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The 2010 NFL Thread


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Finnegan is a punk ass bitch, but Johnson's probably going to miss at least a game because those punches landed flush.

EDIT: The Giants actually showed some testicular fortitude and beat up the Jags in the 2nd half. Garrard's INT on the first play of the half pretty much prevented this one from going into the deep freeze. Abandoning a running game that produced about 150 yards in the first half is terrible playcalling, so thanks for that.

I would imagine Finnegan will get a suspension too for ripping Andre Johnson's helmet off.

Fucking Giants :(

In other news, do New York teams have the most obese fans? I've never seen so many "extra-large" people in one stadium.

Colts fans.

That's funny, I don't remember a Saturday Night Live skit about fat, drunk Colts fans.


I wasn't ragging on Colts fans, I'm just going off of what I've seen.

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Finnegan is a punk ass bitch, but Johnson's probably going to miss at least a game because those punches landed flush.

EDIT: The Giants actually showed some testicular fortitude and beat up the Jags in the 2nd half. Garrard's INT on the first play of the half pretty much prevented this one from going into the deep freeze. Abandoning a running game that produced about 150 yards in the first half is terrible playcalling, so thanks for that.

I would imagine Finnegan will get a suspension too for ripping Andre Johnson's helmet off.

Fucking Giants :(

In other news, do New York teams have the most obese fans? I've never seen so many "extra-large" people in one stadium.

Colts fans.

That's funny, I don't remember a Saturday Night Live skit about fat, drunk Colts fans.

There's your problem

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I"m willing to bet its going to be the lowest MNF game in years...I had no interest in watching it and I'll watch practically any football game..

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Guest JukeboxHero

One of the things that used to drive me bonkers about Derek Anderson when he played for Cleveland was how he would throw an INT, or make a terrible pass, and walk off the field with a smile. Well, a reporter called him out on it last night after he was shown on national television down by 18 points in the 2nd half laughing it up on the sidelines. Needless to say, DA went on a tirade.


Get pissed, Anderson.

Edited by JukeboxHero
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I don't care about his reaction so much as the fuckwad reporter basically poking the bear to get a reaction. Is that really what sports journalism boils down to these days? He already said the conversation was private, let it be.

That was my take on it, probably just something completely unrelated to the game, Either way Anderson is a douche, and one of the worst QBs in the league. I will never understand why the Cardinals dumped Leinart. I know he has the motivation of JaMarcus Russell, but when your other option is Derek Anderson, yeah....

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I've got an idea for a new reality show: Derek Anderson and Randy Moss are forced to live in a house with Ray Lewis and Mike Singletary. People would watch just to see how long it takes Singletary to chew Anderson and Moss new ones or for Lewis to get fed up and beat them senseless with a case of Old Spice.

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PITTSBURGH -- Steelers linebacker James Harrison was fined $25,000 on Tuesday for his penalized hit on Bills quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick.

Harrison has four fines this season totaling $125,000.

Harrison drew a roughing-the-passer penalty for hitting Fitzpatrick helmet-first during Pittsburgh's 19-16 overtime victory Sunday.

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"James Harrison was fined $25,000 for roughing the passer, specifically he made helmet contact to the chest of the Buffalo quarterback, who was in a defenseless position at the time the contact was made," the NFL said in an e-mail Tuesday to The Associated Press.

After the game, the three-time Pro Bowl linebacker said the play didn't warrant a fine. He compared it to his Nov. 21 roughing-the-passer penalty against Raiders quarterback Jason Campbell that did not draw a fine.

"I'm not expecting a fine," Harrison said. "It's the exact thing as last week. It was the same exact hit. I hit him [Fitzpatrick] the same way I did the quarterback from Oakland and I got the same flag but I didn't get a fine. ... I'm expecting the same thing on this."

Harrison previously was fined $75,000 for a helmet hit on Browns wide receiver Mohamed Massaquoi, $20,000 for a helmet-to-the-back hit on Saints quarterback Drew Brees and $5,000 for a hit on Titans quarterback Vince Young.

On Monday, the league rejected Harrison's appeals of the $75,000 and $20,000 fines, although the Steelers supported Harrison's appeal.

James Harrison


Steelers coach Mike Tomlin declined Tuesday to debate whether Harrison should have been fined for the Fitzpatrick play. But Tomlin suggested Harrison needs to alter his tackling style to conform to the NFL's stricter enforcement of dangerous hits -- a toughened stance that was prompted, in part, by the Massaquoi hit.

"Obviously he does because the league doesn't agree with him," Tomlin said. "My opinion doesn't matter."

Tomlin also was asked if it's fair that the league keeps singling out Harrison for large fines.

"Man, life isn't fair," Tomlin said. "I'm not concerned about fairness. I'm really not. I'm concerned about preparing for the Baltimore Ravens" on Sunday.

Earlier this season, Tomlin and Steelers President Art Rooney II defended Harrison, and Tomlin told his players he doesn't want the league's stance to affect the way they play. Rooney also said the league was wrong for disciplining players for what he felt were legal hits, including the Harrison hit on Massaquoi.

This is starting to get ridiculous. I'm really thinking the new CBA will have a clause that appeals will go to an independent arbitrator rather then back to Goodell. Its pointless to appeal a fine to the guy who issued it, since we all know Goodell isn't going ot change his stance

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Michael Wilbon supposedly ripped into the NFL earlier this week on PTI saying that the only reason they didn't suspend Andre Johnson is because he's playing a Thursday night game on NFL Network this week.

Wilbon is an idiot. If either of them should have been suspended, its Finnegan because he goaded Johnson into attacking him. I'm a Titans fan (Cowboys fan first, though) and can't stand Finnegan. (Plus I have Johnson on one of my fantasy teams, so I'm pissed off at Finnegan for getting him tossed!)

People actually watch PTI?!

Edited by GhostMachine
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I couldn't disagree more. It doesn't matter what the Titan's corner did or said. Johnson threw multiple punches, and he should be suspended. Do what you want with the Titan's CB, but Andre Johnson should be suspended. And the only reason he ISN'T suspended is because the Houston Texans are playing on their channel. Plain and simple.

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Michael Wilbon supposedly ripped into the NFL earlier this week on PTI saying that the only reason they didn't suspend Andre Johnson is because he's playing a Thursday night game on NFL Network this week.

Wilbon is an idiot. If either of them should have been suspended, its Finnegan because he goaded Johnson into attacking him. I'm a Titans fan (Cowboys fan first, though) and can't stand Finnegan. (Plus I have Johnson on one of my fantasy teams, so I'm pissed off at Finnegan for getting him tossed!)

People actually watch PTI?!

Kornheiser said it first on his radio show, then Wilbon agreed with him, not only on PTI, but on Dan Patrick's radio show.

And if one got suspended, both needed to. Yeah, Finnegan was blatantly all about trying to piss Johnson off, Johnson threw bones, both were culpable. Finnegan's the NFL's resident Pomeranian: a yappy little fuck who doesn't realize that all the other dogs are bigger than him. Plus, there's the hair. Jesus, when his helmet came off, I thought the Tasmanian Devil had died and been stapled to Finnegan's head...otherwise, I'd have called him the NFL's resident Chihuahua. :D

This rep that Johnson has as a stand-up, professional guy goaded into violence by one of the league's resident douchenozzles is what got him off the hook, methinks. If he'd thrown at anyone else, it may have been worse, but I don't think a lot of people are opposed to seeing Finnegan get his nose bloodied.

The NFLN showing the game helped, but I don't think it's the ONLY reason he skated. Think about it: it's Texans-Eagles. Mike Vick, DeSean Jackson, Jeremy Maclin; an exciting team in a vibrant playoff hunt, while the AFC South is struggling hard against obscurity. Not many people are checking this one out for the Texans, Johnson or no Johnson.

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