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Leeds/Reading 2010


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Hahahahahaha - amazing...so how long until The Libertines pull out? Or is the reckoning on them just not showing up. I picked a good year to give it a miss. Not that I'd have wanted to see G&R anyway, but there's been a bunch of bands pulling out (Rx Bandits and Crime In Stereo - who I would want to see), a lot of shit I've seen before and judging from a sneaky look at the clashfinder (which I know isn't fully accurate) a bunch of the bands I would want to see clash...so thank fuck.

I see shit really kicking off about this from fans, what with G&R being the main 'alternative' headliner (I know you could argue Blink).

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I had to watch

to cheer myself up about the GNR bollocks.

I wonder who will get bottled this year...

I watched that, thought about the other bands that have been bottled and how they reacted, and have a tonne of respect for them.

If they had been invited to sing, fair enough. Apparently they forced their manager to get them to appear because Eminem was going to be there and Celeste has an Eminem fetish. So they can fuck off. They lasted two songs before retreating.

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I like that the only slot on the bill for them was sandwiched between Slipknot and someone equally as hardcore. Superb planning.

They were between Blink 182 and A, not really the most hardcore bands out there...

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I had to watch

to cheer myself up about the GNR bollocks.

I wonder who will get bottled this year...

I watched that, thought about the other bands that have been bottled and how they reacted, and have a tonne of respect for them.

If they had been invited to sing, fair enough. Apparently they forced their manager to get them to appear because Eminem was going to be there and Celeste has an Eminem fetish. So they can fuck off. They lasted two songs before retreating.

Mean Fiddler person 1: "Oh no, the Celeste wants her group to play Reading."

Mean Fiddler person 2: "We have no choice. Cancel that Led Zepplin reunion."

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So im sitting this one out, after attending the last 5 Reading's. I have a busy weekend of two birthday nights to attend on friday & saturday to keep me occupied, but still it's a weird feeling as this time every year I start packing my stuff together and planning my days on what im watching, etc.

Hope i don't miss out on too much carnage :blush:

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So, after 6 full Leeds weekends, I can now confirm that day tickets truly truly suck. Yes the Cribs were good, the Libertines were decent but hugely irrelevant in 2010 (far more so than Ash who've been knocking about for nearly a decade more...), but the feeling of walking back to your car sober as everyone else heads off to campsites is truly horrendous. Also, some idiots crashing on the A19 meant I missed Futureheads and most of Mystery Jets.

Never again.

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Been watching footage of The Libertines' Reading gig from YouTube all day long and I'm one fucking jealous man to everyone who was there. Seeing Barat and Doherty on stage together is amazing, hearing the songs again, the chemistry on stage, everything... plus you gotta love Gary Powell's intensity on the drums. :blush: Jesus, I feel like a little fan girl but fuck it, I can't help it.

I have to come to England to see them live before it falls apart again.

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