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That map is awesome. I want to play on that map.

Edit: Also, I've noticed there are a few variations on the Hunger Games maps...the one at Minecraft Survival Games is different from the one Eddie streamed a week or two back. Anyone have an idea of how I can find a game that actually has an admin controlling shit? :shifty:

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Which timezone is it released? I'll probably pick it up before the weekend. Depending if steam accepts my payment for Sniper Elite or not -.-

But I will be on it at some point.

Also regarding the video. My son absolutely loves ZeekYou. I want him to go back and do those map reviews he did with Vareide a while back.

Those were real funny.

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If I knew anything about Battle Royale I'd say I might be able to build it.Details?

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If I knew anything about Battle Royale I'd say I might be able to build it.Details?

Students start in a classroom and are let out one at a time in 2 minute intervals. Before they leave, they're given a pack with a map, compass, food, and a random weapon.

They fight to the death until there is only one.

But, every 6 hours an area on the map becomes a 'danger zone', and anyone in that area has their collar exploded. Also, if there is no deaths for 24 hours everyone dies.

You should watch/read Battle Royale, I think you'd like it.

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I'll add that to my list of things to read once I'm able to separate myself from this laptop for more than an hour or two <_<

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Forbidden zones could be easy, just have a map of zones for your Minecraft world, and then randomly choose a zone. Any characters in that zone(and I know there are plug-ins to see where everyone is on a map) can be killed using an op/admin command when it's activated. Little bit of work but nothing impossible.

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For me to consider Minecraft 360, it'd need to be on sale one day, have a community for it on here and be enjoyable to play with the controller setup. Between the fact I already have the PC version and I doubt many of those things will happen, it's a no for me.

And Ruki, shouldn't this be on your list of worst game purchases?! We at least played Avatar Laser Wars once, when did we even have that EWB Hunger Games?!

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Best way to do Battle Royale would be separate rooms for everyone starting out that all lead to outside if you didn't want to have to have admins for every game. I don't think forbidden zones would really work outside of a server with specific plugins. You'd also need a fairly decent map system.

I don't think Battle Royale would be that amazing as a map though, as it's essentially forest/beach/town/center area/lighthouse. Even the Hunger Games server had to add their own original bits because the regular map is a bit too empty to be interesting. The big problem with making a custom map like this is you pretty much need MCEdit because otherwise you're going to spend like 2 months just making a glass dome to cover everything. Not even going to think how much work it would be to Terraform your the island so it looks right.

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Forbidden zones could be easy, just have a map of zones for your Minecraft world, and then randomly choose a zone. Any characters in that zone(and I know there are plug-ins to see where everyone is on a map) can be killed using an op/admin command when it's activated. Little bit of work but nothing impossible.

How about dropping lava into the entire zone so no one can go in? :shifty:

And Ellis, I played Hunger Games a few times. but I am annoyed we haven't done an EWB game yet.

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For anyone into the youtube minecraft community check this channel out


They are just starting back and the new videos need way more views.

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