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Your best games of the year?

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I asked the question last year so time to ask again. What, for you, were the best releases of this year in the video game world?

This ain't a top 100 or whatever, just voice your opinions...

And yes I will be completing the best games ever list over the course of the Christmas period.

This year for me I think I could list them in this order:

(Of course it's going to be horribly Sony weighted cos that's what I own...)

1. Metal Gear Solid 4

2. Mirror's Edge

3. Fallout 3

4. Pro Cycling Manager 08 on PC

5. Little Big Planet

6. Patapon

7. Pro Evolution Soccer 09 (It's a definite step forward this time around)

8. Afrika (Shouldn't be this high but it's utterly compelling strangely)

9. Race Driver: GRID (Even as a Gran Turismo mark I have to admit, this is one special racing game)

10. Way Of The Samurai 3 (would be higher if I could actually read Kanji)

My biggest disappointment? Probably Civilization Revolution.....The game actually SLOWS DOWN to near unplayable when you start exploring more of the map?! That's unforgivable.

All in all, an excellent year with the top four being "exceptional".

However in a strange strange moment I actually prefer Oblivion to Fallout and didn't think I would. Don't get me wrong, Fallout 3 is phenominal but it's not QUITE Oblivion...

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Fuck you Hammy, I was just thinking about this and how I might make a topic soon to make a list since you never posted results last year. You didn't fare much better on your next effort either. :pervert:

P.S Totally not a flame, I will post in my top 10 at some point.

Edited by We Three Kings of Ellis
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Fuck you Hammy, I was just thinking about this and how I might make a topic soon to make a list since you never posted results last year. You didn't fare much better on your next effort either. :pervert:

Which is why I didn't make this a list. However if you fancy it, feel free to take the thread over. :w00t:

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1. Fallout 3.

2. GTA 4

3. Saints Row 2

4. Fable 2

5. Super Smash Bros: Brawl (I forgot this game out this year. Thanks Ollie!)

6. Call of Duty: WaW (only for multi + zombie mode)

7. Left 4 Dead

...will try to fill in the last 5....

Edited by Ruki the Driller
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I only have a Wii and a PSP, so bare with me here. >_>

LEGO: Batman on the PSP is all kinds of fun. I mean, it's not revolutionary, and it's not changed the way I feel about gaming, but it's lovely lovely lovely on the train. I can't tell you how many times I've almost missed my stop from playing it.

Crisis Core: FFVII was a slight let-down, and the missions could have been done so much better (instead of the monotonous and repetitive GO HERE! KILL THIS! DO IT AGAIN! SAME SETTING! that it was), but the story was awesome, it tied in perfectly, and it had some major mark-out moments (pulling into the same train station as the start of VII, fighting Guard Scorpion, bumping into Hojo, Yuffie, Cait Sith and the missions at Costa Del Sol). It wasn't a great game, so to speak, but I had great fun playing it.

Super Smash Bros. BRAWL may be one of the most fun games I've ever played, bar none. It's just glorious. The single player adventure mode is well worth the time and money invested, and multiplayer will never, ever, ever get old. It's just a classic. Pure and simple.

Wii Fit is another great big bundle of fun. The games on it are great, and I actually lost weight on it. Huzzah.

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1. FM 09

2. Left4Dead

3. FIFA 09

(Assassin's Creed, pretty sure this was last year, but if not, in here)

4. Army of Two


6. Pro Cycling Manager 08 (only played the demo though >_>)

7. Spore (only played 40 minutes worth)

That's pretty much all the new games I played this year.

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I played very few new games this year so I'm going to struggle to manage even a top 5.

1. Football Manager 2009

2. Europa Universalis III:In Nomine (Strictly speaking only an expansion pack but it is fantastic)

3. FIFA 09

This is where it gets difficult as the above three are the only games I bought this year. Um...

4. Rock Band - played it at my friend's house a couple of times and it is good fun. Especially drums.

5. Grand Theft Auto IV - see above, minus drums obviously

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This is gonna be one heck of a short list, as I'm not much of a gamer (you're lucky to prise me away from FIFA) so apologies in advance.

1. GTA IV - Undeniably the most anticipated release and I think it did well to deliver after all the hype.

2. FIFA 09 - A big improvement over the last one, but EA still needs to focus on getting the basics right rather than getting carried away with introducing a new mode every year. Also, for the first time in yonks, in my opinion, ahead of PES.

3. Little Big Planet - Innovative and accessible by all ages and experience levels. Oh and loads of fun.

4. ...

told you. :( I'm sure I can add Midnight Club and NBA 2K9 by the time the 25th is here, as I've only asked for them because I KNOW i'll like them.

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Tough call since I still have a lot of things to get to (Fallout 3, Gears 2 and L4D being the biggest), but I'll do my best:

1. Fable 2

Highly flawed, but highly enjoyable. I've spent a shitload of time with this game since October and just finally put it down last week after beating it. I plan on going back to it once my real estate has generated enough wealth to buy the expensive places.

2. Chrono Trigger DS

The only reason this isn't #1 is because they missed the boat on adding so much more to this game after fourteen years. A couple extra dungeons is nice, but they could have really gone the full DS-remake route without drastically changing the art direction and it would have been much appreciated. Still, it's the greatest game of all-time and now I can play it when I poop - it doesn't get much better than that.

3. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

This one came entirely out of nowhere for me and could very well be my #1 once I delve even further into it. I was never overly fond of the original Banjo games: n64 platforming + horrible camera + boring collect-a-thons - Mario = generic 3D platformer, but this is the perfect direction to take the franchise. Part platformer, part mini game collection, and all tied together by a brilliant vehicle creation system that's like having a virtual Lego set. It's an absolute blast. The storyline and writing are the icing on the cake as Rare completely lampoons the video game industry (including themselves) and it's laugh-out-loud hysterical.

4. Rock Band 2.

Fully integrated with Rock Band 1 and all DLC with 500 songs to play. What more really needs to be said? The perfect music game, even if the last tier of songs is absolutely ridiculous.

5. Grand Theft Auto IV

Kinda crazy to put this so far down on the list, but I also haven't finished it yet and whenever I do play it, it pisses me off to the point where I want to throw my Xbox through my television. I love the game, but there are just certain parts of it that are absurdly frustrating, like dying near the very end of a mission, getting so pissed that you don't want to try it again, then trying to find a taxi to go take you to the place you want to go instead but none are in sight but you don't feel like driving across this massive playing field, but then you finally find a taxi and then for whatever reason the game decides to make you jack the car even though you've been holding down the Y button for seven minutes and then a cop sees you and you have to get away from them, but you wind up turning a corner too late, crash into a tree and go flying out the windshield and dying, then you wake back up at the hospital and you get 47 calls on your phone to go to the titty bar. Honestly, it's a fantastic game, but I really need to be in a certain mood to play it.

6. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Haven't played this a lot lately, but I need to give it another whirl as I had a blast while I was playing it. I just wish I knew more people that were into the game as none of my friends really dig it and Ms. Z had a bad experience when I tried to teach her how to play it and is no longer interested in even bothering. :shifty:

7. Braid

The perfect example of what downloadable games can be. Old school genres can finally rise from their post-3D graves and thrive once again. Maybe Sega will take note and stop trying to make shitty 3D Sonic games and release an old school side-scroller on XBLA, PSN and WiiWare... or maybe they'll make him turn into a vampire in the next game. Hey, the kids love The Twilight, let's make Sonic an emo vampire, that'll sell! But yeah, Braid is fucking awesome and should be played by everyone.

8. The World Ends With You

"Weird" would be the word best used to describe this game, "awesome" would be a close second. The game is quite out there, but it's a truly unique idea from a company that is usually just pumping out remakes these days. Combat is one of the most physically challenging things I've ever done in a video game since I first picked up a Guitar Hero controller - you control one character with the stylus and another one with the buttons and it's all going happening on two screens. It makes my head spin, but it also makes for one of the coolest games I've played in a long time.

9. WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009

Oh my God, is that the elusive Smackdown game that doesn't suck shit? I haven't seen one of those in years! The gameplay has been nearly perfected and the only thing really plaguing the series at this point is lack of innovation. It may be a bit stale, but it is a decent WWE game and since I haven't seen one of those since the PS2, I'm rather pleased. Now, let's hope Legends of WrestleMania turns out to be the WWE game we've all been waiting for.

10. Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise

I was such a nerd for the first game and this one just improves on it in every way. Haven't played much of it yet, but I played the hell out of the first one (one of only two games that I've gotten a 1000 gamerscore on), so when I get the time, I know it'll suck away many hours of my life.

Edited by Zero
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Fuck you Hammy, I was just thinking about this and how I might make a topic soon to make a list since you never posted results last year. You didn't fare much better on your next effort either. :pervert:

Which is why I didn't make this a list. However if you fancy it, feel free to take the thread over. :w00t:

It is too late, you have already sullied it. :shifty: Anywhoo...:


Single player = good. Multiplayer = great. Hours and hours and hours of random shit.

2) Saints Row 2

'Niko, my cousin! Let's go see some big American titties!'

'No, I think i'd rather go ride in a septic tank driven by a French mime whilst spraying faecal matter on hippies.'

Cheers to the craziness of the story mode and it's side quests, jeers to the lack of a free for all multiplayer mode.

3) Gears of War 2

Story was slow to start with but all the crazy shit that started to kick off in the second half made it awesome. Horde was also good. Other multiplayer took a nose dive when all you fuckers decided W@W was the horse to back.

4) Rock Band 2

Ninja Catapult Army FTW!

5) Fallout 3

LL and Slogger will frown on me for not putting this at the top (though I think Slogger will probably end up trying to make a case for COD4 again) but meh, i'm enjoying it thus far but I prefer multiplayer madness.

6) Burnout Paradise

Car goes fast, car crashes, car spins around in slow motion. Multiplayer provided some fun too, not even Ruki and his 'I have my achievement now so i'm leaving and never playing this again :) ' could sully it.

7) Rock Band

Like RB2 but less so.

8 Geometry Wars: Galaxies (DS)

Hurrah for sneaking into the release period for the UK to help round out my 10.

9) Castle Crashers

Oh Castle Crashers, why must you forever etch a black mark on my concious for pimping you to so many only to provide ultimate dissapointment? That said, that first day experience of myself, Dragsy, AD and Kaney strolling through a forest and happening upon various shitting animals was worth it's weight in gold in terms of surreality.

10) Devil May Cry 4

I really should go back and finish this but my apathy for it is high. The fact that it is behind the 'OMG BORKEN~!' Castle Crashers should show that.

Honourable mentions:

Jump Ultimate Stars - If we're being pedantic (and let's face it, we tend to be) this is in no way eligible for 2008 but I played it alot this year and it rawks. I don't even care for anime but thanks to a mild interest in DBZ and the in-game moves of Luffy I managed to kick some ass.

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1. Fallout 3

2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

3. Rez HD

4. Mario Kart Wii

5. Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People: Episode 1 - Homestar Ruiner

6. Metal Gear Solid 4

A special nod to Rock Band 2 but since I don't personally own it, I'm loath to put it on that list.

Edited by Spee
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I barely play games at all any more, let alone buy them, but seeing as I bought a Wii on a whim this year, I've probably spent more on games than I have done in an awful long time.

So, for me, it's possibly GTA IV, although I've never actually owned it and probably never will as I think I'd get bored of it - it's hella fun to just fuck about for half an hour at a mate's house, though, because you never end up playing it long enough to get bored or annoyed with any new features, you still find it hilarious every time you fly through a windshield or fling yourself off a motorbike for half a mile down the street, or anything like that.

Other than that, it's either Smash Bros, although I've barely played it multiplayer yet so I've never really got into the full swing of things with that, or Lego Batman which was just inordinately fun, and probably the game I've actually played the most this year.

Obviously I'm hoping that, come Christmas Day, I'll be able to say "FUCK YEAH ANIMAL CROSSING" as my answer.

Edited by Ebeneezer Skumfrog
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1. Mega Man 9 (Multi)

This game just kicks ass, it's that simple. Although I found it a bit easier than a few of the other titles in the series; MM9 is just a joy to play. I grew up playing Mega Man and after about three minutes playing this game I remembered why I loved them so much. The levels challenge you but the more you play the better you get. Wily's Castle is absolutely brutal to the point of making me cringe just thinking about it. Combine that with the insane achievements and challenges and you've got yourself one hell of a game IMO.

2. NWN2: Storm of Zehir (PC)

Branching, non linear adventure?! Full party creation?! Excellent dialog?! Choices/Consequences?! YES PLEASE! Obsidian continue to prove why they house some of the best RPG creating talent alive. Although Storm of Zehir's storyline won't win any awards the unforgiving exploration and ability to totally create your party hearkens back to a time when RPGs were in their prime. The camera is still a whore but I'm willing to overlook that little foible and enjoy an immense experience. Fantastic expansion that probably even tops Mask of the Betrayer in my book.

3. Grand Theft Auto 4 (Multi)

Bashing GTA 4 seems to be the hip thing to do in some necks of the woods lately. Although the game got hyped to the high heavens it's one example of a game that I feel lived up to it. I'm slightly bummed by not being able to buy businesses and such but the more down to earth storyline made up for it in many ways. The added realism helped you step into the world of Liberty City in a way I've never seen before and I feel it made the game something special.

4. Fable 2 (X360)

I really enjoyed the original Fable when it was released on the XBOX a few years back despite it's flaws. This time around I feel that Lionhead totally nailed that sweet spot they were seemingly going for in the original. The areas are large and filled with lots of secrets; so that you feel like you're actually exploring Albion instead of walking through outdoor corridors. The ability to customize your character has been greatly improved with more clothes, hair, weapons, and plenty of other goodies. Even the dog was a joy to have around which shocked the hell out of me.

5. Bangi-O Spirits! (DS)

Treasure kick fucking ass. Everything they make completely and utterly rocks my fucking socks right off my feet. Bangai-O Spirits! is not a game for the casual gaming enthusiast. Don't pick this game up if you like to blow through every level in one try and finish the entire thing in a few hours. At least a quarter of the levels in this game kill me within the first five seconds. FIVE FUCKING SECONDS. That's just enough time for the thirty enemies on screen to launch about a thousand missiles at me, thus reducing my little Bagai-O into a pile of ash. That's not to say it's impossible to beat the game...it just takes the right strategies and weapon load outs. 150 standard levels, a ton of puzzle levels, and a stage creator (which transfers level through the use of sound...it's wild) make this game the best thirty bucks I've spent in a long time. Another winner from Treasure.

6. NHL 09 (Multi)

I never put sports games in my lists. It's almost become a sort of unofficial rule with me over the years when this sort of topic comes around. When I was coming up with my top 10 I'd keep coming back to NHL 09 though. The fact is I've never played a sports game as much as this. For the last two months, even with all the great games that have come out, I keep going back to NHL 09. This game has already stolen at least a hundred hours of my life and it's only been out for a few months. Easily the most complete hockey game released, and probably the game that has finally unseated NHL 94 as the best hockey game ever released. Maybe not as fun to play at parties as NHL Hitz, but NHL 09 is just such a well rounded game.

7. Fallout 3 (Multi)

For as many issues as I have with this game (and I have many) I still feel it's a great game. Bethesda may have made a lackluster Fallout sequel, but they managed to make a very engaging post apocalyptic action adventure game. At earlier levels wandering the Wastes feels like it should...daunting and almost scary. Practically everything you meet can and probably will harm you given the proper chance. The main storyline is about as crap as they come but Fallout 3 is more than it's storyline. It's mostly about being able to wander and explore a massive landscape finding fun and adventure. The RPG elements are a huge step up from all of Bethesda's previous work so it gives me hope for the future. Here's hoping the expansions will be worth the money.

8. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

I'm torn about this game. Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 are two of my personal favorite games from a storyline perspective. They're a bit off the wall but keep things rather tightly knit so things remain cohesive and comprehensible. Metal Gear Solid 2 is one of the most vile pieces of dog trash I've ever had the displeasure of playing. Well...it's not THAT bad...but it's still a huge letdown. That's where MGS4 kind of tears in two for me. I feel a connection to Solid Snake, EVA, Ocelot, Otacon, and the others. Their appearances in MGS 1/3 made me love them...but 4's connection to the horrible storyline of the second game really makes things strained for me. Most of the nonsensical storyline problems created in the second game are conveniently explained away by nanomachines and many of the deaths just feel tacked on to elicit some kind of emotion of the player. The relationship that Meryl ends up in just seems out of place and the Beauty & The Beast Unit was dire. That said the gameplay is probably the best in the series and the last two-three hours of storyline are some of the most emotionally charged in any form of media. I feel it ranks third overall in the series which is quite a feat considering it's siblings.

9. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

Rare seems to be getting back into form. Viva Pinata is a real pleasure (haven't played the sequel yet sadly) and now Banjo-Kazooie can be added back to the list. Instead of trying to fall back on the same tired Rareware collect-a-thons they tried something different. Being able to build your own vehicles and use them to complete challenges in the best way you see fit is surprisingly enjoyable. Running/driving/flying around looking for new parts and other objects helps make the game feel like a classic Banjo title. Since I'm personally getting sick of shooting Mutants, Nazis, Aliens, Terrorists, and Mutant-Nazis from Outer Space in every single game on the shelves; Nuts & Bolts serves as a really refreshing experience.

10. Braid (X360)

This game is probably the closest a game has ever come to being art. Jonathan Blow may be a bit of a pretentious asshole but he sure knows how to make a great game. The visuals alone were enough to make me run up more money on my credit card. When I actually got to playing the quality of the music blew me away, and the mind bending puzzles had me throwing my controller against the wall in anger while I smiled and laughed with joy at how devilishly difficult things were getting. Braid even has a quality storyline which subtlety drops hints throughout the duration of the game like little bread crumbs for you to follow. XBOX Live had some great downloadable games this summer...and Braid easily stands above practically all of them.

Honorable Mentions: Bionic Commando: ReArmed, Castle Crashers, Dead Space, and Galaga Legions.

Dishonorable Mentions: Spore, Iron Man, Mercenaries 2, and Prince of Persia.

Edited by Drifter_2000
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