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A little game...


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Here's a little game for us to play...

At the link below, some guy explains in Youtube videos all the bad points about GTA IV.


Now, whilst some of his points might be true, your task is to start watching the video and tell me how long it took before you wanted to punch him in the fucking face. He's that annoying.

I think I got to about 16 seconds.


And yes, I'm aware this thread isn't the most worthy ever, but hey, the GTA section hardly gets used these days. The videos are actually interesting viewing for a critic anyway, it'd just help if there wasn't a wanker who thinks saying "fuck" every two or three words is cool.

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If he seriously got paid for that (I got to about 0:45 in the first video) then my god there's something fucking wrong. It's all fine and dandy to review games but when you just start stringing curses together in-between the valid point here and there you are, to borrow a term from him, just being a fuckin' chode.

Edited by Cloudy No More
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30 seconds in when he like grabbed at the xbox symbol and pulled that retarted face...ii wanted to punch him

then again at 55 when hes drinking his beer or whatever right up against the camera...uhh annoying.

But he does make some good points...bet you though that he forks over the cash for the dlc just like the rest of us.

Despite the games many flaws its still an incredible game, possibly the best game I've ever played on par with oblivion but for different reasons.

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Hahahaha, oh him. I've been watching a ton of his videos for a while now and he's always the same. Hilarious.

Hammy should like him since he lives in glorious nippon.

Edited by Kou
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Hahahaha, oh him. I've been watching a ton of his videos for a while now and he's always the same. Hilarious.

Hammy should like him since he lives in glorious nippon.

Well, at least now I know it's more of an act than him just ripping into GTA with 266 needless expletives.

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