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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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I hope Xabi and Mascha are okay. Xabi actually didn't look all that hurt despite being stretchered off, might have just been a precaution and excuse to take him off. Mascha was taken off very quickly so hopefully neither of them are that badly injured.

A win I very much expected to see. I'm actually happy to see that Newcastle are very likely to go down. I think it might actually do the club a bit of good in a way.

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Funnily enough I thought that Joey Barton was a Liverpool supporter until this match, he crippled that Everton player a while ago this season... but now he's equalled it out by smashing a red.

It's great fun to see another player who's just given up on our campaign, Joey Barton will not be playing another game this season once he gets the 3 match ban for a straight red.

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Enjoyed our attempt at being worse than Newcastle, unfortunately Coloccini's peformance meant we couldn't even come close.

Fucking gutless form us. Everything's tonked long to a standing still Jones. Although Yobo did rough him up twice and not get anything from it. Pineaar found some strength for his goal because every other time he got touched he fell over like he was hit by a tornado.

Fucking gutless from us. We need to get something going for Bolton and Pompey.

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So, Birmingham are promoted again :D

Thank God they're out of our league for another year-a dire football team and a ground I don't need to go to again. Looks like we're getting Newcastle in return, sounds like fair trade-off :lol:

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From BBC gossip:

Manchester City have made John Terry their number one summer transfer target, and will bid £20m for the Chelsea skipper. (Sunday Mirror)

I love whenever this rumour comes up, because it always gives me a bit of a giggle. Terry - Chelsea skipper, childhood Man United fan - is going to join City? lol, no.

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I think it's more unlikely that Chelsea will accept a £20m bid than Terry would sign for City. Loyalty means little when big money is offered, if Terry was offered 200k a week, he'd take it in a heartbeat.

However £20m for the England skipper, no chance. Rio went for just shy of 30 from a club who needed money desperately and Terry's better and going to a club who could pay £200m and it not bother them.

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I think he would. Maybe not this summer though, he might want to wait for them to look like CL challengers but yeah, never overestimate a player's loyalty, especially since A) He's not a born and bred Chelsea fan B) he's going to get silly money thrown at him and C) Chelsea aren't exactly the epitome of stability right now, they have no idea who their manager is, there are forever rumours that Roman is close to pulling the plug and there are apparently a few players ready to leave.

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Aren't you Scottish? No chance you'll keep that up. If this City bid is serious, and not just made up to fill a few inches (which I think it is), Terry will go as soon as City look like top 4 contenders.

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Terry ever leaving Chelsea his is the sort of thing I'd be willing to put down big money against...if I didn't have to wait until he retired from football in order to collect. ¬_¬

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