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... I also agreed to watch Pretty Little Liars.

I should warn you, it's utterly horrible. And I used to like One Tree Hill (well, during it's high school seasons, at least). There are utter scenes where nothing is happening that just leads to a sex scene. They also love girl-on-girl scenes, for some reason. My girlfriend loves it, but it's just so terrible I can't stand to be in the room when it's on.

I also feel the same about Vampire Diaries, however. Just, good God, what a terrible show. The twists and turns and whatnots just seem to be written into it without any proper thought. And I remember there being a HUGE contiunance problem (but I can't remember what it is, though).

God, my girlfriend loves that show. Like, I haven't seen anywhere near enough to have an opinion on it, but I'm pretty sure I could tell you a pretty decent summary of the entire series from how much of the story I've been told. Did you enjoy it? I mean it's pretty obviously a show more for the ladies, but I loved Greek which is pretty much 50% a show about girls in sororities.

Pretty Little Liars is nothing like Greek, except for it being a high-school age show. Other than that, they are miles apart.

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I watched The Lying Game, just to see if it was going to be a better plot than Pretty Little Liars (same novelist upon whose books the shows are based) and wound up enjoying it. The fact that they've got such a long period between the first season finale and the start of the second season makes me think that the show's creators weren't certain that they were going to get renewed until one or two of the last episodes, and subsequently didn't have anything written for season 2 except for a basic idea of where they were going after the final episode. On the other hand, the idea of "girl comes in to wealthy area, pretends to be somebody she's not for a purpose she discloses to all of one or two people in the area" is something that Revenge has also done, and done it better. It might be that The Walt Disney Corporation's television division looked at the two series and realized, "Okay, let's not try to get too many comparisons between the series, shall we?"

My favorite two teen dramas when I was a teen (Everwood and The O.C.) weren't just about the teens - they also focused on the adults - so that's probably why I like The Lying Game.

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  1. So if any of you have been following "Awake", that ending just seems like a big FU to NBC.
  2. "House" ended on a good note. I couldn't really see them ending it any other way. Although some parts that were mentioned previously seemed a bit impossible.
  3. I think "Nikita" has really come a long way. It gets a third season on The CW. Which is mostly girly shows so that has to be something.
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Oh thank fuck. I'm free of 2 Broke Girls. Kat Dennings and her magnificent breasts now hold no sway over me...

... I'm totally lying, but I'm still not watching that show.

Someone should get her to audition for Game of Thrones :pervert:.

Edited by Devil In Jouzy City
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Oh thank fuck. I'm free of 2 Broke Girls. Kat Dennings and her magnificent breasts now hold no sway over me...

... I'm totally lying, but I'm still not watching that show.

Someone should get her to audition for Game of Thrones :pervert:.

I assume she'd be up for the role of Boobie Boobsalot, spell-slinging sorceress of the Boobinous Islands. Completely canon.

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Oh thank fuck. I'm free of 2 Broke Girls. Kat Dennings and her magnificent breasts now hold no sway over me...

... I'm totally lying, but I'm still not watching that show.

Someone should get her to audition for Game of Thrones :pervert:.

I assume she'd be up for the role of Boobie Boobsalot, spell-slinging sorceress of the Boobinous Islands. Completely canon.

I should read the books.

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Guest mr. potato head

Yes it's a pass. I've seen every episode so far, and it gets better in season 2 when they break out of the formula (actually I dispute that the formula was as bad as people said it was even in season 1), but it's still not something worth going out of your way to see.

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