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Batman: Arkham City

Johnny Latino Heat

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finished the main story pretty sure

whoa for most of the main story it was Clayface as Joker? makes sense. was wondering when we'd see Clayface, but didn't think he'd be kinda the main boss.

so Joker, Talia, and possibly Ra's all died? was kinda hoping for another Two-Face appearance towards the end. oh well.

It should have been obvious during the Joker fight in the Steel Mill where you fight him, the Titan Joker thug, and I believe Mr. Hammer. It shows Joker's face all cracked and sickly, but then it cuts to him turning around and he is completely fine. I thought it was just him putting make up on to make himself look healthier, but after finishing the main story it makes sense.

I wonder if they'll do anything with Clayface landing in the Lazarus Pit, and I really wonder if they would somehow nullify Joker's death by bringing him back to life somehow. Granted, it would be nice if they focused the main villain on someone else/several people, too.

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nullifying Joker's death nullifies this game's ending. They'll probably focus on Harley Quinn and maybe Clayface or another major villain to accompany Quinn.

What I could see happening, at least as more of a side mission thing, is them having Clayface still alive and taking the form of Joker again or something along those lines.

It would be nice for them to focus on another villain (I dont know who, though, since Im not big on who many of the Batman villains are). Not that these two games havent been fun with a good story, but it would suck if it just becomes a series that relies solely on the Joker/Batman dynamic.

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nullifying Joker's death nullifies this game's ending. They'll probably focus on Harley Quinn and maybe Clayface or another major villain to accompany Quinn.

What I could see happening, at least as more of a side mission thing, is them having Clayface still alive and taking the form of Joker again or something along those lines.

It would be nice for them to focus on another villain (I dont know who, though, since Im not big on who many of the Batman villains are). Not that these two games havent been fun with a good story, but it would suck if it just becomes a series that relies solely on the Joker/Batman dynamic.

Joker was killed off because Mark Hamill isn't doing the voice any more, so they're unlikely to bring the character back - if they were just going to hire a different actor, it would have made more sense to not have such a definitive death; they could have just had him fall into the pit and be "presumed dead" and have him come back as a rejuvenated younger version to explain the voice change, for example.

Based on what happened in Arkham City, it seems to me that the next game will revolve around Hush and Ra's as the two big threats.

Hush makes sense because they specifically used a side mission just to set up the storyline that he has Bruce Wayne's face and is heading for Gotham, and he's one of the few major threats left who hasn't yet been used.

Ra's would make sense because of Talia's death - from a storyline perspective it wasn't really needed (the final scene could have played out almost exactly the same if she'd just walked out), but it does give obvious motivation for Ra's to come back looking for revenge - especially as Batman came out carrying Joker's body at the end, not Talia's, which could be seen a disrespectful. There's also the mention in the Azrael storyline that Gotham will burn - Ra's is one of the few villains with the power to try and destroy the entire city.

I don't think Harley and Clayface are really important enough characters to be the major threats on their own - although some sort of Cult Of Joker \ stopping an attempted resurrection based around Harley's child might be interesting.

Jason Todd and Simon Hurt also still haven't been used, and could both make interesting antagonists, especially as they both know about Wayne Manor and the Batcave (which almost certainly must be in the game if it's set in Gotham itself, as strongly hinted, and would make for an obvious final stage).

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Augh, I shouldn't have clicked that but I was like "omg Adam Ryland posted in a thread that isn't about a sim game." I saw the first sentence, cringed, and closed it :(

Also, I finally got the game and played a little last night. Sort of weird re-acclimating myself to the controls but I'm having fun relearning everything. My complaints about character choices remain consistent-ish; listening to Tara Strong do an Arleen Sorkin impression is really weird. She's on point sometimes and then it veers into her own thing that I'm going to have to get used to and accept. Fun to see Two-Face and I hope that he's going to reappear and not just be like Zsasz was in Asylum. Catwoman's dialogue sort of re-enforces everything I don't like about Catwoman more often than not, though. She speaks in bad one-liner.

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Re: the ending, an Easter Egg from GameFAQs:

If you open up your Cryptographic Sequencer, you can find three broadcasts from a slightly fuzzy and robotic voice saying seemingly random numbers. These numbers are actually a cipher, numeric representations of the alphabet. Two of the broadcasts are garbage, but the third one says: "9 23 9 12 12 18 5 20 21 18 14 2 1 20 13 1 14" which translates to " I WILL RETURN BATMAN".

And ya know...

Comic book characters don't actually die, ever. John DiMaggio of Futurama and Gears of War did The Joker's voice in Under the Red Hood, I wouldn't be surprised if he takes over the reigns for the video games. But Hamill has said he's willing to do the voice one more time for an animated version of The Killing Joke, so I wouldn't be shocked if they could throw enough money at him for one more game to at least close out the trilogy.

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I found Freeze to be pretty easy, but a lot more enjoyable than most of the other fights. Once you figured out it was all stealth based combat, it was a breeze. The final fight in this game was a lot more fun than in Arkham Asylum.

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That should be the Freeze Cluster Bomb I think. Pretty much the same as a normal Freeze Bomb, except it freezes multiple enemies at the feet (meaning gunners could still shoot). It is at the very bottom of the Steel Mill (where those two elevators are that seemingly go nowhere, despite being able to use the REC to lower and raise one).

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  • 5 months later...

So there's a DLC story continuation coming out for Arkham City entitled Harley Quinn's Revenge. I haven't played the game in quite some time, but this is honestly got me interested in doing a new game+ thing with it.

Here's the video


Edit: Apparently you'll be able to us Robin in the world, as well. Which is pretty awesome. I've always assumed due to the random flocks of birds sitting on some ledges in the city that there was either going to be Nightwing or Robin related world exploration.

Edited by Ekiyashi
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  • 1 month later...

So has anyone played Harley's revenge yet?

First, yes you should finish the story before playing it. It doesn't give away everything but... it does spoil a couple surprises.

Also, I haven't tried the main game since, but exploration is very limited in Revenge. There are hidden objects to destroy for trophyness. It's VERY short, even a casual player can finish it in one sitting.

Spoilers of Harley's Revenge below, and slight spoiler of an easter egg in the main game:

Turns out Harley's first test was a false positive. Check out the office for how she redecorated it.

You do indeed play as Robin, but not for the entire time. You eventually go back to Batman.

No new villain cameos, sadly.

JOKER ROBOTS at the end.

Hope you like stealth mode with snipers in the room and overworld.

It's a good ride while it lasts, but well, I don't think it's worth the price they ask for. Recommended if you can get a good trade for the original in exchange for the GOTY edition, because with that version you also get a digital copy of Batman: Year One; or if you're really huge fan of either Robin or Harley Quinn. Otherwise, cross your fingers that someone puts a Let's Play of it on YouTube.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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  • 3 months later...

Sorry guys for bringing back an old topic, but me being one of the few in the world without Xbox Live my question is does the Arkham City Game Of The Year edition have all the DLC's on disc and not just download codes. I will definitely buy that if they are on disc, anyone know?

Edited by The Sandman
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