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You can move clubs at the end of the season.

I'm not happy i scored a peach of a goal with Torres before with a great ball to Keane on the wing who crossed it it bounced, Torres went through and smashed it in the top corner. My internet decided not to work and now like 10 minutes after the game it's working not happy with that lol

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Scored a strange goal tonight in a friendly match. My third of four against Bayern Munich (playing as Juventus) saw Camoranesi cross from the right, Trezeguet got on the end of it but his diving header was parried straight out left to Nedved, who headed it at goal. Rensing saved it with two hands, landed on the ground and his knee knocked it halfway over the line, but he still had it in his hands, no goal. He then stands up, facing backwards, and the goal is given. Looking at the replay, the ball still hadn't crossed the line, in fact, it only crossed the line when we started celebrating and Rensing took one hand off of it and started wandering around with it glued to his other hand.


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And once again a great victory for the mighty Brentford against the butchers of Leyton Orient. I think MDK keeps his finger on the sliding tackle button but luckily ther ref saw the clear penalty that decided the game.

Oh and Gary Smith > you


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So this question has bound to have been asked before...but can you assign squad numbers to your players in Manager Mode? Having my first choice goalkeeper Matt Murray wear number 2 is irritating me.

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You could have uploaded it to the EA Sports website, that's what they're saying.

I know, but my XBox isnt linked to the internet in any way and atm Ive no plans to change that.

And no, as far as I can see there's no way to change it. Ive had to plug on with ridiculously-numbered players for a while now, its a bit rubbish when your strike force wear numbers 13 & 6.

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And once again a great victory for the mighty Brentford against the butchers of Leyton Orient. I think MDK keeps his finger on the sliding tackle button but luckily ther ref saw the clear penalty that decided the game.

Oh and Gary Smith > you


Clear penalty my pasty white arse, your man is part scuba. Don't worry, the mighty O's will finally defeat the Bee's or whatever their nickname is these days.

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Is there a special knack to free kicks in this game? I've not come close to scoring from one yet, Ive no idea what it is.

And why, on opposition throw ins, is there always a man unmarked? I very, very rarely win the ball directly from a throw, its a bit annoying.

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Is there a special knack to free kicks in this game? I've not come close to scoring from one yet, Ive no idea what it is.

Marvel at my terrificness, then.

Unfortunately that's the only one I've scored directly from a free kick. You just have to get the right amount of power and place it precisely, which is quite difficult since they removed the arrow from set plays a few years ago. I suggest selecting the player you most use to take free kicks as your arena player and then just practice in the arena (dribble to where you want to shoot from, press d-pad). There's no defenders or anything but you can work on the power and direction.

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Deco is a good player to use for freekicks. I've scored one and it didn't even get me the achievement so that annoyed the hell out of me. Only time i scored one and the closest i've been lately was with Deco at my mates so wouldn't of gotten the achievement. Like an inch to high

Edited by davidmarrio
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To say I was annoyed playing online earlier is an understatement...

I dominate the game as Chelsea against someone playing as United. Plan was to go Newcastle or a team around their level, but if the opponents are going to play as the major teams all the time, they can fuck off.

Anyway, that's a gripe for a different day. He equalises late on, sending the game to Extra Time. Just after the 2nd half of that started, I scored, making it 2-1. It gets right up until the 120th minute, must've been seconds before the FT whistle and he goes and disconnects on me, I assume by turning his internet connection off, making the game void. It pisses me off that people won't just take a loss on a fucking game. I wasn't so much angry that I didn't get the win awarded to me, but moreso due to that guy wasting my time, as my choices were either he wins or I lose.


Really considering just playing people I know on here/my friends list from now on. There are good non-friends playing Fifa online, no doubt, but the bad ones definitely outweigh the good ones it seems.

So if any of you are up for a few games as whatever level teams you wish, give me a shout. My PSN is Badd-um-tsch for those of you that don't already have it.

Unrelated EDIT:

Any ideas how to get proper 2v2's going, where we control the whole team? I want to team up with my mate against two others, but I have no idea how to set them up without 12 others joining the BAP online thing. The only other way is by setting a PW for a game, but then we don't end up playing 2 randomers, just another 2 people who we have on our list.

Edited by Baddar D
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