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2009 MLB Season


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Other than David Ortiz, this is perhaps the single best news I could've gotten today. Yeah, I'm an ass. Don't you Yankee-haters tell me you didn't feel that way when A-Rod or Clemens were unveiled. :P

I don't know what you're talking about, its quite obvious Manny didn't start using untill he got to LA. Clemens, A-Rod, Manny, what do they all have in common? Joe Torre.

lol Maxx.

Not that I care about baseball anymore, but hopefully this shuts up all the Red Sox fans for a good while.

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Other than David Ortiz, this is perhaps the single best news I could've gotten today. Yeah, I'm an ass. Don't you Yankee-haters tell me you didn't feel that way when A-Rod or Clemens were unveiled. :P

I don't know what you're talking about, its quite obvious Manny didn't start using untill he got to LA. Clemens, A-Rod, Manny, what do they all have in common? Joe Torre.

lol Maxx.

Not that I care about baseball anymore, but hopefully this shuts up all the Red Sox fans for a good while.

Yes, because there is a single team in baseball - a single World Series champ in the last decade plus - that was perfectly clean.

The entire game has dirt on its hands. It does not matter where it came from, every team is dirty. Any intelligent fan would tell you this. So like what, there were no players on steroids on the 04 Cardinals, 07 Rockies? We all know the Yanks did too, would they be a more legit champ to you?

I'm not sure what's worse, the brainless "Halladay for everyone in Pawtucket!" Boston homers or the "fuck all the Boston fans" pricks.

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Other than David Ortiz, this is perhaps the single best news I could've gotten today. Yeah, I'm an ass. Don't you Yankee-haters tell me you didn't feel that way when A-Rod or Clemens were unveiled. :P

I don't know what you're talking about, its quite obvious Manny didn't start using untill he got to LA. Clemens, A-Rod, Manny, what do they all have in common? Joe Torre.

lol Maxx.

Not that I care about baseball anymore, but hopefully this shuts up all the Red Sox fans for a good while.

Yes, because there is a single team in baseball - a single World Series champ in the last decade plus - that was perfectly clean.

The entire game has dirt on its hands. It does not matter where it came from, every team is dirty. Any intelligent fan would tell you this. So like what, there were no players on steroids on the 04 Cardinals, 07 Rockies? We all know the Yanks did too, would they be a more legit champ to you?

I'm not sure what's worse, the brainless "Halladay for everyone in Pawtucket!" Boston homers or the "fuck all the Boston fans" pricks.

I can't speak for thug, but the way I see it, is ever since it came out that A-Rod did 'roids, Sox fans have ridden the Yankee faithful's asses about it. Now with Manny and Big Papi on the list, maybe they'll cut back on it.

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So defensive. Of course, I would be too when two of your biggest heroes that helped end the curse are revealed to be cheaters.

Perhaps I wouldn't be such a "prick" if this wasn't exactly how everyone outside of New York acted when Clemens, A-Rod, Pettitte were busted. Like I said, it's stuff like this (steroids, not the prickly fans) that's ruined baseball for a lot of people, including myself.

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Ortiz should not have been much of a surprise, considering how big he got and how much power he started hitting for once he got to Boston. That and the first couple months this year, where he was smaller than previous years and couldn't hit a beach ball. Most people, even non-homer Sox fans, should have figured this out by a couple of months ago.

And then Manny already got caught once.

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Makes it even funnier with Ortiz' statements earlier this year... but:

Perhaps I wouldn't be such a "prick" if this wasn't exactly how everyone outside of New York acted when Clemens, A-Rod, Pettitte were busted.


For all the crap Yankee fans get from, well, everyone... around 2002 and on Red Sox fans (at least in my experience) have been near ultimate douchebags. Of course these could be the de facto Yankee haters that started wearing Red Sox gear the moment they won the 03 World Series too...

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The problem in my eyes with Boston and New York fans is that... the teams are so strong, the markets are so huge - it opens up to a lot of bandwagoners, pink hat fans, homers. Of course that exists with every team, but by default the two have more than everyone else.

I try and convince myself that I'm not some total fucking tool - say that Boston glitters in gold and can do no wrong. That's obviously bullshit. New York isn't entirely evil and bad in the way they build their team, that's bullshit too. I mean, Cashman is a good GM (when he has the power to do things). Keeping Hughes and Chamberlain are smart moves. There are some Yankees fans with half a brain.

But at the same time both teams have spent massive amounts of money and had steroid abusing guys. New York has far more money to play with and tries to buy championships, which Boston has at a lesser scale (Drew, Lugo, Ramirez). But Boston's superstars were on steroids, as if several of New York's weren't.

If I am just another Boston fan prick, please be brutally honest. But I don't believe I'm one those annoyances you consider an enemy.

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Having to be regularly amongst Red Sox fans like that for 9 games at the Rogers Centre every year, I can comfortably say you're not one of those. That being said, those Massholes are the reason I hate the Sox more than the Yanks. It's not just that they're obnoxious, it's that they're under the complete delusion that the Sox are different from the Yanks in terms of team building. That the team builds from within, that they don't just survive off of high priced acquisitions. I mean yes, there are a ton of great players starting to come through the system, but to say the team is all about Youks, Pedroia and Lester is to ignore the hundred million (over 80% of the team's salary) spent on outside acquisitions. As a bitter Jays fan who's had to deal with the two team arms race that the AL East has been for the most part this decade, I can at least accept that the Yanks fans know and accept what their team is.

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Dodgers got George Sherrill from B'more last night.

Tigers pick up Jarrod Washburn from Seattle

Twins get Orlando Cabrera from Oakland

As for Boston: goodbye Masterson, hello V-Mart. Good to see them hold on to Buchholz and Bard too.

EDIT: And then just turned LaRoche to the Braves. So much for him...

Edited by Lowerdeck
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Rolen to the Reds is apparently done. So yesterday JP says we're holding on to Doc and building for 2010... then he goes and trades our second best hitter this year. What the fuck?

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