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NFL 2009


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Eli is banged up and I still haven't heard he'll definitely be playing. But it's the Cowboys in December at Giants Stadium. That's all I can really give you, I picked the Cowboys, but I do that every week, regardless of the their opponent.

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As a Giant fan, I'd pick the Cowboys. As previously said Eli isn't a 100% and the defence has been laughable at best recently. Lucky as sin to even have a winning record, basically because of a coin toss against Atlanta. So I'd go Dallas if I were you, considering their form.

Edited by The Cool One
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Err, their 'form' in the later parts of seasons has been terrible the last couple of seasons. They are becoming notoriously poor finishers and I would be surprised to see them meltdown again. They got lucky in facing Detroit & Washington (Who are both pretty awful) but I think you could see some big problems against the Giants.

Also while losing is frustrating as hell I was happy to see Dixon didn't stink things up and played pretty well. Nice to know we have at least a little depth at QB.

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Okay, I saw Washington was on like the 5 with 2 minutes to go, how the fuck did they not score? Always lovely to see them fuck it up and lose.

Also, haha Steelers and Patriots, it's been a good day so far.

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Washington missed a 4 yard field goal, that's how they didn't score. Ran off tackle three times and put the ball in the hands of their shit-tacular kicker. Saints came off the (Redskin) left end with heavy pressure (ball was on the right hash). He pushed it two feet wide of the near pole.

Absolutely fantastic.

I cannot wait for the ride to work tomorrow ... Oh it's going to be glorious. Doc/Thiesman/sheehan ... all of 'em, I can't wait to listen to this shit.

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God bless the Redskins fans, though. That team has a shit-tacular stadium, by today's standards, which sits in a near-inaccessible part of town, and come to watch a mediocre collection of talent cobbled together by an arrogant douche of an owner and his ass-sucking GM...but, they still come to watch. That stadium was damn near full.

Although, when it's the basketball-on-grass Saints in town, who wouldn't?

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^ exactly ... the fans here talk and that's it. Instead of going and supporting the Skins early in the season against Pittsburgh, they literally sold out ... they sold their season tickets and you ended up with the Terrible Towls all over the stadium making it look like a Steelers home game. The fans here are pathetic. If the Saints weren't undefeated, nobody would have been there.

They'll talk shit all day about everyone else, especially Dallas. The whole time making excuses for why the Skins aren't performing, and how in reality they Cowboys aren't that good, but the Skins are. It's all that's said up here. Freaking joke.

I'm sure tomorrow's talk shows will be how the team is just snake bitten. They'll find 1000 positives and talk about how it is in now way, shape, or form anything to do with how they simply aren't good. They'll mention how Campbell played out of his mind even though in the clutch, when it mattered, he looked right at Vilma and threw it too him.

Fucking weak.

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Yeah, the Cowboys aren't that good. Sure they're better than the Redskins but that's not saying much. Can't put this loss on Romo, he did fine, defense and special teams just blew today. We've got the Chargers, Redskins and Saints before we get to the Eagles, I'm willing to pretty much write the season off after this loss. We're now tied with the Eagles, and while both teams have a tough schedule left I don't like Dallas' chances at all if we're still tied going into week 17.

Time to clean house Jerry, good thing the cap and revenue sharing are going out the door after this season! (Y)

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