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WWE Legends of Wrestlemania


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They totally should do the next version of this game as a WWE Hall of Fame game. Then they only put in people that in the HOF and that way they could have an excuse for not putting in Macho Man, Razor Ramon, etc. And it would force them to put in Steamboat and the Funks and all those guys.

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or maybe just a Legends of WWE with a slighlty more "Exciting" name to it. The roster isn't too bad but it's a bit too disapointing to say they've left out Razor Ramon etc. his WMX ladder match with HBK was awesome. I would also like to have the Funks in the game and all the others like Doink etc.maybe the next one will be larger on the roster front. Will have to pick this one up when I've got a bit more cash maybe when it drops in price as my birthday is in may, so would have thought I'd get a fair amount for that.

I'm looking to pick up the acclaim LOW games on the cheap aswell atm. There's at least 1 of the first game on Amazon for 1p and the second for 4.99. The third is still above a tenner which I don't really want to be forking out for when I could buy newer games for pretty cheap.

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They totally should do the next version of this game as a WWE Hall of Fame game. Then they only put in people that in the HOF and that way they could have an excuse for not putting in Macho Man, Razor Ramon, etc. And it would force them to put in Steamboat and the Funks and all those guys.

But you can't take out The Rock :crying:

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This game is fucking bullshit.

Playing Wrestlemania 15 Relive, Stone Cold against the Rock. Every single objective complete, even reversing the Rock Bottom, all I had missing was pin the Rock, and I'd win, and get the medal. 8 Stunners, and he still kicked out at two.

8 Stunners.

I get chairs, steel steps, everything. Still kicks out at two. I accidentally give him a submission move. He taps. I win. Didn't get the objective for pinning him. No medal.

Fuck this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm hopefully buying this tomorrow (I was going to hold out and get the money from trading in Killzone 2 and order it online for cheaper, but I'm a bit too eager to play it.) so I wanted to ask, how well does it hold up for replayability?

I've beaten the demo about 4-5 times now and I've enjoyed it, so is anyone on here still playing it after beating the storyline things? Also how long did it take you to beat them and are there multiple difficulty levels? I've noticed I lack any kind of game that I can just sit down and enjoy playing for a bit of mindless fun, and I think LOW will be a good choice for it, I just want to know your opinions on how well it holds up after you've done everything there is to do.

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I beat the whole game including every achievement the first night I got it. Though I rushed through it. If you take your time you won't get bored. It's pretty fun to play and you can find it for between 30-40 dollars now. There are multiple difficulty levels. For me I didn't play all to much after I beat it but it was just a rental for me.

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Bought it today in the end and I'm quite happy I did. :) Just had an epic match as Shawn Michaels versus The Ultimate Warrior, Warrior kicked out of the flying elbow, a sweet chin music, he then went for his finisher but Michaels was able to get out of the way, hit another elbow and one sweet chin music later, Michaels got the victory.

Also tried out Relive, completed everything for Hogan/Bundy, I'm a little dissapointed at how few matches there are for the modes in total, but I'm sure I'll be getting more fun out of this than SvR 08. I also had a fun little match with Kofi Kingston versus British Bulldog that ended with Kofi getting the win. Turns out you don't have to unlock anything, everything is imported from SvR09 so long as you have the save file. So far, I'm very happy with the game. Are there any CAWS up yet? I plan on running through Legend Killer at some point and I'd like to do it with the Macho Man.

I also got Uncharted today which is pretty quality as well.

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That's a bit lame, but ah well. Only going to miss Jerichos second attire and Evan Bourne.

So I just spent about an hour and a half making Randy Savage and getting him some decent attributes. :) My Macho Man is almost finished now. Probally going to leave the game for tonight now, but in the time I've played it I've picked up... 25% of the trophies in the game exactly. Not bad. I can imagine that this game will have a better replayability than SvR for the simplistic fun and the Relive, Rewrite, Redefine modes on higher difficulties.

Also had an awesome ending to my first tier of Legend Killer. Came down to Savage/Hogan as the mega powers exploded. Hogan hit the leg drop, but Macho kicked out just at the last second. Macho hit the flying elbow drop (not his finisher, but I always use it after his finisher anyway.) and Hogan kicked out. Both men start getting bloodied, Macho hits another elbow drop and Hogan kicks out, Hogan goes for the Big Boot... misses, Macho gets up and get's a quick roll up... 1, 2, 3! Savage wins.

Edited by The UnderTKzer
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