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The 2010 NFL Thread


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Sorry, Eli Manning wins the dickhead of the week award for not sliding. Jesus Christ this team is atrocious.

There's still time for Andy Reid to call 3 passing plays resulting in incompletions to shed 10 seconds off the clock.

Or the Giants to try sacking the QB instead of going after the running back. Man, what an awful game.

Edited by damshow
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Sorry, Eli Manning wins the dickhead of the week award for not sliding. Jesus Christ this team is atrocious.

There's still time for Andy Reid to call 3 passing plays resulting in incompletions to shed 10 seconds off the clock.

That would leave time for Eli to throw another pick, Bradshaw to fumble again, or Manningham to run two yards short of the sticks on 4th down.

EDIT: Instead, they could just let McCoy run half the field again. Fuck this team.

Edited by naiwf
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I've seen this script and the Giants will finish the year 8-8 (2 wins over the Deadskins, losses to everyone else) and miss the postseason after being in 1st place early on again. I'll be back for the AFC playoffs. Anyone but the Jets baby!

Or they'll limp into the postseason and win every game on the road and beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl.

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I've seen this script and the Giants will finish the year 8-8 (2 wins over the Deadskins, losses to everyone else) and miss the postseason after being in 1st place early on again. I'll be back for the AFC playoffs. Anyone but the Jets baby!

Not counting this year, the last three years, your boys and my boys have been the best teams in the league (for the first eight games...)!

I'm glad Denver just sucked ass right of the gate this year. I don't think I could have taken another late season collapse. Maybe next year.

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I've seen this script and the Giants will finish the year 8-8 (2 wins over the Deadskins, losses to everyone else) and miss the postseason after being in 1st place early on again. I'll be back for the AFC playoffs. Anyone but the Jets baby!

Or they'll limp into the postseason and win every game on the road and beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl.

Since "Perfection Denied"

2008 - 11-1 start, potentially rolling towards a dynasty?

Nope. Plax shoots himself, they limp to a 1-3 finish and get crushed by the Eagles in the playoffs.

2009 - 5-0 start, surely rolling towards the playoffs?

Hell no. 3-8 finish, become one of the few teams in league history to start 5-0 and miss the playoffs.

2010 - 6-2 start, 5 straight wins and they have the already packed it in for the season Cowboys AT HOME, should be easy right?

LOL. They get worked by Dallas and Kitna throws for 700 yards in a laugher.

OK, we're 6-3 and have been totally outplayed by Philly but somehow squeak ahead 17-16. It's 3rd and 6, just hold them here and you can win and put the last few seasons in the rear view mirror. . . Fuck that, let's jump offsides and then go for an ALL OUT BLITZ on 3rd and inches and give up a 50 yard TD run unscathed.

Alright whatever, it's still a one possession game. Eli has the 1st down and just needs to fucking SLIDE to keep the drive going. . . .but why do that when you can barrel roll into the ground and cough up the victory and the division lead to a team you NEVER beat anymore. The Giants have now lost 5 straight to Philly and are seemingly interested in finding new and exciting ways to lose to them.

They will beat Washington twice and lose to everyone else because that's what they've done for the last 3 seasons. Much like the Mets once you start to choke EVERY season, it's hard to shake that moniker. Well, unless you become one of the dregs of the league and don't contend anymore, but that won't happen to this team until 2012.

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You guys are making this too much of a big deal. (Peyton) Manning and Brady never settle for ties, either they win or they lose. It's not the first time either of them has done something like that. The Colts and Manning wouldn't be themselves if they didn't try to score a TD even when they need a FG.

As for the Giants; it's just one game. Calm down guys, there's a lot of football still ahead.

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Manning fucked up. No need to call it 'aggressive' and the Colts 'way'. They didn't need to rush the play, he didn't need to make a fucking awful pass (And it was) and it's just another in a long line of Manning chokings. When they showed Vinitaeri on the sidelines I thought he was going to run out and punch Peyton across the mouth.

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You guys are making this too much of a big deal. (Peyton) Manning and Brady never settle for ties, either they win or they lose. It's not the first time either of them has done something like that. The Colts and Manning wouldn't be themselves if they didn't try to score a TD even when they need a FG.

As for the Giants; it's just one game. Calm down guys, there's a lot of football still ahead.

There was about a minute left in the game when Peyton threw his retarded pass, and it wasn't 4th down. He's smart enough to know you throw it away and live to fight another play. There's no excusing his throw or his brother's "slide".

The Giants game tonight was not just one game. This is the 3rd season in a row where the team has collapsed down the stretch. They've committed something like 14 turnovers in the last 4 games and have gone from having the best record in the conference to now being in 8th in 2 weeks. Considering that the West "champion" gets a spot they're competing with Philly, Green Bay/Chicago, Tampa/New Orleans/Atlanta for 2 spots. They're already at least a game behind all of those teams instead of being dead even. Oh, and their last 4 games are AT Minnesota, vs Philly, AT Green Bay and AT Washington. 2 of those are playoff contenders and the other two are road games in tough places to play. If they lose next week, the season is over.

Also, Peyton's stupid play knocked Indy from being a 3 seed right now to sitting in 7th and outside of the playoff picture. If Jacksonville beats them that pass may end up costing them a playoff spot.

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Where is Chase? I'm here to mock his bitch-made Steelers. See, Raider fans know the truth about Pittsburgh. The Steelers pretend to be this tough team, and a tough organization, but they're really bitches. Back in the 70s, they tried to sue the Raiders for being too violent. The yellow stripe isn't just for decoration.

Also, because Big Ben can't beat Oakland.

Fuck the Stillers, and fuck Pittsburgh.


Seriously though, I REALLY hope that was a pre-game boast. And even then...lol.

Ben, who can't beat the Raiders, passed the shit out of the ball today. He was on fire, probably his best game since Green Bay last years.

Oakland couldn't do anything today. One more bullshit personal foul penalty and the Steelers would've had more penalty yards than the Raiders did TOTAL yards. It was embarrassing.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Actually, at the time I made that statement, Big Ben had never beaten the Raiders.

I don't make excuses. Raiders played like shit, and the Steelers shut down the run game. Defense played well, but the offense couldn't keep them off the field.

Pittsburgh did it's best to self-destruct, though, so good job there. I think the game would have been different if Gradkowski had been the starter. Probably not a win, but not what happened.

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Actually, at the time I made that statement, Big Ben had never beaten the Raiders.

I don't make excuses. Raiders played like shit, and the Steelers shut down the run game. Defense played well, but the offense couldn't keep them off the field.

Pittsburgh did it's best to self-destruct, though, so good job there. I think the game would have been different if Gradkowski had been the starter. Probably not a win, but not what happened.

If by self destruct you mean be the victim of at least 4 atrocious personal foul calls then yes you're right.

But even with those penalties they beat Oakland's ass up and down the field. On both sides of the ball.

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I'll give you the Harrison call on the pick 6, that was a bad call. Didn't see the Woodley call. The Clark call early in the game wasn't a bad call, it was just the wrong call. He didn't go helmet to helmet, but he damn sure led with it. Almost fucked himself in the process.

The holds where because you had a makeshift line.

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I'll give you the Harrison call on the pick 6, that was a bad call. Didn't see the Woodley call. The Clark call early in the game wasn't a bad call, it was just the wrong call. He didn't go helmet to helmet, but he damn sure led with it. Almost fucked himself in the process.

The holds where because you had a makeshift line.

Steelers had the best line combo they've had all season in there to start with Ramon Foster at RG. When Pouncey went out, yeah Legursky held.

Harrison call was bad. Woodley call was bad. Ike Taylor PI was bad. Clark hit the guy with his shoulder, or so it looked to those of us in the press box.

I will say this...if Gradkowski starts or comes in sooner the Raiders at least score a TD. Unlike Campbell he could at least feel pressure and get out of the pocket. Campbell had no idea what was going on.


According to Deion Sanders the Titans are going to either place Vince Young on IR or release him outright tomorrow.

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I'm assuming you're talking about the Ike Taylor call where he rode dude out of bounds. That call could go either way, I'm not surprised to see it called the way the NFL is. On the Clark hit, it looked on TV like he led with his helmet, and he went down like he led with his helmet. Could have been a stinger, but I wouldn't have an issue with that call if I was a Steeler fan, its a safety issue for the defender.

I agree with you on Gradkowski. I don't think the Raiders would have won the game, Pittsburgh shut down the run too well, but it would have been closer. The offense couldn't do anything, which kept the defense on the field. Once Seymour imploded, it really hurt, but more production from the offense would have made a massive difference.

Unfortunately, it looks like Campbell is going to continue to be the starter. He's obviously more physically gifted than Gradkowski, but I'm starting to think he's damaged goods. His release is slow, and he seems afraid, the exact opposite of Bruce.

Two thoughts on Young. One, LOL, and two, the Raiders should take a flyer on him if he gets released. Not like Kyle Boller is doing anything. I haven't really payed attention, is he injured, or just the usual VY mental bullshit?

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Eli hitting the field like a dead fish and losing the ball was fucking hilarious.

That is all.

:lol: I'm glad I'm a Jets fan. I'd rather have all these down to the wire wins, than my Quarterback flopping like a dead fish and giving up the ball. Not saying the Jets are perfect, don't get me wrong. Shonn Greene coughed up the ball during a crucial possession. I'm just happy the Jets pulled that win out of their ass yesterday.

And as I type this, Brad Childress is fired!

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