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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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AMC's website revealed a rather MASSIVE spoiler today for the rest of this season. It was in a special edition bluray ad where they explain special features. So yeah, you might want to avoid a lot of sites (I've seen it mentioned on 6 already) if you don't want to know.

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AMC's website revealed a rather MASSIVE spoiler today for the rest of this season. It was in a special edition bluray ad where they explain special features. So yeah, you might want to avoid a lot of sites (I've seen it mentioned on 6 already) if you don't want to know.

Yeah but to be fair it's kind of an obvious spoiler though. If you follow the comics it's not that surprising.

Edited by Don Ready Slacker
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I thought sundays episode was the best of this season. Still some crap going on (how many times during the day will you have your child sneak away Laury?)... but scenes like carl looking at the zombie actually created some tension in me wich is something that barly ever happens.

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This is what I was talking about. I never cared about anyone else dying but

Dales dying actually had me shocked

He was a character that you actually knew about and cared about

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Definitely a good episode. Spoilers have apparently leaked for next week's episode ("Better Angels"), and holy shit, if they're anywhere near true after next week people will be on Facebook, Twitter, EWB, whatever going "holy.. fuck."

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This is what I was talking about. I never cared about anyone else dying but

Dales dying actually had me shocked

He was a character that you actually knew about and cared about

... eurgh. For real? I hope this show gets cancelled this season, then I can stop trying to give a fuck. Whoever the show runners are desperately need to find a different job.

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Fuck, that ending was jarring. Pretty sure "this character lasted ___ long in the comics so they should be good" can officially be taken off the table as indicative of how the TV show will go.

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Oh my god you guys that ending hit me so hard! I know it's probably not shocking but I cried when that happened.

Which part isn't shocking, the ending or you crying? Because fuck, that ending stunned me.

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Oh my god you guys that ending hit me so hard! I know it's probably not shocking but I cried when that happened.

I like it because thats how the comic works. It finally creates more of a sense of danger and anyone could go at any moment. (unlike magie and glen fucking in the city, since everything is save n shit)

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Oh my god you guys that ending hit me so hard! I know it's probably not shocking but I cried when that happened.

I like it because thats how the comic works. It finally creates more of a sense of danger and anyone could go at any moment. (unlike magie and glen fucking in the city, since everything is save n shit)

If she offered to fuck me in a zombie infested hell, I'd drop my trousers and take my chances...

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