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Fifa 11


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Okay, I am officially sick of this game. I've tried to keep adjusting to it, but I absolutely hate this year's game of FIFA right now. It might be because I'm mad and ranting, but this game is just fucking awful in the match. This year's "revamped" passing system is the worst it's been in years. So many times a simple pass to a player's feet, a few yard square pass, doesn't go anywhere near the player I'm wanting it to go to. So many times I'll have the analog stick pointing one direction - say a side pass - and the player cuts the pass so it's 5 yards behind the player intended to recieve. Through balls is apparently not possible if there are more than two defenders in the back third; the pass automatically will just be intercepted by the defender. Pro Passing my ass. My indoor team at home passes a whole fucking lot better than that. And skill moves, oh don't even get me started. Seeing as passing never fucking works, I need to actually try and beat players one-on-one sometimes to create space for something to happen. Hah! Me, skill moves? Go back to passing! Nothing I try works. Ever. Fucking bullshit. Yet if I play against the computer, no problemo for the AI. They can do skill moves to full effect all day.

I really love a lot of the improvements FIFA has made with the Manager Mode, but jesus, what's the point in playing MM if you can't even enjoy a match anymore because the gameplay is so fucking awful?

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Yeeeeaaahhh, the passing is pretty atrocious. I could live with it though if it weren't for the

"player's A and B are making runs .... Player A is screaming in from the wing and his mark let him go to take me on while Player B is running into the space to occupy the other two defenders on the backline so clearly your through ball was aimed at that guy and not the one pantsing the defense all alone inside the box ... clearly. Oh, you're making that pass with Cesc Fabregas ? Ok, our bad ... clearly you hit it too long despite you literally trying every measureable level of pressure on the pass at one point or another."

That and the absolute crap that comes in the form of Drogba running THROUGH your defense and shedding defenders like he's Jim Brown, but when you try and lose ONE GUY with with him just to see if he's that bad ass he flops off the ball, does two forward rolls, shits himself, and then sits on the field for two minutes.

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Legendary difficulty in Manager Mode is generally just ridiculous in this game. The AI does perfectly timed skill moves, mostly the Zidane 360, to the point that they do it and they are past you or they do it and you try to take the ball and make a foul. Or they manage to dodge tackles constantly, which I can do as well from time to time, but obviously the AI can react to things in a split second. Shitty players are also suddenly a beast on the ball. My mate and I once played against Stoke City and some midfielder just ran to the goal, shedding 3 strong players, was absolutely insane. I also have the feeling rebounds are directed towards the opponent. They shoot, and the ball magically falls in front of another opponent 80% of the time. They are also allowed to play rougher, like just push you away from behind and shit. Despite all of this, we still win basically every game but it does get frustrating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started playing this online single player again recently. I had previously stopped months ago after getting a leeson by beign thumped 6-1 by some guy as Stoke, me as Newcastle. A few months away were exactly what I needed, playing clubs kept me sharp and I'm on an 11 game winning streak now, having great fun. People are still dicks though, get messages of abuse every second game now. I've noticed people are resorting to X + L1 back to the midfienders then lobbed through pass over the top as the levels increase, which is a shame.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only ever use Chelsea to play against someone who uses Barcelona or Real Madrid. I don't think Torres will improve Chelsea all that much, Drogba is too good to move his position and changing their formation wouldn't be a good bet either.

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I had a great game online yesterday...

I played as Lyon, against a guy who went United.

The first half was close, but he managed to score with all three shots he had to lead 3-0. Lloris wasn't interested, I don't think. :shifty:

Second half was close, too - but no goals until the 87th minute when I pulled one back through Briand. A minute later, I score again with Gomis, and with just the one minute added on, he tried doing the smart thing by keeping the ball, but I intercepted it in midfield and hit him on the break. Fluffed a one on one though in injury time. Would've been amazing. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started a Career yesterday with my nephew as Birmingham - our objective is to finish in the top half, so hopefully we'll be fine with that. We're currently 10th after about 13 games, just three points adrift of 6th.

We're drawing way too many games, though - and losing some that we shouldn't.

It's annoying when we go from beating Man Utd 2-1 in the league, despite being 1-0 down at Half Time, to losing to Leeds in the Carling Cup 4th Round in the very next match. Then, beating Chelsea 1-0 to losing to Bolton 2-1. It feels like FM. :/

Also lost to Man City 2-0 and Liverpool 4-2 - would've beat Arsenal 2-1 if it wasn't for a 90th minute worldie from Fabregas. The twat was 25 yards out and still smacked it into the top corner.

Having so much fun, though. We signed Darron Gibson from United, brought Kieron Gibbs in on loan from Arsenal for the season, then picked up a cheap (ish) RM (Dejagah?) along with a relatively unknown striker. The sale of James McFadden and a bunch of younger players has meant that we've pretty much spent the same as we've earned.

...now, I hope FIFA doesn't throw us one of those retarded curveballs by sacking us after one defeat at some point, despite fulfiling our objective.

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Not exactly sure where, but go into edit mode somewhwere by team management, squads or something like that, there'll be an option to "Download Latest Squads". Once downloaded the squads will be set as your default offline squads permanently.

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Well, you'd obviously need an online connection to download the transfers first, but if there's no online there at all, you're screwed.

Not sure if you can copy the updating squad file via USB or not. My guess is not.

Oh, and you need to start a new Career for the settings to take effect, remember.

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