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The musical crush thread


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I think I did my own personal top ten a while back but meh, things change.

What musical crushes do you / did you have now / during your formative years?

Basically while doing a standard google/wikipedia trawl around music of my past I happened upon My Vitriol who I first saw live in 2000, supporting Feeder (I believe) at London Astoria. Carolyn Bannister was pretty hot at the time.


Check the ten seconds from 1:35....She's not in the video much but she is then.


Of course my other crushes include(d):

The girls from Ladytron - Helen Marnie and Mira Aroyo.

Saw them live after they'd released their "Light and Magic" album in 2002. They just stood there and went through their electro set as if they couldn't care less. Beautiful.


My last couple of years at secondary school saw me develop some love for Imbrugly-woogly. Bless her cotton socks.


:wub: :wub:

...Most importantly of all, of course


LOUISE WENER! :wub: :wub: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Okay, seems like I have a thing for short hair. :shifty:

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Shirley Manson, a bit too thin I think but it's the voice that does it, I mean how could anyone say no to that.


The three girls from Kane'd (Steph, Chez and Stacey from L-R), none of the public photos I can find of them really oes teh girls justice, Steph especially :).


DJ Rap, never heard much of her mixing still.


Vanessa van Hermert (4 Strings). Another with a voice that could make you do anything,

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There's better looking popstars out there but I've had a thing for Katy Perry since the Starstruck video with 3Oh!3. I'm also pretty fond of Imbruglia, she's a very fine looking woman. Jenny Lewis from Rilo Kiley strikes a certain chord with me as well. And of course, lovely Marina, whose looks are pretty much half the appeal of her music for me :shifty:

As a very young kid I had a certain infatuation with Baby Spice and Louise pre-Redknapp years. There weren't really any to speak of during my teens though.

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A 'musical crush' thread from Hammy not featuring PJ Harvey? For shame, Hamstah.

Anyway, my musical crushes?


Chan Marshall of Cat Power fame, I am literally the most in love with her. I am more in love with her than anyone in the world ever.


Despite not a single good photo on the web of her what-so-ever, I'll forever fancy the balls off of Julia Ruzicka from Million Dead. Although it's probably more to do with the fact she was in Million Dead.


Sometimes she looks like Skummy, but Karen O is also lovely.


And Lenman. I am gay for Lenman.

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When I was younger, Tina from off of out of her from S Club 7. Because, fuck the others, Tina was where it was at.



Floor Jansen off of out of currently unemployed. ¬_¬



Although sometimes she looks like a man. Disturbingly, I'd probably still hit it on her man-days.

But the ultimate musical crush is Simone Simmons off of out of Epica. If you disagree, you're just wrong.





She hugged me at Bloodstock one year. Nearly came.

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Couple more currenters, I'll go old school tomorrow. :shifty:


Mandy Moore



Hero (ex Mimi Soya)



Leddra Chapman


Rebecca Rosier (Bim)



Elin Lindfors (The Deer Tracks and Twiggy Frostbite)...ignore the munt in picture 1 and the bloke dressed like a lass in picture 2. :(


Both of them from School Of Seven Bells

and...The bird in that Dan Balan video;

...I'm off to crack one out and go to kip.

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Since I saw them support Passion Pit last year and then drank with them in a night club afterwards, I've had a thing for Ritzy from the Joy Formidable:


After meeting her at Middlesbrough Music Live this year, Jessica Robinson of "Over The Rainbow" fame:


Despite not meeting this one ... yet ... Hafdis Huld:


And the lass from Sleigh Bells, I forget her name. Alex something:


Then you have Little Boots, Marina, Lights, Katy Perry, Sophie Ellis Bextor, blah blah.

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