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He did talk far, far too much, though. Especially during bits you actually wanted to hear. At least Terry only talked over people when they were talking in a foreign language or waffling to fill time. Two particular bits stuck out, firstly talking over the entire astronaut segment. Second, 'helpfully explaining' the interval act, just in case the entire country was blind for that particular ten minutes. And his 'witty comments' during the ad-break segments, rambling about how unfunny they were instead of actually giving the viewers a chance to listen to it themselves.

And he verbally fellated Jade way too much for a gay guy. :shifty: Anyone would think he worked with her on some kind of television show or something like that.

But yeah, way above expectations.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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I really enjoyed it tonight, Eurovision is definitely back. Yes there was still some fixed voting, Cyprus, Ukraine & the scandinavians come to mind, but for us and Azerbaijan to finish in the top 5 shows it reall has changed for the better. I wanted Turkey or Romania win, but tbh it had nothing to do with the music, and I thought the Norwegian entry was quite poor.

My general thoughts from the show:

Graham Norton was fantastic, some terrific quips and a lot better than I expected, I've never really liked him but I'm glad he's replaced Wogan.

The first several acts were awful, Iceland was the first decent one (plus Yohanna was hot :wub:). In fact, 9 of the first 10 songs were complete dross.

Azerbaijan deserved to be in the top 3, and I'm glad I wasn't the only one who immediately thought 'SANTINO!' when they saw that guy. His partner however was a lot more attractive than Maria.

Denmark's Ronan Clone was hilarious, I did notice that a lot of countries used international 'stars', so why didn't we? Yes, we had ALW, which must've helped us somewhat, but Denmark used Keating, a lot of these other acts are apparently big in their respective countries, and Germany had Dita Von Teese. So why did we pick Jade Ewen!?

Dita Von Teese appearing was a surprise, especially as she isn't even German. They needed her as the song was awful, and they didn't get anywhere anyway.

Turkey & Albania both had very hot singers, but err...WHAT was going on with the blue guy and the midgets in Albania's entry? Was it to distract everyone from the fact they had a 17-year-old in an incredibly short skirt singing!? Outrageous, but at least we had some ridiculousness, this year was far too serious for my liking on the whole.

Nor way was very boring, can't believe how far clear it finished. Even we gave it top points :angry:

And I think we can be very proud of 5th place, especially after the last 6 years of crap. I wasn't a fan of the song tbh, but at least it wasn't poor or embarrassing.

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So <3 for Eurovision, and the fact that it really was a MUSIC competition this year.

Really? I thought most songs were mediocre, shit or just pop songs which have nothing to do at Eurovision. I mean, Ronan clone's song was a song he could have a hit with, but not win a festival like this. Ukraine was laughable, they didn't deserve to be in the finals at all. The fact that Norway won with so many votes says enough about the competition, really. I enjoyed it because I don't have high expectations, but look at the Eurovision back in the day when there were usually five or so really strong songs.

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I thought us, Azerbaijan, Germany and Norway were the best. Portugal's song was cute, Estonia's girls were decent/hot, Ukraine's was mental but entertaining, Malta's singer was good but had an average song, Moldova were crap, as were Armenia. Iceland's song was decent and they had a good singer.

Oh and I was oddly entertained by Finland's rap/80's power ballad combo. Though I had to laugh at the sheer boredom on the faces of the flame throwers.

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Oh, and Turkey finishing so high was stupid. Talk about over rated. Could they have made the song sound any more like 'Kiss Kiss'?

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Me and my girlfriend voted for Portugal (me), Greece (her), Moldova (...why not?) and Ukraine, more because of the pure insanity of it all than anything.

But when I heard Norway's it was pretty much a given that it would win, although having heard it a couple of times, it is catchy in an irritating way, rather than a good one.

EDIT: I wanted to vote for Bosnia, just for the pure epicness of what was portrayed, but decided that 60p on Eurovision was good enough >_>

Edited by Jushin 'Thunder' Liam
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Azerbaijan have no hope of winning, despite the two last entries being good. Since does anyone know a city in Azerbaijan? Do they even have venues big enough to stage this?

Baku is the capital.

I have no idea if they have anything big enough to host it, though.

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