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The 2010 NFL Thread


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I don't...I'd actually love for them to have a terrible season and shut Rex Ryans fat ass up

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yea I'll buy into that...I keep reading "Jets chosen as favorites to make the Super Bowl" and am like "Wait..they made it into the playoffs because the Colts basically laid down and gave them that game..."

It's even worse in New York. I was listening to ESPN's radio station here before the game tonight and the host made reference to the fact that if he'd never been exposed to the NFL before but was watching Hard Knocks this season, he would think the Jets went 13-3 and had won 3 of the last 4 or 5 Super Bowls. I've referenced it before but after hearing year after year of the "woe is me/Same Old Jets" mantra, it boggles my mind that every Jets fan in the Tri-State area is basically handing them the trophy because Sanchez played well for a few games.

"We were 30 minutes away from the Super Bowl!" has become the unofficial rallying cry here. I've never heard a team lose in the AFC/NFC Championship game so confident that they're going to roll over the entire league the following year, especially when they basically got into the postseason because Indy showed no balls and opted not to go for a perfect season.

"You were 30 minutes away from going 8-8 and suffering through a long offseason, so sit down and shut the fuck up!" is my unofficial response.

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yea I'll buy into that...I keep reading "Jets chosen as favorites to make the Super Bowl" and am like "Wait..they made it into the playoffs because the Colts basically laid down and gave them that game..."

yep... Texans deserved that playoff spot way more than the Jets who the Colts laid down for. Sanchez played like shit most of the year, guy has done nothing to warrant the great talk surrounding him.

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One of the other message boards I go to has a predictions thread each week. Out of 22 people, only 6 picked the Vikings, and one of them was a homer. 2 people either forgot to make a pick or just decided to skip making a pick for that game. (I picked the Saints)

Interestingly enough, the # of picks for the Raven-Jets game is even with 11 picking each side. (I picked the Jets, but I hope I'm wrong) And in case any of my fellow Cowboys fans are wondering, 9 picked the Redskins and the rest had sense.

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You guys need to stop watching Hard Knocks :shifty:

Sanchez was a rookie last year and played like one for the most part. Still he was solid in the post-season and it's hardly unreasonable to see him keep up that level of play. Not to mention he's still going to have more of a game manager role. The Jets have a great o-line and can run. Also the defense is one of (If not the) best in the NFL. The team's entire success won't just rely on Sanchez (Unless he turns the ball over like crazy). Annoying show/fans or not they certainly have a lot of pieces that great teams have.

They'll still lose to the Steelers in the AFC title game though :shifty:

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You'll have to excuse Jets fans. They haven't been relevant since what? 1969? Ok, 1999, same difference.

They're the second best team (at best) in their division. It's like everyone forgot New England exists, and Miami is basically the same team as the Jets. I like Rex Ryan, but if that team was in any other city but New York, or if the Giants didn't look to be in for a down season, no one would be talking them up. New England, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Houston, San Diego, Tennessee...I'd take ANY of those teams over the Jets, so how the fuck are the Jets making the playoffs (and this is a dude who picked Shonn Greene in the second round of fantasy, and expects him to break out).

Hell, Oakland could beat them ;)

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The Giants are going to win the Super Bowl this year. Just watch!

Oh wait, I'm not a homer. I am not really looking forward to this season because the O-Line is getting O-L-D, and Twinkle Toes is crying that he was demoted. If he remembered that he is indeed 260 pounds and not 160, he'd still be the starter. I'm not sure how the defense will perform either, and I think going 8-8 again is likely. I just can't believe how craptastic the finishes to the last two seasons have been. The Super Bowl run was completely unexpected, but the post Plax collapse two years ago was nearly as dire as the 3-8 finish to last season.

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I think New York has a shot. They definitely have issues, but most teams do. Eli Manning is a very good QB, and he has a good group of players to pass to. The line is aging, but not terrible. I think Bradshaw could be a very good running back and should be the #1 HB on the team.

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Rex Ryan's overconfidence killed the Ravens multiple times during has time as our defensive coordinator. The defense rallied around him because he's very charismatic and knows his stuff, but he built the defense up on such a pedestal that as soon as they were facing adversity they crumbled.

My best example is the collapse against New England in 2007. Ravens had that game won, the perfect season was over, and then they just shot themselves in the foot and let Tom Brady be, well, Tom Brady. It ended with Bart Scott (Rex Ryan's boy might I add, protege even) throwing a penalty flag in a fit of anger.

Get ready for it Jets fans!

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My best example is the collapse against New England in 2007. Ravens had that game won, the perfect season was over, and then they just shot themselves in the foot and let Tom Brady be, well, Tom Brady. It ended with Bart Scott (Rex Ryan's boy might I add, protege even) throwing a penalty flag in a fit of anger.

Actually, they DID stop the Pats on downs .... but some jackass coach on the sideline called a timeout ...

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My best example is the collapse against New England in 2007. Ravens had that game won, the perfect season was over, and then they just shot themselves in the foot and let Tom Brady be, well, Tom Brady. It ended with Bart Scott (Rex Ryan's boy might I add, protege even) throwing a penalty flag in a fit of anger.

Actually, they DID stop the Pats on downs .... but some jackass coach on the sideline called a timeout ...

I had completely erased that from my memory until just now.

What coach was that? It was the overweight guy, the defensive coordinator wasn't it?

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I think New York has a shot. They definitely have issues, but most teams do. Eli Manning is a very good QB, and he has a good group of players to pass to. The line is aging, but not terrible. I think Bradshaw could be a very good running back and should be the #1 HB on the team.

Bradshaw is the #1 now causing Jacobs to rage. I think the Giants will be a lot better on offense this year. Eli's receivers are kinda underrated. Smith had a break out year, Nicks is someone to watch and Manningham came up big last year. Boss is a threat too. only thing is if the defense is suspect.

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I think New York has a shot. They definitely have issues, but most teams do. Eli Manning is a very good QB, and he has a good group of players to pass to. The line is aging, but not terrible. I think Bradshaw could be a very good running back and should be the #1 HB on the team.

Bradshaw is the #1 now causing Jacobs to rage. I think the Giants will be a lot better on offense this year. Eli's receivers are kinda underrated. Smith had a break out year, Nicks is someone to watch and Manningham came up big last year. Boss is a threat too. only thing is if the defense is suspect.

I agree. The Giants have a good group of defensive ends and tackles, but they are only adequate in terms of linebackers. The secondary is very suspect. It could be good, but it could also be awful. We will not know until a few weeks into this season.

Offensively, I think the Giants stack up against almost any team. It is up to their defence to prove that they are better then the pack.

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