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Not sure whether many people caught this but the BBC's latest drama is a modernisation of Sherlock Holmes.

It is a collaboration between Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss starring Benedict Cumberbatch (best. name. ever.) as Holmes, and The Office's Martin Freeman as Dr. Watson.

Initially it seems to be a 3 episodes mini-series. Each is a 90-minute standalone story. The first one aired this Sunday just gone, entitled 'A Study in Pink' (a reference to the famous story 'A Study in Scarlet').

Anyway, what did people think? I thought it was brilliantly done. Cumberbatch was exceptional, and Freeman was really good as the straight man to the former's quirky aloofness.

For those UKers on here, here is the iPlayer link.

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Watching it as we speak.

Former Dr. Who writer in new eccentric-know-it-all-iconic-lead-character project shocker! :shifty:

In all seriousness, it really does seem rather good.



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I didn't know about this, definitely will check it out when it becomes available :shifty: for me. I'm a big fan of the Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories, so this will hopefully be awesome.

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Half an hour in, I wasn't too convinced. Despite some nice lines ("Houston we HAVE a mistake!") it seemed a tad dull and a pointless attmept at shoe-horning Holmes into a 21st century setting.

But then, yeah, that got good. The villian was very well acted; as was just about everyone else actually, there was good tension, the script seemed sharper and smarter and it portrayed Holmes analytical mind very well in places.

Roll on the next one.

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I'll watch it if I can get a hold of it but the main actors name is the most British name ever. Even thinking about it makes me giggle like a little kid.

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Man that was awesome. I miss Martin Freeman. <3 And the guy playing Sherlock Holmes is blatantly going to be the next Dr. Who. :shifty:

"I'm in shock! Look, I have a blanket!"

Thought that line was VERY Doctor Who. Is Gatiss writing this?

Maybe we can get a Who/Sherlock crossover...I know the 'New Adventure' novels did one which was an interesting concept.

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I like how Matt Smith auditioned... for Watson. :huh: Apparently they thought he'd be too zany in the role. That's how he ended up getting Doc Who, according to Wiki.

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I liked the way they didn't try to crowbar in too many Holmes-isms, but I do think that a '3 patch problem' was a spectacular bit of writing. Gonna watch the second one later today I think, but very impressed with the first one. Very Doctor Who, but since when is that a bad thing?

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So are they going to have the third episode being all Moriarty-Moriarty-Moriarty...or will they do something else, and just head over to the BBC with eyes all aflutter: "You want us to make more, yes?"

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So are they going to have the third episode being all Moriarty-Moriarty-Moriarty...or will they do something else, and just head over to the BBC with eyes all aflutter: "You want us to make more, yes?"

I'm guessing we'll get a Moriarty centric story, but with either:

1. Moriarty being foiled but eascaping

2. A cliffhanger

3. Moriarty captured, but escaping/threatening to escape in the end scene

I'm leaning more towards #1.

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Only watched Episode one so far.

I felt it has potential, though there were too many nagging bits and pieces for me to say I'm a fan quite yet.

I understand that Holmes is a sociopath and all that but does he really have to be such an arrogant prick all the time? It's just far too overdone for me, there is just nothing likable about him as a charachter at all and that's offputting. Hopefully now that the charachter is established eh will keep his mouth shut a bit more.

Freeman as Watson was excellent, pitched at exactly the right level.

The story itself though was very weak, it was pretty obvious as soon as they realised the guy in the back of the cab was not who they were after that the cabbie was the one, yet they felt the need to ram it down our throats three times in the raid scene and Holmes still didn't even notice, if he is as smart as he is meant to be then he should have twigged on the first mention at least.

Hopefully episode 2 will be better because I love the idea of bringing the charachters into the 21st century.

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OK Watched Episode 2 last night and was much more impressed.

They laid off the whole arrogant prick attitude a bit which made Holmes much more human as well as spent more time on the actual plot.

As for Moriarty, I'd rather not see him appear at all as the whole idea needs to be played out for far longer for it to seem worthwhile to those who do not know the original material. Another episode like the second in terms of him being the overall controller but with Holmes finding a clue to that effect.

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Problem with that being, there is only three episdoes. While I can't see the beeb NOT comissioning more, there's always a risk they won't. This leads me to believe that DFF is probably right. They'll foil Moriarty, but he'll escape, it'll be a cliff-hanger, or they'll work out he's a "big bad" close to the end but won't do anything towards capturing him.

And The Asian girl in ep 2? :wub: :wub: :wub:

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