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Recommend me some MegaDrive/Genesis games

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Gunstar Heroes was AWESOME. You must get this game.

Alien Storm was pretty cool too if you like side-scrolling beat-em-ups, like Streets of Rage. Also had FPS levels.

Mega Bomberman was kick ass as well. Bomberman on a kangaroo! Need I say more?

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To whoever asked, yeah, Super Smash TV was on the Mega Drive. That game was fucking rocking. I never played it on a SNES or a Mega Drive (I had it in an arcade pak thingie for the PS1) but holy shit, I LOVED that game. So much.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. That game was awesome. Me and my friend used to play that together allll the time. I'll also third or fourth the Strike series, such awesome games.

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To whoever asked, yeah, Super Smash TV was on the Mega Drive. That game was fucking rocking. I never played it on a SNES or a Mega Drive (I had it in an arcade pak thingie for the PS1) but holy shit, I LOVED that game. So much.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. That game was awesome. Me and my friend used to play that together allll the time. I'll also third or fourth the Strike series, such awesome games.


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Oh, and people who WANT a Mega Drive, but are worried about buying second hand... I direct you to this new product...


Yes, it's a brand new Mega Drive console. About a quarter the size of the original, multiregion, fifteen games built in, two controllers with it.

Pffft, it's lacking an HDMI connection. :shifty:

Sonic 3D was my favourite game when I was ickle, but now all I can think is HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF CHRIST MY EYES ARE BEING SET ON FIRE. I'm serious, that thing hurts like motherfuck.

It was, and still is (well, was last Easter when I got my Mega Drive out in a state of tedium) solid as hell.

Fifa 95 is another one, but be warned: Dribble/Sprint and pass are the SAME BUTTON. It seemed to work 15 years ago, but not now. That shit's frustrating.

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To whoever asked, yeah, Super Smash TV was on the Mega Drive. That game was fucking rocking. I never played it on a SNES or a Mega Drive (I had it in an arcade pak thingie for the PS1) but holy shit, I LOVED that game. So much.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. That game was awesome. Me and my friend used to play that together allll the time. I'll also third or fourth the Strike series, such awesome games.


This. Always this. Smash TV was one of the most fun multi-player experiances ever. Fuck on the console, I mean ever. Me and my cousin (who is in prison for murder now...lawl) spent weeks on that game.

Oh, and its fucking hard.

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Star Control, Starflight, and the original Populous. Yessir.

Oh, and examine these guys for more ideas. I stayed up half the night one night reading reviews on my old collection.

Ooh, and Evander Holyfield Boxing was class, as well.

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It was better on the Master System. I played it for YEARS before I had any idea he was saying "power up". Not quite as good as the illegible mumbling of the late Ayrton Senna on the Game Gear Super Monaco GP, but damn close.

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Played Comix Zone today. It's as difficult as I remember, and even more fun.

If you've somehow managed to never hear of this game, it is actually amazing.

Awesome graphics, incredible soundtrack, fantastic gameplay. It's brilliant. Play it now.

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Played Comix Zone today. It's as difficult as I remember, and even more fun.

If you've somehow managed to never hear of this game, it is actually amazing.

Awesome graphics, incredible soundtrack, fantastic gameplay. It's brilliant. Play it now.

I have it on the Mege Drive collection for the PS3.....really like it, having never heard of it before.

However, as you say, its fucking well hard, and I seem to get killed early on every time.

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Yeah, it is actually hard as fuck, I got the furthest I've ever gotten today.

Some tips.

- release the Rat after each fight to see if there are any hidden items

- During the fight tournament at level two, in the frame before the fight, punch through the right hand wall for secret items

- during the tournament itself DO NOT use superhero mode, as it doesn't work

- but DO use the rat on the last fighter, as he's scared of them and you win instantly.

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