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So, it's out I hear but I won't be able to get it until closer to Christmas. Gah, by then everyone will be great online. Oh well.

Anyway I hear the media and politicians have been in uproar about it in the UK.

I just read a review from someone I can't trust but is it indeed true that this is because....

You have to carry out a terrorist attack in order to gain the trust of a Russian terrorist organization, which ends up with you killing innocents?

I hear you can skip the mission if you want to...but if this is true for me it's not a terrible thing in a game. It's utter fourth wall demolition, forces you to think, even more extreme than...

Being caught in the nuclear bomb in COD MW which had me going "did they REALLY just do that?"

I think it's good to have in the game, though of course I've not played it yet.

The reviewer said that it goes in the total opposite direction to glamorizing gun violence and makes you feel sick to the stomach which to me seems like a mature and well prepared piece of video game scripting, far more grown up (in a good, ethical way) than anything GTA throws at you.

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I've recently done two massive hunt downs when it comes to video games and I can't really play my 360 online at the moment.. that means that I don't really have all that big of a want when it comes to playing Modern Warfare 2 so I can wait, especially with money being what it is right now. I do want to experience the single player though, it sounds interesting.

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Regarding the Spoiler

Yeah, it's not done in a glamourising way, you get a kind of empty feeling as you're doing it. Seeing people being gunned down as they are dragging to their fallen friends to safety really is disturbing, but it is a magnificent level and very atmospheric. Especially when you get to departures and see all the flights switch to DELAYED on the board, very impressed by it.

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Regarding the spoiler 2 : Electric Boogaloo

I don't like it. I tried to see how far I could get through the level without firing a bullet, and I got to avoid shooting any civilians at all, but the cops really fuck you up. It does do a good job of treating it seriously, I had heard about it but when you experience it in full yourself, I actually was a bit surprised by how much I didn't want to participate.

I'm not offended by it, but the entire thing is meaningless. You'll see why at the end of the level, yeah this is spoiler tagged but even so. I get that it's the kicking off point for everything else, but the problem with it is the massive levels of slaughter going on. If you do shoot the civvies, you'd tend to find it hard to connect with the character thanks to the way it plays out, but at the end it doesn't matter whether you did or didn't. If I did go through with it I think I'd be left feeling "why the fuck did they make me do that?"

But yeah. It feels like a major radical departure from the last one in terms of setting, but plays every bit as fun as the first.

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Yeah, that is the case with that mission, I read it in a review the other day.

Got an advert from Sainsburys saying it'll be £26, so will take that to Gamestation as that is local. Was out of stock today, but should have some in tomorrow apparently.

We can't match it as it's an introductory offer/special price. Not matching any of the supermarkets. Technically, we've never been allowed to as their opening prices are special offers, but we usually look the other way out of goodwill. Which means when we enforce it properly to avoid losing a shitton of money, we get really pissy customers.

It does look good, but I'm going to hang on a bit, pretty sure we'll get a load of preowned copies in pretty sharpish, a lot of folk round here can't afford online gaming, so they finish up the single player and trade it back in.

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I've already clocked Single Player, It's about 6 or 7 hours on Regular. There's a couple of missions that really kept me from finishing earlier than that and It's more due to the improvements to the enemy. Most of the time, I didn't die due to standing there getting shot until I died. I died because I was getting flanked and out manoeuvred by the AI, Which really impressed me. But the friendly AI is still a little dumb. Although, That could be a decision on the part of IW to not make the game piss easy.

Even though the single player was short. In my opinion, The action never stops, Every mission is awesome and although I think that COD4 had a better story, MW2 has a better single player overall.

In the short time I was able to play MP, It seems more balanced than COD4, I finished up getting to level 6 (I think) in about 2 hours and was playing against guys in the 20's

The amount of guns and attachment combos in the game is insane, I don't think I've come across all of the guns yet.

In regards to the controversial Airport level.

It really isn't that bad, You have a choice of even doing the level or not, You don't have to kill any civilians if you don't want to and your stuck in a slow walk so you can't go sprinting around gunning down civilians, It's not as bad as some politicians are making it out to be

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Yeah, that is the case with that mission, I read it in a review the other day.

Got an advert from Sainsburys saying it'll be £26, so will take that to Gamestation as that is local. Was out of stock today, but should have some in tomorrow apparently.

We can't match it as it's an introductory offer/special price. Not matching any of the supermarkets. Technically, we've never been allowed to as their opening prices are special offers, but we usually look the other way out of goodwill. Which means when we enforce it properly to avoid losing a shitton of money, we get really pissy customers.

Had the same thing with a Tesco's advert saying they were doing Smackdown vs Raw 2010 for 3 days at £25, and my local matched it. So, I dunno. Will have to ask.

EDIT: Did ask, and yeah, no dice. Ah well, I was looking to trade in games anyway, so it still knocks it down a fair bit.

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I cannot beat the mission after the spoiler. Way too many people in the streets for me to kill as the only person, I die instantly all the time. It's frustrating and makes me turn off the game. I suck so much at FPS, I wonder why I even bought this.

I had the same problem. You're actually supposed to just run past everyone as quickly as possible. Just fire from the hip and knife guys along the way.

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Can someone else who's beaten the game explain to me something I'm still confused about?

(and don't click out of curiosity as it's fairly massive spoilerage)

Why does Shepherd kill GazGhost and Roach? I think there was something at the end about getting more recruits or something, but that doesn't seem like any reason whatsoever to turn on us. Is there a massive bit of plot I've missed, or was it just another attempt to shock people again? >_>

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