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EWB's 51 Favorite Singers 2010: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Hell of a list. Bruce Dickinson's great - I like a lot of his stuff with Maiden, and I think some of his solo work is pretty under-rated; I play "Chemical Wedding" pretty much every time I DJ a heavy metal night, even though nobody else ever enjoys it as much as I do. He basically does what Dio did with more credibility, and at least Maiden seem to be aware of how silly they are, which counts for a lot in my book. Brilliant voice, and a lovely bloke to boot.

Elvis is Elvis.

Tom Waits is, as some of you probably already know, one of my absolute heroes. As an actor, singer, musician, whatever, he's one of the best. Love his work. And his voice is one of my absolute favourites to listen to - probably not everyone's cup of tea, but everyone else's cup of tea can fuck off.

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Ummmmm who is Bruce Dickinson?

British guy, most notable for being the most famous lead singer of Iron Maiden.

Here a few examples of his work:


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I hate Iron Maiden but Dickinson has a good voice so I don't mind that one. Presley is wonderful of course, and even though everybody on EWB jizzes over him I still don't think I've heard a Tom Waits song :shifty: I've been meaning to check him out for a while though.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Somebody once told me that they figure Waits recorded his first album as a joke, then when people actually liked it he realized he'd have to keep up the joke forever.

And Bruce Dickinson is a legend.


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Let's do this!

In third place, the Thin White Duke and Sovereign of the League of Calamitous Intent...

David Bowie (56 points, 10 ballots) (Last Time: #6)

In second place, he shot a man in Reno just to watch him die...

Johnny Cash (82 points, 13 ballots) (Last Time: #3)

Which means that number one is the man who sings Songs for Swingin' Lovers (or For Only The Lonely), the Chairman of the Board, Mister...

Frank Sinatra (102 points, 12 ballots) (Last Time: #2)

And that's that, Frank Sinatra joins Freddie Mercury in the winner's circle. See you in two years maybe, if I want to do a list that will inevitably be won by Johnny Cash. Peace.

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A great, and deserved, final 3. I'm a big Bowie fan, and just have started to understand how much vocal talent he has on top of his infinite musical creativity. Cash is Cash, nothing more needs to be said. Same for Sinatra, I guess, but at the same time there's so much we ignore from Sinatra because of how institutionalized he has become in American culture. It took awhile of me listening to his music to really begin to appreciate how great of a singer he was.

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20. Bruce Springsteen (20 points, 4 ballots) (Last Time: #15)

17. James Hetfield (21 points, 4 ballots) (Last Time: The Only Time Metallica Wasn't on an EWB Music List Ever)

17. Debbie Harry (21 points, 4 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)

17. Michael Jackson (21 points, 4 ballots) (Last Time: #16)

15. Eddie Vedder (23 points, 3 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)

15. Chris Cornell (23 points, 3 ballots) (Last Time: #10)

Well now. I may be late to the party, but that is one fantastic group of singers and godDAMN if that picture isn't proving Hamster right yet again.


I'm sick of Muse. His voice is one of the main reasons why I just can't get into Muse. That and their music sound like if Doctor Who was a chat show, they'd be the house band. I listened to Absolution a couple of weeks ago to see what the fuss was about. It didn't do anything for me at all.

I like this comment and will be stealing it and passing it off as my own very soon.

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