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The Place Where Fallout Purists Whine

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Supposedly with the addition of one of the DLC's (Broken Steel is it? The one that ups the level cap to 30.) he begins to level with you and becomes almost unstoppable.

I'm on a second playthrough as a good guy this time, well, good gal I suppose is more accurate. I semi-rushed through the story so I could get Fawkes. In a way it kind of unbalances things a bit what with him being so powerful. Him being able to carry so much really plays into my hoarder nature though. I was slightly addicted myself but haven't played in a few days now.

One of my favourite moments involved Fawkes. At Rivet City I helped Angela seduce Diego and went to see the pair wed. Actually, before I get into it, that is a strange quest. You get good karma for helping her do that, why? He shows no interest in her until you help her via peformance enhancing drugs and in doing so you have a man of the cloth leave his position in the Church. Surely that is nuetral at best.

Anyway, since I normally sell any wasteland outfits or use them to repair my trader outfits, I had to go and buy a nice new dress for the occasion. Then I went to take my seat in the church for the ceremony. Unfortunately, either Fawkes couldn't find a seat or the pews were not able to accomodate something his size. So instead he found himself standing next to the groom, almost as if he was the best man, something that amused me. Maybe I should have gone and stood next to Angela to be a bridesmaid, actually, maybe Fawkes should have.

Diego caught me stealing from the church and Jericho blew his head off. I then had many dialogue scenes about with Angela about him with his severed head rolling underfoot.

I miss you Fallout 3 :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I decided to start playing again....this time a brute, 8 in strength right off the bat. I WANTED to go for a melee/unarmed build, but I quickly realized inside the Vault that....well....hand-to-hand combat sucks unless you're fighting roaches. So, as I left the Vault my tagged skills were Big Guns/Small Guns/Melee weapons. I will crush all evil!

Made a stop at the school, did a bit of extra exploring...I didn't know they had a basement, or a tunnel, or that giant ants were located in there.

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I got back to my game where I'm playing an evil slaver and for the hell of it I wanted to see if I could enslave the guy who wanted me to blow up Megaton. I waited an hour on the porch where he sits and that bitch who gets all "YOU'RE ASKING TOO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE REPLICATED MAN" runs up to me, way up on top of that tower. So I decide to mez her instead and she doesn't take to it so she starts to fight back. Allistar stands up, blows her head off with a sniper rifle and then glitchingly teabags her corpse.

I let him live after that.

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  • 1 month later...

Out of those three Broken Steel would be the best. Operation Anchorage is probably the weakest of the lot, though you do get the some goodies with it. Broken Steel has some real nice goodies though once you beat the main questline associated with it. The Pitt is fun, but also kinda short.

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The way I rank them are as follows:

Broken Steel

Point Lookout

The Pitt

Mothership Zeta

Operation Anchorage

Point Lookout(the yokel one) is a great one to get as well because you can spend a lot of time exploring and discovering new locations like you did in the main Fallout map. Pretty fun if you're the exploring type. Mothership Zeta(alien one) is alright, but it takes a while to get through and the combat is pretty hard, make sure you're well equipped with Stimpacks before you start that one if you're at a high level(like around 28 or so.)

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I am another who recently got back into the game. A little too much methinks.

I started out exiting 101, no idea what i had... and ended up quickly doing a couple of random missions leading me to "The Family". I had a baseball bat, and that was pretty much it, so for some reason, I thought it would be fun to slaughter them all :D

That gave me a lot of shit. I then did the mission where you are a soldier fighting the chinese. I have never done that before. That bumped me up like four levels, and now I am coasting through everything else... Nothing overly exciting. Just finding and doing stuff I haven't done before.

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  • 2 months later...

Decided to finally give this a try recently and I'm hooked. Are there any good guides for it online though? Finding some of the locations is a major pain.

Really, you didn't think of... you know, Google?


More specifically:


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