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The 2010 NFL Thread


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It's time to end the Tom Brady/Bill Belichick experiment. These guys suck :shifty:

I hope that The Hurk can unleash the Kraken on Heinz Field next week since that is the definition of lose/lose since I either have to hear Rex or Chase talk shit for the rest of eternity.

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It's time to end the Tom Brady/Bill Belichick experiment. These guys suck :shifty:

I hope that The Hurk can unleash the Kraken on Heinz Field next week since that is the definition of lose/lose since I either have to hear Rex or Chase talk shit for the rest of eternity.

Rex > Chase

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It's time to end the Tom Brady/Bill Belichick experiment. These guys suck :shifty:

I hope that The Hurk can unleash the Kraken on Heinz Field next week since that is the definition of lose/lose since I either have to hear Rex or Chase talk shit for the rest of eternity.

Well the ignore button can help with one of them.

I'm not sure who's going to represent the AFC in the Super Bowl, but I'll be shocked if the Packers don't win next week.

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Going for it on 4th down in the 2nd quarter (granted, if the runningback caught the ball they could have made it) and the long 8 minute drive that did nothing killed the Pats. The rest hurt as well but those two things turned the game away from them. This week killed a whole lot of my SuperBowl favorites. Not sure who to pick now.

Jets are due a Superbowl Championship but the way they talk trash rubs me the wrong way.

Edited by Universal
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I'm extremely excited the Patriots are gone .... but I'm not excited for the AFC alternatives. I can't stand the Steelers and Sanchez in a super bowl would be almost sickening. I wanted Aaron Rogers to go all the way the beginning of the year, but if they somehow lose I'd take the Bears over what the AFC sends.

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It's like Bill Belichick watched the Colts-Jets game footage and said, "I'm going to call the exact same plays Jim Caldwell did." It was just gutless, conservative football from the Pats. Branch was beating Revis on multiple occassions, and Brady instead gave a short pass to Woodhead. Needless to say, dropping those passes killed the Pats too. In this incarnation of the NFL Playoffs, the sure-handed receivers are dropping crucial balls.

I think we're headed for a Steelers-Packers Super Bowl and, as a result, 2 weeks of debate about which one is the greatest franchise in NFL history. I can't wait to hear the ESPN crew discuss this one, and for one of them to go "You're forgetting the Dallas Cowboys!"

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for losing, Pats! Now I get to cover one more game at Heinz Field this season!

Just wanted to point out that Brady and the Patriots haven't won a damn thing since Spygate.

I'm worried about the Jets. The way they seem to hang out and win games they should probably lose scares me.

But I trust Ben over any other QB left in the playoffs.

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If the Jets win I'll eat my hat, and buy you a steak.

If the Jets win I'll eat my hat, and buy you a steak.

You're on. I'll let you off easier. You can buy something off my Amazon wishlist instead. (Y)

Btw, move over Manning/Brady, Rodgers/Ryan is the new yearly playoff match up we'll look forward to.

As long as it's not more expensive than a steak, it's a deal.

Feel free to send a Amazon Gift card to sahyder1@gmail.com (Y)

PM me your address and I'll mail you a giftcard. My computer has just been eaten by a nasty computer virus, and I'm not going to be using my credit card on this thing until I figure out how to get rid of it.

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