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Movies & TV Trivia Thread


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I want to say Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek, but if I am even right I have no idea the character's name.

*BZZT!* Nope. Leonard Nimoy was on the show much later as a character named Paris (don't think they ever revealed his full name) after Star Trek was cancelled.

The actor in my question did the series he is more well known for a long time after Mission Impossible, but wasn't on the show for its entire run.

Edited by GhostMachine
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Can we add a rule where we only talk about well known films and TV that aired in this or at the end of the previous decade?

No. Not that I have any clue what the answer to this is, though.

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The answer is NOT Martin Landau. I asked who the leader of the IMF was before Jim Phelps (Peter Graves). Martin Landau played Rollin Hand, who was the team's original master of disguise, not its leader. Leonard Nimoy more or less replaced him. I should have mentioned that the actor in question was only on the show for its first season.

The answer is Steven Hill, better known as DA Adam Schiff on Law & Order from 1990 to 2000. His M:I character was named Dan Briggs.

Now I'm going to ask a MUCH easier question, instead:

Hugh Laurie plays the lead role of Dr. Gregory House on House MD, but what American show did his former comedy partner Steven Fry have a recurring role on for a while, and what was the name of his character?

(Btw, this question should be a `You guess the show and get it wrong, please bitchslap yourself for me' level question. :P )

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Just answer so we can keep things moving. :P

*Dana Carvey as George Bush* Not gonna do it!

(Besides, I already PMed GoGo to confirm I had the right answer (I did :) ), and that's good enough for me. Plus I don't have another question to ask but I've got one heck of a question to ask if I ever win at wrestling trivia)

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