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Just got back from seeing Kick-Ass and I absolutely loved it. Just a great fun movie from start to end, it had a great story and everybody put in a great performance. Loved the action scenes and the big finale, and Kick-Ass's love interest was pretty hot. Anyways, go see this movie.

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Best thing about the film is his love interest, not because she's fit, but because she's fucking Ted's daughter on "How I Met Your Mother"!

I went to see it the other week. It's okay for what it is. I mean, it's not going to be something I'll ever buy on DVD (I might be tempted to watch it on a boring night in), and I'm never going to call it a great film, but I didn't feel robbed coming out of it, like I have with other stuff.

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I saw it last Friday, and I have to say that it's probably the best film I ever saw in my entire life. I have never ever been as entertained by a movie. It was just completely ace throughout. Even Nicolas fucking Cage was great! I'm definitely seeing it again. Ten out of ten!

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It was unrealistic as hell, but that was the point, and it was fucking great. Whoever is the agent for the little girl who played Hit-Girl deserves a raise, because taking that role can only do good for her.

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Such an awesome movie on every conceivable level.

On the subject of Nicolas Cage, this was the best I've seen him since Adaptation... not counting his cameo in Grindhouse.

And I was not excited in the slightest about the Americanized version of Let The Right One In until I heard Chloe Moretz would be playing the role of Eli, and now I'm stoked. She deserves a HitGirl spinoff too.

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Damn you guys have motivated me to go see it (Y) And I hate Nicholas Cage with a passion.

Nicholas Cage is the best thing about the movie. Chloe Moretz is very good too but nothing beats Cage's take on Adam West!Batman.

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Saw this a couple of weeks ago. Absolutely immense. The action scenes were awesome, the comedic parts had me laughing a fair bit and there were some fairly poignant bits, especially towards the end. Hit-Girl completely stole the film though.

Overall, a lot, lot better than I expected.

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Without wanting to completely piss on everyones chips, the film was just good for me. It seemed a bit confused as to what it wanted to be, and suffered for it. I understand it was based on a graphic novel, so it may be true to its source, but it was just a little bitty really.....if that makes any sense >_>

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Best thing about the film is his love interest, not because she's fit, but because she's fucking Ted's daughter on "How I Met Your Mother"!

I went to see it the other week. It's okay for what it is. I mean, it's not going to be something I'll ever buy on DVD (I might be tempted to watch it on a boring night in), and I'm never going to call it a great film, but I didn't feel robbed coming out of it, like I have with other stuff.

Without wanting to completely piss on everyones chips, the film was just good for me. It seemed a bit confused as to what it wanted to be, and suffered for it. I understand it was based on a graphic novel, so it may be true to its source, but it was just a little bitty really.....if that makes any sense >_>

THANK FUCK! I was starting to worry if I'd seen a totally different film to everyone else. :shifty:

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3 fucking things wrong with this movie:

1) What the fuck is Dexter Fletcher doing here? I mean, I could understand the other guy who plays the doorman, he's in everything. But Dexter Fletcher?

2) The 'With no power comes no responsiblity' was incredibily tacked on.

3) You do not tease me with an awesome take on the riff of Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down and get me pumped for what is going to be an awesome fight scene and then cut to Joan fucking Jett. Fuck you, movie. Fuck you.

Other than that? Good movie.

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3) You do not tease me with an awesome take on the riff of Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down and get me pumped for what is going to be an awesome fight scene and then cut to Joan fucking Jett. Fuck you, movie. Fuck you.

Joan Jett is better than 3 Doors Down eight-hundred thousand times over.

But yeah, it was an enjoyable popcorn movie and there were a couple of fun performances but it's certainly not going to be movie of the year, or probably even movie of the one-month-span-in-which-it-was-released. Some of the comic book references felt natural, and some of them felt "oh ho ho, remember that superhero movie?" I sort of winced at "wait until they get a load of me" at the end there.

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What says you EWB? Mr. Roger Ebert happens to believe there is something morally reprehensible about this movie. Agree, disagree? I haven't seen the movie, so have no opinion, but I regularly read Mr. Ebert's reviews and this caught my attention. I might go and see it just to see if I agree/disagree with him.

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There has been controversy over here as well. Having a 10 year old (or so, not sure her exact age) killing people and swearing will always get that kinda reaction. You either see it as gratuitous and not really needed, or you see it as the guy staying true to the graphic novel the story was taken from. You either piss off people who probably won't see the film but will pick out all the worst parts, or you piss off the people who are fans of the novel in the first place.

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I sort of winced at "wait until they get a load of me" at the end there.

I thought I was the only one that thought "Really....Really?"

As far as Ebert, I don't know, someone else can tackle what he said.

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You either see it as gratuitous and not really needed, or you see it as the guy staying true to the graphic novel the story was taken from.

I don't think Ebert issue is whether it stays true to the adaptation, but the violence existing in the first place. He makes allusions in the article that perhaps the movie shouldn't have been made in the first place given it's source material. As I said before, I don't agree with his point, I haven't seen the movie. But if what he is saying is right, I could see his point.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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