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UFC 2009: Undisputed


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Wed, 06/10/2009 - 3:41pm | by Undisputed Admin

A Patch is in the Works

There is a patch in development / testing to address the issue of online cheating via disconnecting from multiplayer matches, as well as other fixes. We can’t announce an exact date for the patch yet, but we’re working to get it out as soon as possible.


Why the fuck is the ONLY thing my sparing partner dos in KICKBOXING training taking me DOWN?! Fucking Asshole.

And again... i knock him down, he stais down, i go to the other side of the ring... he stais down and kicks the air... issent Kickboxing training meant to be constructive?

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Are you talking about CAMP INVITES? Or actual sparring?

If you're talking about the camp invites, they basically do fuck all early in your career. Actually, they rarely do fuck all throughout your career, or so I've found. You're there to train, so it's not exactly going to be made too hard. The less hard, the easier it is to get more points to get your level up. Sparring is much different however and certainly becomes much more of a challenge, unlike the camp invites.

Anyway, I hope a patch in the 'works' doesn't mean waiting months, as THQ always do. Hopefully it's this month. Shame we cant have it my way and ban anyone who quits online.

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Anyway, I hope a patch in the 'works' doesn't mean waiting months, as THQ always do. Hopefully it's this month. Shame we cant have it my way and ban anyone who quits online.

That wouldn't be a good idea since its possible someone could have legitimately lost their internet connection.

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Yeah. I have a daughter who turns 1 in a few weeks, she has realized that if you press the power button off when I'm playing UFC that I'll turn back on. The benefit for her is so that she can hear the song that plays every time you load the game up. Loves that song. But I've been disconnected at least 5 times playing online due to her love of hard rock.

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Finished my first career, got way to easy once it got the basics on... but i guss i still was on beginner level. I have never even seen a third round and won my last 15 matches in a row. Still not HOF Material as it seems. i was like 37-11-0 in the end. I went Majorly with kickboxing becaus it feelt so much saver than going to the ground (wich is kinda sad) were you actualy need the hugh strength or submission defence to be able to survive....

Online is hardcore. I don´t realy know if i want to put my controler to that much submission wobbeling, i also am not shure if i like the idea that everybody just seems to play good grabblers now becaus you can beat people quicker with submissions... it´s just like with fifa, the goal should be a good fight. Not winning the lamest possible way right away.

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I was level 15 on career mode, got randomly matched up against someone who was level 80, fought out of three submission attempts and knocked him out in the third round. And immediately went up six levels. I was well pleased.

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You mean online mode. <_<

I used to fucking hate people who used their CAFs online. Now I just flying armbar people with my 108 submission heavyweight and the fights over in less than 20 seconds. I feel like a douche. A douche who's winning a lot. <_< This is even when people bring out their 104 rated CAF's to my 89 one!

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You mean online mode. <_<

I used to fucking hate people who used their CAFs online. Now I just flying armbar people with my 108 submission heavyweight and the fights over in less than 20 seconds. I feel like a douche. A douche who's winning a lot. <_< This is even when people bring out their 104 rated CAF's to my 89 one!

Is that not completely pointless finishing every fight the same way? <_<

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You mean online mode. <_<

I used to fucking hate people who used their CAFs online. Now I just flying armbar people with my 108 submission heavyweight and the fights over in less than 20 seconds. I feel like a douche. A douche who's winning a lot. <_< This is even when people bring out their 104 rated CAF's to my 89 one!

Is that not completely pointless finishing every fight the same way? <_<

It's not a 100% type thing, obv. That's only when like people pick Lesnar, Kongo or like anyone who's not Nog or Mir.

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You mean online mode. <_<

I used to fucking hate people who used their CAFs online. Now I just flying armbar people with my 108 submission heavyweight and the fights over in less than 20 seconds. I feel like a douche. A douche who's winning a lot. <_< This is even when people bring out their 104 rated CAF's to my 89 one!

Is that not completely pointless finishing every fight the same way? <_<

It's not a 100% type thing, obv. That's only when like people pick Lesnar, Kongo or like anyone who's not Nog or Mir.

So anyone it works against then? <_<

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I fucking hate my sparing partner... no matter if it is sparing or if it is learning tasks... he´s just a silly ideot that basicly ony destroys what i am trying to do. (i even am able to submit him without even trying to submit him... he just dos not try to not be submitted... you see, a submission takes longer than one simple counter... so it´s bad for the player to go through with it... so thats what we´ll have the sparing partner do... DIE)

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