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The Official "OMG I GOT IT!" Thread


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A strange thing happened in line. About 10 minutes until twelve, this fat, burly, ginger man in a baseball coat and cap came up to about mid-line from the front of the line, paced around for a couple seconds, looking at the 200+ people lined up and exclaimed, quite loudly, "I ain't standin' in no fuckin' line!" and then stormed off to his truck.

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I'm getting it tomorrow at ten. I didn't want to wait with all the dorky kids for the midnight release. I did that once, for halo 2. Never again.

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I got to ASDA about 11pm last night and there was around 15 people stood around the electronics station. My brother and I know the guy who was working the till and he was dishing out "pre-order slips" (just a piece of paper with 'Ps3 - 1 Copy' on for example) and putting some of the games in a seperate drawer so everyone with a piece of paper would be guaranteed a copy.

Apparently there were only around 20 PS3 copies and 50 X-Box copies but by the time 12 o clock rolled around (longest hour of my life btw) there must have been at least a hundred people there easy.

Anyway once they started selling em the line moved pretty fast and I had bought my copy and got back home by 10 past 12.

I played single player til about 3am and then a bit of free mode on multiplayer but only one other guy signed on and then signed straight back off once I shot him in the head =(

Woke up this morning shattered and it all seems like a dream. Now I'm counting the minutes until 5 so I can get outta work and back on the playstation.

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I'm really jealous of everyone who got their copies last night, really wish a store around here had a midnight opening, but alas, the closest one was 2 hours away and I'm not driving that far just to go to a midnight release.

It's 3AM, and I have a class at 9AM until 11AM. After that, the day belongs to GTA IV. Hell yeah!

EDIT: I suppose I could go to Walmart to get it, but meh, I can wait since I had the special edition pre-ordered.

EDIT EDIT: Well, seeing as how the Special edition is 90 dollars, and I only put 10 on it, I'd rather pay 60 than 80 to get the game, especially since I have to go home this weekend and I was going to cook Pasta on Wednesday. So yeah, going to Wally world at fricking 3 in the morning...

Edited by Professor Chaos
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Yay, I got it, didn't pre-ordered it so the first store I walked into I was about 10 seconds to late as they only had one copy and the guy in front of me bought it, but I went to another store and they loaded up on it. Almost everybody in line had a copy in his hand.

Have to go to school in a couple of hours but after that I got a holiday until Monday so I can play non-stop if I want :D

The game looks great and the amount of little details stuffed in it is amazing. Flies hovering over garbage bags, newspapers flying around and stuff like that. Now I'm gonna play online for a while see how that works.

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