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Thor The Movie


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Actor/director Kenneth Branagh has apparently pulled out of directing the Hamlet at Wyndham's Theatre next year so that he can direct Marvel's Thor. The film is due out on July 16th, 2010, with filming likely to begin next summer.

Credit: IGN.com

Well if they wanted to make a habit out of unorthodox picks for directers then they continue it here. I loved Branagh's Hamlet movie so I don't mind the choice at all one bit.

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I think what we need to see is an amalgamation of sorts..

Start it off as a fantasy film, taking place in Valhalla... and then have say, Loki trick Odin into sending Thor to Earth as punishment for something he didn't do... Loki runs amok in Valhalla, trying to overthrow his adopted father, and meanwhile, on Earth, Donald Blake figures out that he's the Norse God of Thunder, does some saving of people there... maybe a run in with Iron Man, or one of the other potential Avengers characters... and then he gets sent for, to come back to Valhalla and stop Loki from taking it over.

Then, at the end of the movie, have him getting ready to settle back into his home with the Gods when he realizes that there's some huge threat to Earth, and remembers something that his Avengers friend said to him about how much he could help... so, the movie ends with Thor giving up his place in Valhalla to return to Earth, and we find out what the big bad is going to be for the Avengers flick.

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Actor/director Kenneth Branagh has apparently pulled out of directing the Hamlet at Wyndham's Theatre next year so that he can direct Marvel's Thor. The film is due out on July 16th, 2010, with filming likely to begin next summer.

Credit: IGN.com

Where's the news story about him pulling his head out of his own arse so he can direct this?

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  • 1 month later...
- Triple H is on the short-list for an upcoming movie role to play the role of "Thor" in the July 2010 movie release of the film based on the comic book series. Hunter is up against current James Bond lead, Daniel Craig, for the role.

Found this while looking through some random news, thought it was interesting. I actually think Hunter would be a good Thor, it'd definitely be a step up from a dog loving vampire.

Edited by punky
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I hope Daniel Craig is a joke... I can't stand the guy as it is... getting him to play a character who has the stereotypical bodybuilder frame isn't exactly good casting.

I see Triple H more as Conan than Thor... but he's a much better choice than the lame ass James Bond.

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Honestly, with the right writing, I could see Triple H playing a fucking amazing Thor. He already looks the part, the guy can play a serious character really well but in most of the acting he's done that I've seen, the writing has been really cheesy and terrible and it's nearly impossible to deliver some of the lines I've heard him say and take it seriously.

So, basically, if the writing for this movie is spot-on, if they keep it from being campy (which they will, Marvel studios is doing it, they're not going to let it suck I'd hope), then I could see Hunter pulling out a performance that would surprise people, considering the only wrestler to ever play a decent role in a major Hollywood film has been the Rock.

I've always thought that Triple H would make a fucking fantastic Thor, and that in a film the writing would just have to be really good to make it work perfectly. So long as WWE doesn't try and promote it with some storyline in their shows like they did with Kane and See No Evil (That's the movie they promoted with a storyline, right? Can't quite remember, I know they did something like it) and just stick to airing ads of the movie/promoting it as a movie/etc. then it will be taken as seriously as it deserves to be.

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Yes, Craig has already turned the role down.

And does anyone else think that it's sad that Triple H is the only other name mentioned other than Daniel Craig? The two are on entirely different levels when it comes to acting ability.

Acting ability aside... I think it's incredibly sad that the two names mentioned most recently include a guy who looks the part but has no credentials, and a guy who doesn't look the part and has credentials that have absolutely no weight in terms of playing this type of character.

I'd love to see Triple H get a serious role and see how he does. He's played a serious character on television (for lengths of time) over the past ten years or so, most of it being on LIVE television, and he's done a damn fine job.

Still though, I'd much prefer a younger, unknown actor to take the role and make it his bread and butter. All your superheros can't be superstar actors, otherwise you're going to end up with Avengers 2, and half the characters will have been recast because of "superstar" problems, like money, or in-fighting, or lack of commitment.

You've got your names in Downey Jr and Ed Norton (if he returns to the role)... so there's no need to go out of your way and miscast someone so that you have a big name as the God of Thunder.

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But that's just the thing, Triple H is only a big name in wrestling. He hasn't had a break into Hollywood as of yet that was exactly noticeable, and the "superstar problems" wouldn't be as bad, I think, because most wrestlers are incredibly humble when brought on-set for a movie, because it's new to them and it's something they usually enjoy. That's what wound up convincing Rocky to leave wrestling and become an actor instead, I believe... he just wound up enjoying the process more.

Triple H looks the part, I honestly believe with good writing he can play the part well too, and I don't actually see him getting an attitude with the directors and whatnot... he's a very professional worker, as he has proven over time with his time in the WWE (though many would probably argue that, but whatever). In any case, I highly doubt he'd cause any problems going into a series of movies as Thor... he'd probably be up for and excited to do them, really.

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I think it would be great for both him and the WWE if he were to attach himself to a project like Thor. It's not just one film... it's at least the two already scheduled, and likely to be part of multiple franchises. It allows Triple H to come and go from the WWE, being involved in some big angles, but not being around long enough for the "smarks" to turn on him for hogging the spotlight. He'd become a name that transcends being a champion, and being involved with him when he's around will do wonders for young guys.

He's also in the perfect position for this, as his character has evolved to the point where he's not a gimmick anymore... he's a man who loves wresting, lives and breathes the sport, but at the same time, doesn't want to ruin his legacy... so branching into another medium while he's on top of his game is the perfect way to write his character into a Ric Flair type role, where he's a huge name who doesn't need the title to be a huge name, but if they ever need him around to hold the belt or put someone over, he's always available.

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I will now only watch Thor if Triple H is cast as the lead, holy shit that would be awesome. It would get him away from wrestling for a bit and have him cast in a role that would be fucking amazing for him, I thinks.

Because Triple H's acting ability has proven to be anything Kenneth Branagh would look for?

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I am honestly not seeing why Triple H would be good for this part other than physique. Can anyone vouching for him seriously process him delivering the dialogue that Thor uses? Seriously?

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I am honestly not seeing why Triple H would be good for this part other than physique. Can anyone vouching for him seriously process him delivering the dialogue that Thor uses? Seriously?

Get him a voice coach to work on his dialogue, accent and delivery, and he'd be more than fine.

Triple H's acting ability on a live broadcast is tremendous. Given a serious role and with a little help, I'd be more than willing to back him as the lead in the Thor picture.

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