuel and still sneak around like a wood elf with a cloak of invisibility.

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Anyway, as obvious troll is obvious, let us move on.

Some new scans uploaded, from a new preview in Game Informer. Sounds like they're getting more and more time with the game as we get closer to release.

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So, if sneaking while carrying admittedly unrealistic amounts of weaponry on your person is broken, what does that make the MGS series?

I'm just saying it's kind of rediculous to complain about it when there's tons of games out there that are just as bad about it.

That being said, I'm on the fence if I do want to do Hardcore mode when I do New Vegas at first or not...

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If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?

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Anyway, looking at those scans, I'm looking more forward to this game. The 'dumb guy' dialog options and multiple currencies both sound interesting, plus I LOL'd at the hotel in the last scan.

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The multiple currencies thing is nice. Establishes the difference between overlaping, opposing societies.

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It'd be REALLY cool if they had an artificial economy to it too. Like, you know, fluctuating exchange rates depending events in the game.

I really hope a hands-on, spoiler-free demo will be available. I want to see minion control in action.

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I understand where you're coming from Sean, I'm just saying that, for a game that prides itself on realism, bottle caps are a little strange. In reality, paper money would likely still be used in some form, and failing that, some sort of full-on barter system. Ammo is small, has an intrinsic value within the situation, and would be more valuable than caps. I get why its not done that way within the constraints of the game, however.

As for ORO, its clear that he doesn't really *get* Fallout. I admit that 3 is the only one I've played thus far, but I've read up on the others, plan to get them and play them, and fully understand why hardcore Fallout fans disliked 3, even if I feel they're entirely too negative about what is a fairly good game, if it wasn't for the freezing issues in late game.

Read the GI preview, and it sounds really interesting. 'Ceasar's Legions' sound pretty outlandish, but the idea behind it is very interesting. I'm a built-in mark for the NCR (no wonder...), so that's a plus, and the idea of companions actually being worth a fuck is great (although Star Paladin Cross is a badass, she fell of an overpass and survived!). I just hope that its more faithful to Fallout canon, and that the multiple currencies are handled well.

Wish that CE game with that awesome NCR shirt that was posted earlier, but its basically a graphic novel and some trinkets for an extra $20-25, as I read somewhere that it would retail for $69 (PC) and $79 (console). Think it was on the comments in that very link. I'll probably pick it up.

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