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The 2010 NFL Thread


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I wonder what Chase would do if a celebrity he worshipped ever 'allegedly' took things to far with a woman he knew, assuming he actually knows any.

How is that relevant?

Ben wasn't charged with any crime. In the court of law, he's innocent.

I'd imagine he would defend Ben even if he raped him.


Yes clearly I am delusional for not crucifying a guy who wasn't charged with any crime just because some drunk girls who followed him from bar to bar, and then could not get their stories straight on what happened, who may have colluded to make up the entire incident said he did something against her will.

I've never claimed Ben wasn't an idiot for putting himself in that situation. That is obvious.

I apologize if my unwillingness to go along with the "LOL BIG BEN RAPIST" bullshit is a problem to anyone.

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I wonder what Chase would do if a celebrity he worshipped ever 'allegedly' took things to far with a woman he knew, assuming he actually knows any.

How is that relevant?

Ben wasn't charged with any crime. In the court of law, he's innocent.

I'd imagine he would defend Ben even if he raped him.


Yes clearly I am delusional for not crucifying a guy who wasn't charged with any crime just because some drunk girls who followed him from bar to bar, and then could not get their stories straight on what happened, who may have colluded to make up the entire incident said he did something against her will.

I've never claimed Ben wasn't an idiot for putting himself in that situation. That is obvious.

I apologize if my unwillingness to go along with the "LOL BIG BEN RAPIST" bullshit is a problem to anyone.

:rolleyes: Yeah because clearly I was being serious.

Let's stop shitting the thread up anymore now. I know that's going to be hard for you but resist the temptation to respond to this.

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OJ wasn't proven guilty in the court of law either .... just saying.

OJ was charged. Ben wasn't.

Just saying.

That wasn't your comment was it ? Just saying. Either way, Ben is a giant douche and nothing you say or do and no amount of man love will change that.

On the matter of Ray Lewis .... Ochocinco said he should apologize to Ray for going into his area (there's a bunch of stuff in it, but at about the 5:40 mark that's where it is) ... yeah, Ray Lewis is the man. Period.


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You know, if you're a Steelers fan and you like Big Ben, that's all fine and well. But to dismiss the allegations against him as nothing but the lies of a drunk girl, that's just bordering on deplorable, and it's the exact kind of attitude that enables Ben to keep putting himself in situations where he gets accused of such things.

Chase, this year you took homerism to a despicable low that shows your hero worship comes before your morals. It's one thing to be a fan of a team or a player, it's another to purport that they're infallible, which is exactly what your pathetic defense of Roethlisberger is. That defense makes you come off as sad man with some seriously messed up priorities.

I'll end it on the exact same thing I said back when the allegations first surfaced and people quickly dismissed it as a girl attempting to get money off a famous athlete. There's hundreds of other equally famous athletes who frequent bars in their free time, and yet they don't have repeated allegations of sexual assault levied against them. How utterly strange that Roethlisberger seems to be the only one who does.

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You only won because every single one of your players was on a team that was getting blown out last week and put up a shitload of garbage time points, while my players racked up points early and then their offenses all sat on the ball. I think I was stuck on 96 points for about an hour and went from being ahead by ~40 to losing by ~40. I'm not bitter though <_<

Edited by naiwf
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I would never expect to see starters rested against the motherfucking Packers. Hopefully Lovie hasn't forgotten his day one press conference ("top priority: beat the Packers"). Resting players against the Pack would be horrible, to actually let them sneak into the playoffs would be unforgiveable.

I'm also of the school of thought that resting your starters does more harm than good.

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It's just typical of the Eagles to lose to a Joe Webb led Vikings, the solitary time I want them to win. The Bears will bend over on Sunday now, let Rodgers have his way with them and sneak in as the 6 seed. All Week 17 games should be played at the same time anyway, like the last group game in the World Cup so one team doesn't know in advance that they have nothing to play for and roll over.

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I would never expect to see starters rested against the motherfucking Packers. Hopefully Lovie hasn't forgotten his day one press conference ("top priority: beat the Packers"). Resting players against the Pack would be horrible, to actually let them sneak into the playoffs would be unforgiveable.

I'm also of the school of thought that resting your starters does more harm than good.

Agreed. The Bears can't just roll over and let the Packers into the playoffs. That could come back to haunt us.

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