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The Dark Knight Rises


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So apparently a section came out from the novelzation that reveals a possibility of where the Joker is in this universe


Now that the Dent Act had made it all but impossible for the city’s criminals to cop an insanity plea, it (Blackgate Prison) had replaced Arkham Asylum as a preferred location for imprisoning both convicted and suspected felons. The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham’s sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he had escaped. Nobody was really sure. Not even Selina.

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I somewhat doubt that if that IS the proper in universe explanation (and we will never receive one for positive, I believe) it's a nice bit of rumor. And if he actually WERE left in the asylum.. I highly doubt anything in it would actually be running aside from some place to detain him.

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To be fair, in a realistic world I highly doubt the Joker would have ever escaped again, let alone been left in lock up with the rest of the people. He'd probably have been moved to some kind of high security place.

Thinking about it I'd love to see an animated series based around what happened between Dark Knight and Rises, keeping with the realistic theme. It wouldn't have to be cannon, but it could be close enough.

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To Kats:

A few people have mentioned his voice and how it sounded, but it was absolutely fine to me. I saw that initial plane scene too and was worried that I wouldn't be able to understand anything he said, but aside from the odd word here and there, I heard everything he said. For me, it sounded misplaced but for the right reasons, as weird as that may seem. I loved his voice and whilst it pales in comparison to the awesomeness of the film, I quite liked it. Others have complained about audio issues, so maybe that's what it was? Just depending on the audio balance perhaps.

Oh no, I understood everything he said - I couldn't hear half of what he said in the original version - but it was the fact the voice seemed to be coming from a completely different source that bothered me. It was like he was louder than everyone else, it got me wondering "why does he need the megaphone" at one point


Ahhhhh right, totally misread that. I had that exact thought when he grabbed the megaphone, although I didn't really notice any obvious dubbing with the voice, but I don't tend to pick up on anything bad on first viewing unless the film is obviously shit >_>. Will have to listen for it next time I go see it.

Anyone able to explain why they did the whole blood transfusion on the plane at the start? I mean, I know they ended up thinking the doctor was one of the dead bodies, but they didn't really look much alike ¬_¬.

I imagine that they probably drained the other guy of blood and then the only way of identifying the body (presuming the crash made the body recognisable) would have been to check if there was blood. They knew he was on the plane since they called it in, at least.

Although now I've just noticed another plot hole, in that Bane confidently said he was the only guy who knew how to disarm the bomb, yet both Lucius and Talia knew how to do it at least (and Bruce probably did too).

And, yeah, Jim Gordon should be dead from massive radiation poisoning.

I didn't get the blood transfusion part either. I mean, it is obvious why they did it. But you go for dental records first, not blood samples. If the blood can survive a plane crash, so can at least one tooth.

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To be fair, in a realistic world I highly doubt the Joker would have ever escaped again, let alone been left in lock up with the rest of the people. He'd probably have been moved to some kind of high security place.

Thinking about it I'd love to see an animated series based around what happened between Dark Knight and Rises, keeping with the realistic theme. It wouldn't have to be cannon, but it could be close enough.

Was it ever said in TDK that he was from Arkham, though? I thought no one knew his origins.

Also, just watched it a second time. The only real thing that I honestly didn't like was the fact that Miranda and Bruce suddenly were in love and slept together. It came out of nowhere. Not that we didn't see it coming, but God, that was just terrible.

Does anyone know when the novelization is coming out? Is it out already?

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I'm not sure it's fiscally responsible to keep an asylum open for just one patient, surely he'd just be transferred elsewhere.

On Joker's wherabouts:

The nukethefridge source that revealed the novel excerpt provided some historical precedent for Joker's novelised situation:

"From a historical standpoint, Adolf Hitler’s Deputy Leader of the Nazi Party Rudolph Hess was convicted and sentenced to life in Spandau Prison on Oct. 1, 1946. He was the sole occupant from 1966 until his apparent suicide in 1987. By applying this form of punishment to Nolan’s Joker, there would be no one to talk to or play with. Thus, driving the ‘Man Who Laughs’ completely insane."

So I see it as a viable solution.

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To Kats:

A few people have mentioned his voice and how it sounded, but it was absolutely fine to me. I saw that initial plane scene too and was worried that I wouldn't be able to understand anything he said, but aside from the odd word here and there, I heard everything he said. For me, it sounded misplaced but for the right reasons, as weird as that may seem. I loved his voice and whilst it pales in comparison to the awesomeness of the film, I quite liked it. Others have complained about audio issues, so maybe that's what it was? Just depending on the audio balance perhaps.

Oh no, I understood everything he said - I couldn't hear half of what he said in the original version - but it was the fact the voice seemed to be coming from a completely different source that bothered me. It was like he was louder than everyone else, it got me wondering "why does he need the megaphone" at one point


Ahhhhh right, totally misread that. I had that exact thought when he grabbed the megaphone, although I didn't really notice any obvious dubbing with the voice, but I don't tend to pick up on anything bad on first viewing unless the film is obviously shit >_>. Will have to listen for it next time I go see it.

Anyone able to explain why they did the whole blood transfusion on the plane at the start? I mean, I know they ended up thinking the doctor was one of the dead bodies, but they didn't really look much alike ¬_¬.

I imagine that they probably drained the other guy of blood and then the only way of identifying the body (presuming the crash made the body recognisable) would have been to check if there was blood. They knew he was on the plane since they called it in, at least.

Although now I've just noticed another plot hole, in that Bane confidently said he was the only guy who knew how to disarm the bomb, yet both Lucius and Talia knew how to do it at least (and Bruce probably did too).

And, yeah, Jim Gordon should be dead from massive radiation poisoning.

I didn't get the blood transfusion part either. I mean, it is obvious why they did it. But you go for dental records first, not blood samples. If the blood can survive a plane crash, so can at least one tooth.

I just went with the conclusion that a body dropping rapidly from 15000 feet or whatever would be obliterated, so denials would be no good. It's not that big of a leap to make in a film where you're supposed to believe Batman both exists, and flies a prototype helicopter between buildings without being shot down


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I don´t think much of the first half of the movie was needed. They rather could have him be Batman (since there was very little batman in the story anyway) in the beginning and used more of the time to build catwoman (or even tali in disguise) a bit better and so on.

I liked the second half a lot. Good action, good popcorn cinema.

Overall, a lot better than Begins (still don´t like that one at all) but not anywere near as good The Dark Knight.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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To Kats:

A few people have mentioned his voice and how it sounded, but it was absolutely fine to me. I saw that initial plane scene too and was worried that I wouldn't be able to understand anything he said, but aside from the odd word here and there, I heard everything he said. For me, it sounded misplaced but for the right reasons, as weird as that may seem. I loved his voice and whilst it pales in comparison to the awesomeness of the film, I quite liked it. Others have complained about audio issues, so maybe that's what it was? Just depending on the audio balance perhaps.

Oh no, I understood everything he said - I couldn't hear half of what he said in the original version - but it was the fact the voice seemed to be coming from a completely different source that bothered me. It was like he was louder than everyone else, it got me wondering "why does he need the megaphone" at one point


Ahhhhh right, totally misread that. I had that exact thought when he grabbed the megaphone, although I didn't really notice any obvious dubbing with the voice, but I don't tend to pick up on anything bad on first viewing unless the film is obviously shit >_>. Will have to listen for it next time I go see it.

Anyone able to explain why they did the whole blood transfusion on the plane at the start? I mean, I know they ended up thinking the doctor was one of the dead bodies, but they didn't really look much alike ¬_¬.

I imagine that they probably drained the other guy of blood and then the only way of identifying the body (presuming the crash made the body recognisable) would have been to check if there was blood. They knew he was on the plane since they called it in, at least.

Although now I've just noticed another plot hole, in that Bane confidently said he was the only guy who knew how to disarm the bomb, yet both Lucius and Talia knew how to do it at least (and Bruce probably did too).

And, yeah, Jim Gordon should be dead from massive radiation poisoning.

I didn't get the blood transfusion part either. I mean, it is obvious why they did it. But you go for dental records first, not blood samples. If the blood can survive a plane crash, so can at least one tooth.

I just went with the conclusion that a body dropping rapidly from 15000 feet or whatever would be obliterated, so denials would be no good. It's not that big of a leap to make in a film where you're supposed to believe Batman both exists, and flies a prototype helicopter between buildings without being shot down


Going by that logic even the blood would be splattered everywhere. And substituting say a litre of blood (it looked a lot lesser) doesn't make up for the 5 litres in the body. And it was not too improbable believing in the existence of Batman because this was a more realistic portrayal (yep, no Bat nipples was a huge factor). I wish they had put in more buildup to the villains and explained more about the 8 "lost" years. Also, the don't-talk-about-Joker thing left a large hole because there was no mention of Arkham or even why he was missing from the action when all other ex-villains and minor characters made appearances.

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To Kats:

A few people have mentioned his voice and how it sounded, but it was absolutely fine to me. I saw that initial plane scene too and was worried that I wouldn't be able to understand anything he said, but aside from the odd word here and there, I heard everything he said. For me, it sounded misplaced but for the right reasons, as weird as that may seem. I loved his voice and whilst it pales in comparison to the awesomeness of the film, I quite liked it. Others have complained about audio issues, so maybe that's what it was? Just depending on the audio balance perhaps.

Oh no, I understood everything he said - I couldn't hear half of what he said in the original version - but it was the fact the voice seemed to be coming from a completely different source that bothered me. It was like he was louder than everyone else, it got me wondering "why does he need the megaphone" at one point


Ahhhhh right, totally misread that. I had that exact thought when he grabbed the megaphone, although I didn't really notice any obvious dubbing with the voice, but I don't tend to pick up on anything bad on first viewing unless the film is obviously shit >_>. Will have to listen for it next time I go see it.

Anyone able to explain why they did the whole blood transfusion on the plane at the start? I mean, I know they ended up thinking the doctor was one of the dead bodies, but they didn't really look much alike ¬_¬.

I imagine that they probably drained the other guy of blood and then the only way of identifying the body (presuming the crash made the body recognisable) would have been to check if there was blood. They knew he was on the plane since they called it in, at least.

Although now I've just noticed another plot hole, in that Bane confidently said he was the only guy who knew how to disarm the bomb, yet both Lucius and Talia knew how to do it at least (and Bruce probably did too).

And, yeah, Jim Gordon should be dead from massive radiation poisoning.

I didn't get the blood transfusion part either. I mean, it is obvious why they did it. But you go for dental records first, not blood samples. If the blood can survive a plane crash, so can at least one tooth.

I just went with the conclusion that a body dropping rapidly from 15000 feet or whatever would be obliterated, so denials would be no good. It's not that big of a leap to make in a film where you're supposed to believe Batman both exists, and flies a prototype helicopter between buildings without being shot down


Going by that logic even the blood would be splattered everywhere. And substituting say a litre of blood (it looked a lot lesser) doesn't make up for the 5 litres in the body. And it was not too improbable believing in the existence of Batman because this was a more realistic portrayal (yep, no Bat nipples was a huge factor). I wish they had put in more buildup to the villains and explained more about the 8 "lost" years. Also, the don't-talk-about-Joker thing left a large hole because there was no mention of Arkham or even why he was missing from the action when all other ex-villains and minor characters made appearances.

Joker not being mentioned didn't leave a hole at all. They could have just said; Joker is in prison somewhere else, and that would have explained why he's not there. But really, we all know Joker wasn't going to show up because of Ledger, so why bother?

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Yeahhh, I wasn't really fussed that we didn't get any mention of Joker. It was done out of respect and, besides, Joker didn't really have a place in this film anyway. I can't think of a way he would have fit in.

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He wouldn't have fit in, I agree. But when you build up Arkham Asylum as a formidable place in the first movie and speculate that the Joker might be lying there at the end of the second, it could have been mentioned that Arkham was burnt down or destroyed or whatever, killing all its inmates. We know he wasn't gonna be there in the movie, but that loose end could have been tied up and wasn't.

Edited by bhushh
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What the hell is it with people and finality? It really didn't need to be done and anything that could've done without an appearance of Joker or time spent in the movie mentioning something that wasn't necessary, wasting time - would've just been better left up to the imagination.

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He wouldn't have fit in, I agree. But when you build up Arkham Asylum as a formidable place in the first movie and speculate that the Joker might be lying there at the end of the second, it could have been mentioned that Arkham was burnt down or destroyed or whatever, killing all its inmates. We know he wasn't gonna be there in the movie, but that loose end could have been tied up and wasn't.

Nolan already said he wouldn't mention anything about the Joker in any way out of respect for his friend.

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He wouldn't have fit in, I agree. But when you build up Arkham Asylum as a formidable place in the first movie and speculate that the Joker might be lying there at the end of the second, it could have been mentioned that Arkham was burnt down or destroyed or whatever, killing all its inmates. We know he wasn't gonna be there in the movie, but that loose end could have been tied up and wasn't.

Nolan already said he wouldn't mention anything about the Joker in any way out of respect for his friend.

I know. But to see loose ends (and the Joker one is a very minor thing which is a personal stab from my mind more than anything else) from the guy who gave us perfect masterpieces such as Memento and Inception was not expected.

Gripes apart, I loved the movie. Hats off the Bale, Caine, JGL and the rest.

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