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Maybe, instead of hating them, you should be wondering why the Vikes aren't re-signing players they really need to sign.

Also, its strange, but I'm kinda glad there's not much coming out about Oakland. After last years horrible signings, a quiet year would be great.

I may hate the ravens right now, but trust me i'm pissed at us, i mean WTF, Birk is THE Top center in the league, and we didn't resign him. Now who are we going to use? Cook? i mean really, it's a stupid move, Birk is the type of player and man you want on your team and they let him slip away.

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Both signings were good today. Ray Lewis had to be brought back because of our total lack of MLB without him (and why not get the best one available in the market?) after Scott's departure. The deal isn't as ass-raping as I would have expected. Matt Birk fills the hole left by Jason Brown, with much of our line developing it's good to have a proven center in there.

Yeahhhhh boyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Someone wake me up for the 2010-2011 Season.

How the fuck do we replace that? And releasing him doesn't help on the cap or anything. This has been a horrible offseason thus far.

Anyways...Giants, Redskins or Raiders? I figure those are the most likely destinations and I really doubt the Giants want anything to do with him.

Edited by Maxx Is Awesome Teammate
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I'm a Cowboys fan, and unfortunately Jerry Jones is that stupid. If anyone...besides Pacman...should have been released, its Romo. We need a QB who doesn't choke at the end of the season or in the playoffs.

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I hate TO as much as the next guy, but if he wants to sign a 1 year deal that's incentive laden I'd sign him tomorrow. He HATES the Eagles, and now he'll probably hate the Cowboys too. That's 1/4 of our schedule right there. He might be a douchebag, but I'm assuming he'll be able to stay out of jail and catch some passes which is something I can't say about Plax. It would be kind of hilarious to watch him catch TD's against his former teams in the NFC East though, well as long as he's not doing it as a Deadskin.

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T.O on the Giants makes perfect sense. He lives for big games. Like it was mentioned....he'll hate the Eagles and the Cowboys. Plus one of the Redskins game can end up being a prime time game. Say what you want about the man....he has never been in trouble off the field. This would save the Giants from having to come up with a justification for bringing Plax back.

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Yes, because he won't eat Sage alive or anything

he would more than likely after two-three games, but we'd get him the ball alot. Of course that could lead to another situation like the "randy ratio" we had before, so maybe not such a good idea.

I firmly believe T.O will go to a team he thinks he will be appreciated and that he can win the superbowl with.

Hell he should go to New England.....(J/K)

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Terrell wouldn't go to Minnesota, no big name receiver will. They need a quarterback desperately.

i know... thats why i said I hoped he would. i know it won't happen, thats like holding onto the pipedream that Favre will unretire and be traded here. Nice thoughts but not going to happen.

And they have a QB, technically they have 3. Sure Sage or T-Jack aren't accomplished but one has shown improvement and the other has shown glimmers of talent when he's had a shot but he never got to start full time. And well Booty, yeah ok nothing to say about him.

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Quarterback signings heated up Wednesday and it is likely to continue Thursday. The Bengals are expected to reach agreement with former 49ers starting quarterback J.T. O’Sullivan, who would take the place of Ryan Fitzpatrick, who signed with Buffalo.

It also would mark the second straight day Cincinnati has found a free-agent replacement for another player it lost.

After former Bengals wide receiver T.J. Houshmandzadeh signed with Seattle, Cincinnati lured in Laveraneus Coles (as an aside, can the Bengals find a wideout whose name is easy to spell?) Now O’Sullivan could be next.

Former Redskins DE Demetric Evans has signed a two-year deal worth $3.8 million with the 49ers.

Evans enjoyed a breakout season last year in Washington, starting a career-high 11 games and tallying a career-high 3.5 sacks for the Redskins. He adds line depth to a San Francisco team fortifying its defense under coach Mike Singletary.

The St. Louis Post Dispatch reports that WR Torry Holt has asked for his release from the Rams.

The team reportedly has been trying to trade Holt, but it apparently hasn’t found a willing partner. Maybe St. Louis should call down to Dallas. The Cowboys like to add receivers the way the Broncos collect running backs.

Holt is due a roster bonus on March 17, but doesn’t figure to be with the team by then as the Rams appear willing to accommodate his release request.

Holt is coming off the most disappointing season of his career, failing to top 1,000 receiving yards for the first time since his rookie year and finishing with a career-low three touchdowns.

The Lions bolstered their secondary Wednesday, signing former Buccaneers cornerback Phillip Buchanon to a two-year, $8.5 million deal.

I'm not happy about that one. We cut brooks yet we keep barber who fucking sucked last year and then we let Buchanon go, who played very well last year. I would have setteled for Talib and Buchanon over Barber. Besides that Detroit always seems to sign are ex-players. That's now Kelly, Smith, Buchanon and Neece in the last three years.

The Broncos continue to add players with quarterback Chris Simms and running back J.J. Arrington.
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I'm a Cowboys fan, and unfortunately Jerry Jones is that stupid. If anyone...besides Pacman...should have been released, its Romo. We need a QB who doesn't choke at the end of the season or in the playoffs.

Out of the two, cutting Owens makes more sense. Romo's a young, promising quarterback and is a positive guy whereas we all know that Owens is team cancer and he's old. Plus Romo has one fat ass contract which would probably play more heavily against our cap.

That said I'm not happy about this, I think the positives he brought to the team outweighed the negatives, although that's only speaking from a fan's point of view of course, none of us really know what happens in the locker room. Hopefully now Roy Williams really steps up into the number one role and gets a good rhythm going with Romo. On the bright side it means more Miles Austin, which I'm all for.

And also, what is up with Denver and signing running backs? I know they all got injured last year but they've signed three and they must have 6 or 7 others on the roster from last season. It's like Seattle and their WRs.

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All in all, I think getting rid of T.O. is the best thing for the Cowboys.

His replacement was there and he knew it. We all saw the real T.O. show up when he wasn't the brightest star/most talked about/center of attention. The Cowboys are a soap opera of epic proportions and T.O. was the aging actor that refused to recognize where he actually stood in the grand scheme of things. Yes, on a good day he's still as good as there is in the league. Those days are fewer and farther apart than before. His mistakes were more and closer together. He's always been known for his dropped passes just as much as his spectacular plays.

So how do you make the determination of where to go if you're the Cowboys ? The choice seems rather easy to me. T.O. is 35. Regardless of ability he's on the way out. One or two more years of his "baggage" isn't worth the hope that this year won't be the year he falls off. Falling off could mean several things for T.O. and not just "on the field." The man's history is riddled with all sorts of off the field crap that has destroyed the locker rooms of San Francisco/Philly/Dallas. In all of those meltdown situations he was the common denomenator. We're talking about a guy that disrespected Jerry Rice, pulled out the ugly side of McNabb, and then went on to somehow make the situation in Dallas ... worse. He's the guy that blamed Steve Mariucci for protecting his friend Dick Jauron after the Niners blew a 19 point lead agaisnt the Bears. A year later he had the "sharpie incident" which in itself wasn't bad. What was, was that he then handed the ball to his "financial advisor" who was sitting in an endzone luxury suite rented by Springs, the CB he beat for the TD ... The lasting image from San Fran was T.O. in a tirade with several coaches.

We're talking about a man that simply didn't want to play for the Ravens after he said he really did. His agent didn't get the paperwork done in time to grant him free agency. So T.O. files a grievence against the league saying he should be a FA. He lead Baltimore along the whole time and then pisses on them by saying he really has a desire to go to Philly. The Niners traded him to Baltimore because that was the initial agreement with T.O. Well, Owens doesn't report to his new team and continues the grievence. He forces a deal between the three teams to get him to Philly. Oh, and he signs a contract that even the Player's Union says is a bad idea.

For no reason at all T.O. comes out and says that Jeff Garcia is gay. Ok, thanks T.O. A year after signing that lucrative deal with Philly he says that he needs a new one to "feed his family." He shows the attitude from San Fran, threatens to hold out, refuses to speak to the media and his teammates, and finally has a showdown with Andy Reid. After his 100th TD catch T.O. says in an ESPN interview that the Eagles showed a "lack of class" by not making a big deal out of it.

This is the guy that sat out two weeks because of a hamstring injury even though MRI's showed nothing wrong. Then of course there's the whole "suicide" incident that T.O. said was a mixture of pain pills and supplements. Following that was the famous blow up with Todd Haley.

.... no matter how you slice it, there's one thing and one thing only about T.O. He HAS to be public. Everything has to be in the spotlight and he has to be the center of attention. The problem, is that even when he has that he is still destructive. Sure, he's had times where he has shown just how great he is (see Super Bowl and injury performance). Sadly, those are greatly overshadowed and lesser in number than the times he's shown how great he is. The results of the greatness also don't compare to the results of his antics. As great as he is, no team has ever been able to win the Super Bowl with T.O. on the roster. Hell, all the stuff I mentioned ? That doesn't even include his time in Dallas and all of those issues.

Bottom line is that T.O. simply isn't worth the bullshit he brings.

You've got a strong (and younger) nucleus of players (and a couple of coaches) in Dallas. You can say what you want about Romo and some of it is justified. He's also only been in the league for three years. There's upside to all of the players in Dallas, but not with T.O.

This was easily the right decision. It's a huge first step in the right direction for the franchise.

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